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Archives and Special Collections: Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill Library

Archives and Special Collections is a repository for materials contained in a variety of formats: books, manuscripts, correspondence, journals, photographs, posters, maps, original drawings, theatre programs, archival documents, and other materials.

Collection Facts at a Glance

Eugene O'Neill at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 1930

Eugene O'Neill at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 1930


The Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill Library was donated in September, 1963 to the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library at LIU Post by the then Chancellor of Long Island University, John H. G. Pell. One of O'Neill's close friends, Mr. Pell helped to manage the O'Neill's financial and investment affairs.

Collection Time Period:

This collection of 1,000 books is the only portion of the personal library of the pre-eminent American dramatist, Eugene O'Neill, and his third wife, Carlotta Monterey O'Neill, that survives as an entity.

Scope and Content:
Approximately 1,000 books.

Special Collections Reading Room

Special Collections.
B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library,
LIU Post Campus / Long Island University,
Brookville, NY 11548

User Restrictions:
The Collection is available for viewing in the Special Collections' Reading Room. Requests for digital images are considered on a case by case basis. Please call or email us for an appointment.

Photos of Carlotta and Eugene O'Neill

Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill, Cap d'Ail, France, 1929

Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill at Cap d'Ail, France, 1929

Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill photo given to Mr. and Mrs. Pell

Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill photo given to Mr. and Mrs. Pell

History of the Collection

Eugene O'Neill's personal library was partially bequeathed to the Yale University Library. This included the manuscripts of the plays and those certain books that were not already at Yale. When Yale's scrutiny of the O'Neill Library was completed, about 1,000 books remained. Most of the titles Yale kept were simply incorporated into the University's general book collection, though a few were salvaged for the Beinecke Rare Book Library.1 Acting according to the stipulation of O'Neill's will, Yale University Library sent the 1,000 remaining items to Mr. John H. G. Pell, a close friend and the financial manager of the O'Neill family, as well as the executor for this transaction. Mr. Pell reports that when the O'Neill's wondered what to do with these remaining books, he suggested several universities as recipients, "but none seemed to interest them, and they finally decided to give the library to me."2

Pell inherited the collection after O'Neill's death in 1953. He then boxed the books and stored them at the New York Historical site at Fort Ticonderoga, of which he was then the president.3 In 1963, when he was then Chancellor of Long Island University, Mr. Pell donated the O'Neill Library "to the library of C. W. Post College where I believed that it would be cherished and appreciated and made available to serious scholars."4

The Library, arranged by the LIU Post Library's Cataloguing Department in Library of Congress subject classification order, reflects the depth and variety of the O'Neill's reading. The researcher will note such books on religion as Buddha and Gospel of Buddhism and the Basic Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas; several titles by Carl Jung; many histories and biographies such as A History of the Ancient World, Strachey's Elizabeth and Essex, Ludwig's Napoleon, and Albert Jay Nock's Jefferson; and a generous and multifarious display of literature with titles by Dostoevesky, Hugo, Gide, Shakespeare, Wilde, Conrad, Emerson and Ibsen among many, many others. There is also a great interest in a miscellany of subjects with titles as The Clipper Ship Era, Social History of the American Family, Beethoven the Creator, Great Georgian Houses of America, The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci, and Chinese Gardens.

Many of these items are numbered limited editions and many are inscribed by O'Neill or as gift books to him or to Carlotta by famous authors or by family. For example, the English writer W. Somerset Maugham presents his book The Summing Up "for Carlotta from her friend...", and the Chinese writer Lin Yutang sending his book The Importance of Living to "Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Neill, compliments and warmest regards...". There are also such touching inscriptions as this in The Complete Poetical Works of William Wordsworth: "Love to Daddy from Oona, Xmas, 1931."

  1. Alexander, Doris. "Eugene O'Neill's Private Library." PLA Report. vol. 1, number 1. Spring, 1973: 4.
  2. Pell, John H. G. "O'Neill Remembered". PLA Report. vol. 1, number 1. Spring, 1973: 2.
  3. "Knowing a man by the books he keeps". The Long Island University Magazine. vol. 1, number 3. Spring, 1967: 14.
  4. Pell, John H. G. "O'Neill Remembered". PLA Report. vol. 1, number 1. Spring, 1973: 2.

Photos of Eugene O'Neill

Eugene O'Neill and Blemie at Le Plessis, Indre-et-Loire, France, 1929

Eugene O'Neill and Blemie at Le Plessis, Indre-et-Loire, France, 1929

Eugene O'Neill, 1942 at Tao House, California

Eugene O'Neill, 1942 at Tao House, California

Holdings List Subject Guide

In the boxes below, the books are arranged by subject according to the Library of Congress Classification System.

A General Works   P - PQ Languages, World Literature, Theatre
B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion   PR Literature - British
C Auxiliary Sciences of History   PS - PZ Literature - American, German, Scandinavian, Children's
D General History; European, Asian, African History   Q Science
E American History   R Medicine
F Local American and Latin American History   S Agriculture
G Geography, Anthropology, Sports/Recreation   T Technology
H Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Sociology   U Military Science
J Political Science   V Naval Science
M Music   Z Library Science and Bibliography
N Fine Arts      

Holdings List  :  A  :  General Works

Larousse, Pierre, 1817-1875.
Nouveau petit Larousse illustre; dictionnaire encyclopedique, publie sous la direction de Claude Auge. 6.200 gravures. 200 planches et tableaux. 140 cartes. Paris, Larousse, 1927.
4 p. 1., 1760 p. illus. (part col.; inclu. ports., maps) 19 ½ cm.
"Cinquante-neuvieme edition."
AG 25 L25 1927


The Bibelot, a reprint of poetry and prose for book lovers; chosen in part from scarce editions and sources not generally known. Testimonial edition. New York, Wm. H. Wise & Co., c.1895-1914, c.1925. 21 v. plates (part col.) 15.5 cm.
Vols I-XX "Edited and originally published by Thomas B. Mosher, Portland Maine." c1895-1914.
Vol. XXI: "Analytical index"
AP 2 .B47


The Radical review. Edited by Benj. R. Tucker. V.1, no. 4; Feb. 1878. New Bedford, Mass., 1878.
[1] p. 626-828 p. 23 cm.
AP 2 .R15


Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm.
Les prix Nobel... Stockholm, Imprimerie royal, 19- v.illus., plates., ports., facsims. 25cm.
AS 911 .N72

Holdings List  :  B  :  Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

Commins, Saxe, editor.
The World's Great Thinkers. Edited by Saxe Commins and Robert N. Linscott. New York: Random House [1947].
1st edition, 1st printing. 4 volumes.
Inscribed by Commins to Eugene O'Neill: "For Gene. Thirty years of friendship for a beginning, and all the others, until the last chip is played, is what I want and need. For a lifetime! Saxe." and dated "Sept. 15, 1947."
B 21 .C78


Feng, Youlan.
A History of Chinese Philosophy. The period of the Philosophers: (From the beginning to circa 100 B.C.). By Fung Yu-Lan. Translated by Derk Bode. With introduction, notes, bibliography and index. Princeton [New Jersey]: Princeton University Press, 1952.
Vol. 1. Second edition in English.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated: "Boston Dec. 2nd 1952."
B 126 .F38


Plato's Symposium, or supper; newly translated by Francis Birrell & Shane Leslie. [London] The Nonesuch Press [n.d.]
106 p.
"This edition consists of 1050 copies...of which this is number 663."
This version is corrected and revised, revision from the Rev. R. G. Bury.
B 385 .A5 B5x


Dixon, William Macneile, 1866-1945.
The human situation; the Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Glasgow, 1935-1937. New York, Longmans, Green & co.; London, E. Arnold & co., 1937.
438 p. 22 ½ cm.
B 1626 .D53 H8 1937


Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892.
The future of science. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1893.
xxiv, 491 p. 21 cm.
B 2343 .A83 E5 1893x


Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August, 1834-1919.
The riddle of the universe at the close of the nineteenth century. Translated by Joseph McCabe. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1900.
390 p.
B 3263 .W45 E5


Lin, Yutang, 1895-
The importance of living. New York, Reynal & Hitchcock [1937]
xvi p., 459 p. 22 cm.
Inscribed by the author: "Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O'Neill - Compliments & warmest regards from Lin Yutang" and dated "Nov. 25, 1937"
BD 431 .L42 1937


Jung, Carl Gustav.
Psychology and Alchemy [by] C.G. Jung. Translated by R.F.C. Hull. 270 illustrations. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul [1953].
563 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "from - Mai-Mai Sept. 1953."
BF 23 .J763 1953 v.1


Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939.
The problem of anxiety; translated from the German by Henry Alden Bunker. New York, The Psychoanalytic quarterly press and W.W. Norton & company, inc. [1936]
11-165 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
BF 173 .F64 1936a


Jung, Carl Gustav.
Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology. By C.G. Jung. . . Authorized translation. Edited by Dr. Constance E. Long. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1917.
2nd edition. 492 p.
BF 173 .J7


Jung, Carl Gustav.
Modern Man in Search of a Soul. By C.G. Jung . . . [Translated by W.S. Dell and Cary F. Baynes.] New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company; London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1934 [c.1933].
"Third impression, January 1934. 282 p.
Printed in Great Britain.
BF 173 .J74


Jung, Carl Gustav.
Psychology of the Unconscious; a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido, a contribution to the history of the evolution of thought. Authorised translation, with introduction, by Beatrice M. Hinkle. With 6 full-page illustrations, and diagrams in the text. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1922.
339 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta / Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis - 1930."
BF 173 .J8


[Moberly, Charlotte Anne Elizabeth, 1846-1937]
An adventure. With a preface by Edith Oliver and a note by J.S. Dunne. London, Faber & Faber ltd. [1931]
118 p. plates. port. group. fold. plans.
"Fourth edition, with further additional matter, 1931, reprinted . . . May 1945."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "New York April 12 - '46 from C.W.W."
BF 1473 .V3 M6 1931x


Scot, Reginald.
The Discoverie of Witchcraft. With an introduction by the Rev. Montague Summers. [London]: John Rodker, 1930.
"This edition . . . is limited to 1275 copies, and is printed . . . on a Dutch paper specially made for the edition. This copy is No. 429."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta / Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
BF 1565 .S4 1930


Jung, Carl Gustav.
Psychology and Religion. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press; London: Geoffrey Cumberlege [1946, c.1938].
"Sixth printing." 131 p. (Series: The Dwight Huntington Terry Foundation Lectures on Religion in the Light of Science and Philosophy - The Terry Lectures).
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "July 2nd 1946."
BL 53 .J3


Spence, Lewis, 1874-
A dictionary of mythology; being a concise guide to the myths of Greece and Rome, Babylonia, Egypt, America, Scandinavia, & Great Britain. London, Cassell and company, Ltd. [n.d.]
viii, 198 p. 12 x 7.5 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue Bermuda April '26"
BL 303 .S6x


Frazer, Sir James George, 1854-1941.
The golden bough; a study in magic and religion. Abridged edition. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1922.
xvi, 752 p. front. 22 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue, Paget E., Bermuda March '26"
BL 310 .F72 1922


Angus, Samuel, 1881-1943.
The mystery-religions and Christianity, a study in the religious background of early Christianity, by S. Angus. New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1925.
xvi, 357 p. 22 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue Bermuda May '26."
BL 610 .A6


Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-
An introduction to Zen Buddhism. With a forward by C.G. Jung. New York, Philosophical Library [1949]
136 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Jan. 20th 1951."
BL 1430 .S78 1949


Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro.
Essays in Zen Buddhism (First series). With ten half-tone plates. London, New York, etc.: Published for the Buddhist Society, London by Rider and Company [1949].
383 p. (series: The Complete Works of D.T. Suzuki).
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Jan. 1951."
BL 1430 .S8 1st ser. 1949


Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish, 1877-
Buddha and the gospel of Buddhism. With illustrations in colour by Abanindro Nath Tagore, C. I. E., & Nanda Lal Bose, and thirty-two reproductions in black and white from photographs. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1916.
369 p.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill"
BL 1451 .C6


The Sacred books of China: The texts of Taoism, translated by James Legge. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1891.
2 v. 23 cm.
Library has volume 1 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill"
BL 1900 .A1 S3 1891


The Sacred books of China: The texts of Taoism, translated by James Legge. London, Oxford University press [1891, 1927]
2v. in 1.
BL 1900 .A1 S3


Chuang Tzu, Mystic, Moralist, and Social Reformer. Translated from the Chinese by Herbert A. Giles. London: Bernard Quarles, 1926.
2nd edition, revised. 466 p.
BL 1900 .C5 G4 1926


LaoTzu's tao and wu wei; translated by Dwight Goddard. Wu wei. Interpretation by Henri Borel. Translated by M.E. Reynolds. New York, Brentano's [c.1919]
2 p. 1., 116 p. 19 cm.
BL 1900 .L3 G6


Dibble, Roy Floyd, 1887-
Mohammed, by R.F. Dibble. New York, The Viking Press, 1926.
257 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
BP 75 .D45


Koran. English.
The Koran; translated into English from the original Arabic, by George Sale. With explanatory notes from the most approved commentators and Sale's preliminary discourse. With an introduction, by Sir Edward Denison Ross. London, Frederick Warne and Co. Ltd. [1929?]
xvi, 208, 608 p.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue, Bermuda April '26."
BP 109 .S3 1929x


Hippolytus, Saint, fl. 217-235.
Philosophumena; or, The refutation of all heresies, formerly attributed to Origen, but now to Hippolytus, bishop and martyr, who flourished about 220 A.D. Translated from the text of Cruice, by F. Legge. London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge; New York, The Macm.illan company, 1921.
2 v. 19 cm. (Half-title: Translations of Christian literature.)
BR 45 .T6 H5


Renan, Ernest, 1832-1892.
Antichrist, including the period from the arrival of Paul in Rome to the end of the Jewish revolution. Translated and edited by Joseph Henry Allen. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1897.
vi p., 442 p. 21cm.
BR 165 .R5


Bible. O. T. Job. English. 1920.
The book of Job; its origin, growth and interpretation, together with a new translation based on a revised text, by Morris Jastrow, jr. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott company, 1920.
368, [1] p. front. 21 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
BS 1413 .J3


Bible. O. T. Ecclesiastes. English. 1919. Jastrow.
A gentle cynic; being a translation of the book of Koheleth, commonly known as Ecclesiastes, stripped of later additions, also its origin, growth and interpretation, by Morris Jastrow, Jr. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott company, 1919.
254 p. 22 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
BS 1475 .J3


Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892.
The apostles, including the period from the death of Jesus until the greater missions of Paul. Translated and edited by Joseph Henry Allen. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1898.
viii p., 315 p. 21 cm.
BS 2625 .R4 1898


Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892.
Life of Jesus. Translation newly revised from the 23rd and final edition. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1896.
3 p., [v]-x, [11]-481 p. 21cm.
Editor's note by: Joseph Henry Allen.
BT 301 .R4 1896


Mansel, Henry Longueville, 1820-1871.
The Gnostic heresies of the first and second centuries. With a sketch of his work, life and character by the Earl of Carnarvon. Edited by J.B. Lightfoot. London, John Murray, 1875.
288 p.
BT 1390 M3x


Loud, Grover Cleveland, 1890-
Evangelized America, by Grover C. Loud. New York, Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial press; Toronto, Longmans, Green & company, 1928.
xvi p., 373 p. front., plates, ports. 21 cm.
BV 3773 .L6


Imitatio Christi. English.
The Imitation of Christ, edited by Albert Hyma from hitherto undiscovered sources. New York & London, The Century Co. [c.1927]
xxxviii, 182 p. front. (port.) illus. (facsim.) 19 ½ cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To my beloved child Carlotta from Elizabeth" and dated "Easter 1927."
BV 4821 .Al 1927


Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274.
Basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Edited and annotated, with an introduction, by Anton C. Pegis. New York, Random House [1945]
2 v. 24 cm.
"First printing."
BX 890 .T62 E6 1945


Charles, Pierre.
Prayer for all times, translated by Maud Monahan from La priere de toutes les heurs. N.Y., P.J. Kenedy & sons [n.d.]
179 p. 19 cm.
Second impression.
Inscribed to Eugene O'Neill and dated "November 26th, 1933."
BX 2183 .C472


The great day; or, Motives and means of perseverance after first communion. Translated from the French, by Mrs. J. Sadlier. New York, P.J. Kenedy, 1895.
123 p. (Laetare series) Signed by the owner: "Eugene"
BX 2237 .G7x


Yeo, Margaret (Routledge) 1877-1941.
St. Francis Xavier, apostle of the East. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1932.
viii p., 325 p. incl. double map. 20 cm.
BX 4700 .F8 Y4 1932


Holdings List  :  C  :  Auxiliary Sciences of History

Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 1883-1955.
The revolt of the masses; authorized translation from the Spanish. New York, W.W. Norton & company, inc. [c1932]
204 p. 22 ½ cm.
"The Spanish original, 'La rebellion de las masas,' was published by 1930; this translation . . . remains anonymous at the translator's request."
CB 103 .072

The International who's who. 11th edition. London, Europa publications, ltd. 1947.
xx, 960 p. 26 cm.
CT 120 .I5 1947

Fuller, Robert Higginson, 1865-1927.
Jubilee Jim; the life of Colonel James Fisk, jr. By Robert H. Fuller. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1928.
viii p., 566 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 22 ½ cm.
CT 275 .F565 F8

Hammond, John Hays, 1855-1936.
The autobiography of John Hays Hammond; illustrated with photographs. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated [c.1935]
2 v. fronts., plates, ports. 23 ½ cm.
CT 275 .H3585 A3

Decies, Elizabeth Wharton (Drexel) Beresford, baroness.
"King Lehr" and the gilded age, by Elizabeth Drexel Lehr; with extracts from the locked diary of Harry Lehr; with 32 illustrations. Philadelphia, London, J.B. Lippincott company, 1935.
332 p. front., plates, ports. 22 ½ cm.
"Second impression."
CT 275 .L355 D4 1935a

Flynn, John Thomas, 1883-
God's gold; the story of Rockefeller and his times, by John T. Flynn. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, [c.1932]
ix p., 3-520 p. incl. front. (port.) illus., diagr. plates, ports. 22 ½ cm.
CT 275 .R75F6

Strachey, Giles Lytton, 1880-1932.
Eminent Victorians: Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold, General Gordon, by Lytton Strachey. London, Chatto & Windus, 1929 [c.1918]; The Phoenix library, first issued 1928.
xiii, 302 p. 6 port. (incl. front.) 23 cm.
First, second, and third impressions, 1918.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
CT 782 .S8

Holdings List  :  D  :  General History; European, Asian, African History

Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872, comp.
Putnam's dictionary of events; a series of chronological tables presenting, in parallel columns, a record of the noteworthy events of history from the earliest times to the present day, together with an index of subjects, compiled by George Palmer Putnam . . . and continued under the editorial supervision of George Haven Putnam. With historical chart, maps, and genealogical tables. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons [c.1890-1927]
vi p., 592 p. maps, col. chart, geneal. tables. 19 cm.
D 11 .P97 1927

Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870-
A history of the ancient world, by M. Rostovtzeff. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1926- 28.
2v. fronts., illus. (incl. plans) plates, fold. maps, facsim. 25 ½ cm.
Library has vol. 2 only of 2 vol. set.
D 57 .R8

Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, 1895-
The real war, 1914-1918, by Captain B.H. Liddell Hart; with twenty-five maps. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1930.
[3]-508 p.
D 521 .L48 1930a

Stallings, Laurence, 1894- , ed.
The first world war; a photographic history, edited with captions and an introduction. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1933.
4 p. 1., [1], 298 p., illus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 31 cm.
D 527 .S73

Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 1888-1935.
Revolt in the desert, by 'T.E. Lawrence.' New York, George H. Doran company, 1927, [c.1926]
xvi p., 335 p. 23 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "March 29th 1927."
D 568.4 .L42 1927

Lawrence, Arnold Walter, 1900- , ed.
T.E. Lawrence, by his friends; edited by A.W. Lawrence. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1937.
xiii, 538 p. front., plates, ports. 23 ½ cm.
D 568.4 .L45 L3 1937a

Liddell Hart, Basil Henry, 1895-
Colonel Lawrence, the man behind the legend, by Liddell Hart; with illustrations and maps. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1934.
ix, 382 p. front., plates, ports., 9 maps. 24 cm.
London edition (J. Cape) has title: 'T.E. Lawrence' in Arabia and after.
D 568.4 .L45 L5

Coulson, Thomas.
Mata Hari; courtesan and spy. London, Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd. [n.d.]
255 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
D 639 .S8 Z43

Crozier, Frank Percy, 1879-1937.
A brass hat in No man's Land, by Brig-Gen. F.P. Crozier. New York, J. Cape and H. Smith [c1930]
254 p. front., plates, ports., facsims. 21 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
D 640 .C77 1930a

[Sassoon, Siegfried Lorraine] 1886-
Memoirs of an infantry officer, by the author of Memoirs of a fox-hunting man. London, Faber & Faber limited [1930]
334 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
D 640 .S3415 1930a

Sassoon, Siegfried Lorraine, 1886-
Sherston's progress. Garden City N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1936.
6 p. 1., 3-245 p. 21 cm.
Sequel to Memoirs of an infantry officer.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Casa Genotta '36."
D 640 .S3416 1936a

Jackson, Robert Houghwout, 1892-
The Nurnberg case, as presented by Robert H. Jackson, chief of counsel for the United States, together with other documents. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1947.
xviii p., 3-268, [1] p., front., plates, ports. 22cm.
D 804 .G42J32

Jenkins, Rolland.
The Mediterranean cruise; an up-to-date and concise handbook for travelers. With 40 illustrations (some in color) and 9 maps. New York & London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1923.
ix, 279 p. col. front., plates (part col.) maps. 23 ½ cm. Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30.".
D 973 .J4

Strickland, Agnes, 1796-1874.
Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman conquest; compiled from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. Illustrated. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Company, 1892.
8 v.
Written in collaboration with Elizabeth Strickland.
Closes with the life of Anne.
DA 28.2 .S79 1892

Coulton, George Gordon, 1858-1947.
Medieval panorama; the English scene from conquest to reformation, by G.G. Coulton. New York, The Macm.illan company; Cambridge, Eng., The University press, 1938.
xiv, 801, [1] p. illus., viii pl. (incl. front. (facsim.) ports.) 22 ½ cm. DA 185 .C865

Lindsay, Philip, 1906-
The tragic king, Richard III. New York, R.M. McBride & company, 1934.
xxxii, 320 p. incl. geneal. tab. front., plates, ports. 22 ½ cm. London edition (I. Nicholson & Watson, ltd.) has title: King Richard III.
DA 260 .L6 1934

Strachey, Giles Lytton, 1800-1932.
Elizabeth and Essex; a tragic history by Lytton Strachey. London, Chatto & Windus, 1928.
[288] p. front., ports. 23 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill"
DA 355 .S8 1928a

Waldman, Milton, 1895-
Elizabeth and Leicester. [Boston, Houghton Mifflin company, 1945]
6 p. 1., 211 p. ports. 20 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
DA 355 .W26 1945

Waldman, Milton, 1895-
King, queen, jack; Philip of Spain courts Elizabeth. London, New York, [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1931.
viii, 275, [1] p. front., ports. 23½ cm.
DA 355 .W3

Bryant, Arthur, 1899-
King Charles II. London, New York, [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1936, [c1931]
371 p. front., pl., ports., fold. map. fold. plan. 22½ cm.
"Cheap edition"
DA 445 .B85 1936

Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer, 1874-1965.
Marlborough, his life and times, by the Right Honourable Winston S. Churchill. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1933-38.
6 v. fronts. (v. 1, 3, 5, 6) illus. (plans) plates, ports., maps (1 fold.) facsims. (1 fold.) 23 ½ cm.
Library has vols. 1 and 2 only of 6 vol. set.
DA 462 .M3 C45

Kronenberger, Louis, 1904-
Kings & desperate men; life in the eighteenth-century England. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1942.
xvi, 323, viii p., front., plates, ports. 22 ½ cm.
DA 485 .K76

Maurois, Andre, 1885-
Disraeli: a picture of the Victorian age; translated by Hamish Miles. London, John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd. [1927]
334 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Nov. 1927."
DA 564 .B3 M33 1927x

Benjamin, Lewis Saul, 1874-1932.
The beaux of the regency, by Lewis Melville [pseud.]. With 53 portraits, caricatures, and other illustrations, including 2 in colour. London, Hutchinson & Co., 1908.
2 v.
DA 566.4 .B4 1908

Benson, Edward Frederic, 1867-1940.
King Edward VII, an appreciation, by E.F. Benson. London, New York, [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1933.
3 p. 1., 307 p. front. (port.) 24 cm.
DA 567 .B4

Oliver, Jocelyn, comp.
Good King George's glorious reign; a pictorial record. With a foreword by Hugh Walpole. London, New York, [etc.] Oxford university press [1935]
[128] p. of illus. (incl. ports.) 28½ x 21½ cm.
DA 573 .O4

Pilgrim Trust.
Recording Britain. [London], Oxford University Press, 1946-49.
Library lacks volume 4 of the four volume set.
DA 630 .P53

Baring, Hon. Maurice, 1874-
In my end is my beginning, by Maurice Baring. London, W. Heinemann, ltd., 1931.
xv, 331, [1] p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 22½ cm.
The story of Mary queen of Scots as it might have appeared to four eye witnesses.
DA 787 .A1 B3

Gorman, Herbert Sherman, 1893-
The Scottish queen, by Herbert Gorman. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated [c.1932]
xiii, 605 p. front., plates, ports. 23½ cm.
DA 787 .A1 G6

The Scottish tartans, with historical sketches of the clans and families of Scotland, the badges and arms of the chiefs of the clans and families. Illustrated by William Semple. Edinburgh, W. & A. Johnston Ltd. [n.d.]
120 p. 11.5 x 16 cm.
DA 880 .H76 S45

Bowen, Elizabeth, 1899-
Bowen's Court. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1942.
6 p. 1., 3-458 p., illus. (map) plates, ports., geneal. tab. 22 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "1948"
DA 916.3 .B6 B6

O'Flaherty, Liam, 1897-
A tourist's guide to Ireland. London, The Mandrake press [1929]
134 p., 15½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis - Sept. 1929."
DA 925 .O4

Stephens, James, 1882-1950.
The insurrection in Dublin. Dublin and London, Maunsel & Company, Ltd. 1916.
xiv, 111 p. 19 cm.
DA 962 .S8

Adams, Henry, 1838-1918.
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres. With an introduction by Ralph Adams Cram. Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin company, [1925, c.1904]
xiv, 401 p. col. front., illus. 26½ cm.
"Published by authority of the American Institute of architects."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Maine - July 1926"
DC 20 .A2 1925

Bainville, Jacques, 1879-1936.
History of France. Translated by Alice Gauss, A.M., and Christian Gauss. New York, [etc.] D. Appleton & co., 1926.
x p., 483 p. front., ports. 22 cm.
DC 39 .B33

Funck-Brentano, Frantz, 1862-1947.
The middle ages. Translated from the French by Elizabeth O'Neill. New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons [1928?]
556 p. (The National History of France)
DC 61 .F8 1928

Funck-Brentano, Frantz, 1862-
The earliest times, by Fr. Funck-Brentano; translated from the French by E.F. Buckley. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1927.
vii, 437, [1] p. 23cm. ( The national history of France) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 61 .F84 1927a

Gabory, Emile, 1872-
Alias Bluebeard; the life and death of Gilles de Raiz. English version by Alvah C. Bessie. New York, Brewer & Warren inc., 1930.
6 p. 1., 3-315, [1] p. front. (port.) plates. 21cm.
DC 102.8 .R2 G3

[Andrews, Mrs. Marian]
The life of Louis XI, the rebel dauphin and the statesman king, from his original letters and other documents; by Christopher Hare [ pseudo.] London and New York, Harper & Brothers, 1907.
xvii, 299, [1] p. front., plates, ports., geneal. tab. 23cm. Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "1929"
DC 106 .A5

Batiffol, Louis, 1865-
The century of the renaissance <crowned by the Academie des sciences morales et politiques> Translated from the French by Elsie Finnimore Buckley, with an introduction by John Edward Courtenay Bodley. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1927.
xxvii, [1] p., 428, [1] p. 23 cm. (The National history of France) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 111 .B4 1927

Hackett, Francis, 1883-1950.
Francis the First. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & co., inc., 1935.
5 p. 1., 3-448 p. front., pl., ports. 23½ cm.
DC 113 .H3 1935

Boulenger, Jacques Romain, 1879-
The seventeenth century, by Jacques Boulenger. Translated from the French. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1933.
3 p. l., 412, [1] p. 23 cm. (The National history of France) "First published 1920; new impressions 1926...1933."
DC 121 .B65 1933

Marguerite de Valois, queen consort of Henry IV, king of France, 1553-1615.
Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois queen of Navarre, written by her own hand. Newly translated into English, with an introduction and notes by Violet Fane [pseudo.] with eight portraits from contemporary engravings. London, J.C. Nimmo; New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1892.
5 p. 1., 277 p., front., ports., facsim. 24 cm. DC 122.9 .M2 A3 1892

Magne, Emile, 1877-
Ninon de Lanclos. Translated and edited by Gertrude Scott Stevenson. London, Arrowsmith [1926]
311 p. front., pl., ports. 22cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "March 5th 1926."
DC 130 .L5 M33

Orleans, Elisabeth Charlotte, duchesse d', 1652-1722.
The letters of Madame: the correspondence of Elizabeth-Charlotte of Bavaria, princess palatine, duchess of Orleans, called "Madame" at the court of King Louis XIV. Translated and edited by Gertrude Scott Stevenson, M.A. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1925.
2 v. fronts., plates, ports., facsim. 22 cm. Printed in a Great Britain.
DC 130 .O7 A39 1925

Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de, 1675-1755.
The memoirs of the Duke of Saint-Simon on the reign of Louis XIV and the regency; translated from the French by Bayle St. John. London, G. Allen & Unwin ltd. [1926]
3 v. 22 cm.
"First published May, 1888; reprinted ...March, 1926."
Each vol. signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Sept. 1929."
DC 130 .S2 A3 1926

Stryienski, Casimir, 1853-1912.
The eighteenth century <crowned by the Academie des sciences morales et politiques> Translated from the French by H.N. Dickinson. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1928.
v, [1], 344, [1] p., 23 cm. (The National history of France. [4]) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 131 .S92 1928

Wendel, Hermann, 1884-
Danton. Translated from the German. New Haven, Yale university press, 1935.
xviii, 356 p. plates, ports., facsims., fold. map. 24½ cm.
DC 146 .D2 W42

La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Henriette Lucie (Dillon) marquise de, 1770-1853.
Recollections of the revolution and the empire, from the French of the "Journal d'une femme de cinquante ans," by La marquise de La Tour du Pin, edited and translated by Walter Geer, with fifteen photogravure illustrations. New York, Brentano's, 1920.
xxii, 422 p. front., plates, ports. 24 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Nov. 1924."
DC 146 .L3 A3

Ward, Reginald Somerset.
Maximilien Robespierre; a study in deterioration. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1934.
3 p. l., ix-xi, 359 p. front., ports., fold. geneal. tab. 22½ cm.
Pages contain O'Neill's? marginal scoring.
DC 146 .R6 W25

Saint-Elme, Elzelina Tolstoy van Aylde-Jonghe, known as Ida, 1778-1845.
Memoirs of a contemporary; being reminiscences by Ida Saint-Elme, adventuress, of her acquaintance with certain makers of French history, and of her opinions concerning them: from 1790-1815. Translated by Lionel Strachey. London, Grant Richards, 1903.
237 p. illus.
DC 146 .S13 A22 1903

Curtis, Eugene Newton, 1880-
Saint-Just, colleague of Robespierre. New York, Columbia university press, 1935.
xi, 402, [1] p., 2 port. (incl. front.) maps (1 fold.) facsim. 23½ cm.
DC 146 .S135 C8

Madelin, Louis, 1871-
The French revolution <crowned by the French academy> <Gobert prize> Translated from the French. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1931.
xiii, 661, [24] p. 23 cm. (The national history of France) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 148 .M256 1931

Currie, Laurence, 1867-
The baton in the knapsack; new light on Napoleon and his marshals. New York, E.P. Dutton and Company Inc. [1935]
223 p.
DC 151 .C8 1935

Macdonell, Archibald Gordon, 1895-1941.
Napoleon and his marshals, by A.G. Macdonell. New York, Macm.illan and co., 1934.
xii p. 368 p. diagrs. 22 cm.
DC 151 .M25 1934a

Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis, marquis de, duc de Vincence, 1773-1827.
With Napoleon in Russia; the memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, duke of Vicenza; from the original memoirs as edited by Jean Hanoteau. Abridged, edited, and with an introduction by George Libaire. New York, W. Morrow and company [c.1935]
422 p.
DC 198 .C35 A33 1935

Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942.
Joseph Fouche, the portrait of a politician. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York, The Viking press, 1930.
3 p. 1., ix-xviii, 327 p., front., pl., ports. 22 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
DC 198 .F7 Z83 1930a

Madelin, Louis, 1871-
The consulate and the empire. Translated from the French by E.F Buckley. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1934-36.
2 v. 22½ cm. (The national history of France) Printed in Great Britain Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
DC 201 .M142 1934

Bainville, Jacques, 1879-1936.
Napoleon. Translated from the French by Hamish Miles. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1933.
xiv p., [3]-418 p. front., ports. 24 cm.
DC 203 .B176 1933

Ludwig, Emil, 1881-1948.
Napoleon. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1926.
xii p., 3-707 p. ports., facsim. 24 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1929."
DC 203 .L85

Napoleon I, emperor of the French, 1769-1821.
Memoirs of Napoleon I, compiled from his own writing by F.M. Kircheisen, translated from the German by Frederick Collins, B.A., with fifteen plates. London, Hutchinson & co. ltd. [1929]
288 p.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "1929."
DC 213.2 .A4 1929

Cooper, Duff, 1st viscount Norwich, 1890-1954.
Talleyrand. New York, Harper, 1932.
369 p. illus., ports. 23 cm.
DC 255 .T3 C75

Lucas-Dubreton, Jean, 1883 -
The restoration and the July monarchy, by J. Lucas-Dubreton. Translated from the French by E.F. Buckley. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1929.
2 p. 1., 380, [2] p. 23½ cm. (The national history of France) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 256 .L82 1929a

Arnaud, Rene.
The second republic and Napoleon III. Translated from the French by E.F. Buckley. London, W. Heinemann ltd. [1930] New York, G.P. Putnam's sons.
435 p. (The national history of France)
DC 272 .A73

Rheinhardt, Emil Alphons, 1889-
Napoleon and Eugenie; the tragicomedy of an empire; translated from the German by Hannah Waller. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1931.
vi p., [3]-363, xiii, [1] p. front., ports. 23 cm. [French history and its makers]
DC 280 .R52

Recouly, Raymond, 1876-
The third republic. Translated from the French by E.F. Buckley. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1928.
1 p. 1., v-vi, 383, [1] p. 23 cm. (The National history of France) Printed in Great Britain.
DC 355 .R42 1928a

Thomson, David, 1912-
Democracy in France; the third republic Issued under the auspices of the Royal institute of international affairs. London, New York, [etc.] Oxford university press, 1946.
283 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "New York 1947."
DC 340 .T5

Cook, Sir Theodore Andrea, 1867-
Old Touraine; the life and history of the chateaux of the Loire. 7th edition. London, Rivingtons, 1920.
2 v.
Each vol. signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and on next page "'Villa Marguerite' Guethary B. - P. March 1928."
DC 611 .T734 C7 1920

Baedeker, Karl, firm, publishers, Leipzig.
Paris and its environs, with routes from London to Paris; handbook for travellers. With 66 maps and plans. 19th revised edition. Leipzig, K. Baedeker; New York, C. Scribner's sons; [etc.] 1924.
lviii, 482 p. maps (part fold.) plans (part fold.) 16 cm. Signed by the owner on half-title page: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Paris - June 1927."
DC 708 .B2 1924

White, Watson.
The Paris that is Paris. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1926.
xvii p., 477 p. front., illus. (plans, facsim.) plates, port. 17½ cm.
DC 781 .W4

Lewis, Dominic Bevan Wyndham, 1894-
Charles of Europe, by D.B. Wyndham Lewis. New York, Coward-McCann, inc; Hartford, E.V. Mitchell, inc, 1931.
9 p. 1., 3-367 p. front., ports., maps (1 fold.) 24 cm.
London edition (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1932) has title: Emperor of the West, a study of the Emperor Charles the Fifth.
DD 180.5 .L43

Baedeker, Karl, firm, publishers, Leipzig.
The Rhine, including the Black forest & the Vosges; handbook for travelers. With 69 maps and 59 plans. 17th revised edition. Leipzig, K. Baedeker; New York, C. Scribner's sons; [etc.] 1911.
xxxiv, 554 p. fold. front., illus., maps (part fold.) plans (part fold.) 16 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "June 1927. Paris"
DD 801 .R73 B38

Zimmern, Sir Alfred Eckhard, 1879-
The Greek commonwealth; politics & economics in fifth-century Athens, by Alfred Zimmern. 4th edition, revised. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1924.
5 p. 1., [7]-471, [1] p. maps (1 fold.) 23 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue, Bermuda '26 April"
DF 277 .Z5 1924

Diehl, Charles, 1859-
Byzantine portraits, translated by Harold Bell. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1927.
vii, 342 p., 22½ cm. "Le grand palais de Constantinople, by Jean Ebersolt'': folded plan in pocket.
"Originally issued as Figures byzantines. Paris: Armand Colin, 1906."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1927."
DF 506 .D52

Ferrero, Guglielmo, 1871-1942.
The greatness and decline of Rome. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons; 1909.
5 v. front. (port.) 23 cm.
Volumes 1-4 printed in England.
Volumes 1 & 2 translated by A.E. Zimmern; vols. 4 & 5 translated by H.J. Chaytor.
Volume 3 translated by Zimmern and Chaytor.
DG 254 .F33 1909

Henderson, Bernard William, 1872-1929.
The life and principate of the Emperor Hadrian, A. D. 76-138, by Bernard W. Henderson. With eight illustrations. London, Methuen & co., ltd [1923]
xi, 304 p. front., plates, ports., maps (1 fold.) 22½ cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father - Xmas 1939 from Sally & Eugene."
DG 295 .H4

Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794.
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. London, William Pickering, 1827.
8 v. (Oxford English Classics)
DG 311 .G5 1827

[Rolfe, Frederick William] 1860-1913.
Chronicles of the house of Borgia, by Frederick baron Corvo [pseudo.] London, G. Richards; New York, E.P. Dutton & co., 1901.
xxi, 374, [1] p. 10 port. (incl. front.) 26 cm.
DG 463.8 .B7 R7

Symonds, John Addington, 1840-1893.
Renaissance in Italy. New York, B.A. Cerf, D.S. Klopfer, The Modern library [1935]
2 v. 21 cm. (Half-title: The Modern library of the world's best books)
DG 533 .S945 1935

Young, George Frederick, 1846-1919.
The Medici, by Colonel G.F. Young; with 32 illustrations reproduced in aquatone. New York, The Modern library [1933]
xxi p., 824 p. xxxii pl. on 16 l. (incl. ports.) fold. geneal. tab. 21 cm. (Half-title: The Modern library of the world's best books)
DG 737.42 .Y8 1933

Sabatini, Rafael, 1875-1950.
The life of Cesare Borgia of France, duke of Valentinois and Romagna, prince of Andria and Venafri, count of Dyois, lord of Piombino, Camerino and Urbino, gonfalonier and captain-general of holy church; a history and some criticisms. With a coloured frontispiece and sixteen other illustrations in half-tone. New York, Brentano's [1923]
465 p. incl. illus. (facsim.) plates, ports. col. front. 23 cm.
Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "July 8th 1925."
DG 797.82 .S2 1923

Showerman, Grant, 1870-1935.
Eternal Rome, the city and its people from the earliest times to the present day. New Haven, Yale university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1925.
x, 650 p. plates, maps, plans. 24 cm.
"First published...May, 1924....Third printing....August,1925."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue, Bermuda April '26."
DG 808 .S4 1925

Yeo, Margaret (Routledge) 1877-
Don John of Austria, by Margaret Yeo. New York, Sheed & Ward, inc., 1934.
x, 345 p. col. front. (coat of arms) illus. (map) 20 cm.
Printed in Great Britain.
DH 193 .Y4

Saltus, Edgar Evertson, 1855-1921.
The imperial orgy, an account of the tsars from the first to the last [by] Edgar Saltus. New York, Boni & Liveright (incorporated) 1920.
ix, [2], 237 p. double front., port. 21½ cm.
Half-title page signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "April 1921."
DK 37.6 .S3

Hammer, Simon Christian, 1866-
Things seen in Norway; a description of the scenery of the country, the picturesqueness of its numberless fjords, the majesty of its mountains & waterfalls, with an account of the people & their towns, homes, customs, literature & art, by S.C. Hammer. London, Seeley, Service & co. limited, 1927.
2 p. 1., 11-153, [1] p. front., plates. 15 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill. Big half lake" and dated "Aug. 1933 from Taylor."
DL 418 .H35

Bell, Aubrey Fitz Gerald, 1882-
A pilgrim in Spain, by Aubrey F.G. Bell; with twenty illustrations and a map. London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1924]
xvi, 240 p. front., plates. 23 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
DP 42 .B52

Sanchez Canton, Francisco Javier, 1891-
Spain. Madrid, Hauser y Menet [1930?]
157 p. illus., maps. 19 cm.
At head of title: Patronato Nacional del Turismo (National Board for Travel in Spain)
DP 42 .S27 1930

Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.
Queens of old Spain, by Martin Hume. London, E. Grant Richards, 1906.
2 p. l., vii-xix, 550 p. 7 port. (incl. front.) 22½ cm.
DP 59.9 .H9

Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.
Spain, its greatness and decay (1479-1788) by Martin A.S. Hume. 3rd edition, revised by Edward Armstrong. Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1925.
x, 464 p. 19 cm.
"First edition, 1898... Third edition 1913, reprinted 1925."
DP 161 .H9 1925

Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.
The court of Philip IV. Spain in decadence by Martin Hume. A new edition. London, Eveleigh Nash & Grayson, Limited, [n.d.]
527 p.
DP 184 .H9 1927

Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, 1847-1910.
Philip II of Spain, by Martin A.S. Hume. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1927, [c.1897]
x, 267 p. incl. geneal. tab. 19 cm. (Half-title: Foreign statesmen)
DP 178 .H92

Lamb, Harold, 1892-
Genghis Khan, the emperor of all men. London, Thornton Butterworth Ltd. [1928]
287 p.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "1929"
DS 22 .L3 1928a

Renan Ernest, 1823-1892.
History of the people of Israel. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1894-96.
5 v. 21½ cm.
Translated by J.H. Allen and Mrs. E.W. Latimer.
DS 117 .R4

Magnus, Laurie, 1872-1933.
Apella; or, The future of the Jews, by a Quarterly reviewer. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd; New York, E.P. Dutton & co. [1927]
95 p. 16½ cm. [To-day and to-morrow]
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill"
DS 141 .M18

Doughty, Charles Montagu, 1843-1926.
Travels in Arabia deserta, by Charles M. Doughty, with a new preface by the author, introduction by T.E. Lawrence, and all original maps, plans, & illustrations. [3rd edition] Thin-paper edition in one volume, complete and unabridged. New York, Boni & Liveright [1921]
2 v. in 1 DS 207 .D73 1921a

Parker, Edward Harper, 1849-1926.
China, her history, diplomacy, and commerce, from the earliest times to the present day, by E.H. Parker. 2nd edition. London, J. Murray, 1917.
419 p.
DS 706 .P23 1917

Geil, William Edgar, 1865-1925.
Eighteen capitals of China. With 139 illustrations. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott company, 1911.
xx, 429 p. front., illus., plates, ports., maps. 22½ cm. DS 710 .G18

Lin, Yutang, 1895-
My country and my people. New York, Reynal & Hitchcock [1935]
xviii, 382 p. illus., plates, facsim., diagrs. 21 cm.
DS 721 .L58 1935

Smith, Arthur Henderson, 1845-1932.
Chinese characteristics, by Arthur H. Smith. Enlarged and revised. New York, Chicago, [etc.] Fleming II Revell company, c.1894 342 p. front., plates. 21cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 1st 1921."
DS 721 .S64 1894

Creel, Herrlee Glessner, 1905-
The birth of China, a study of the formative period of Chinese civilization. New York, Reynal & Hitchcock [c.1937]
2 p. 1., 3-402 p. front., illus. (plan) xv pl., diagr. 20½ cm.
DS 723 .C7 1937

Grantham, Mrs. Alexandra Etheldred (von Herder) 1867-
Hills of blue, a picture-roll of Chinese history from far beginnings to the death of Ch'ien Lung, A.D. 1799, by A.E. Grantham; with 19 portraits and a map. London, Methuen & co. ltd. [1927]
xi, 643, [1] p. front., ports. 23 cm. DS 735 .G7

Norton, Henry Kittredge, 1884-
China and the powers. New York, The John Day company, 1927.
xi, 264 p., incl. front., maps. 24 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "April 27th 1927."
DS 740.4 .N6

Douglas, Sir Robert Kennaway, 1838-1913.
China. Brought up to date by Ian C. Hannah. [4th edition] London, T. Fisher Unwin Ltd. [1920, c.1899]
xx, 492 p. illus. maps.
DS 754 .D72 1920x

Bland, John Otway Percy, 1863- , comp.
China under the empress dowager; being the history of the life and times of Tzu Hsi, compiled from state papers of the comptroller of her household, by J.O.P. Bland and E. Backhouse. New and revised Cheaper edition. Illustrated. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1914.
322 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
DS 763 .T8 B6 1914

Der Ling, princess.
Old Buddha, by Princess Der Ling. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1928.
xviii p., 347 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
DS 763 .T8 D4

Reid, John Gilbert, 1899-
The Manchu abdication and the powers, 1908-1912; an episode in pre-war diplomacy; a study of the role of foreign diplomacy during the reign of Hsuan-T'ung. Berkeley, Calif., University of California press, 1935.
3 p. 1., xiii, 497 p., front. (ports.) fold. map. 24 cm.
DS 773 .R4

Johnston, Sir Reginald Fleming, 1874-1938.
Twilight in the Forbidden city, by Reginald F. Johnston. With a preface by the Emperor. N.Y., Appleton-Century, 1934.
486 p. front., illus., plates (part fold.) ports., plans (1 fold.) facsims., geneal. tab. 24 cm.
"First published March 1934....Third impression May 1934."
DS 774 .J6 1934

Mowrer, Edgar Ansel, 1892-
Mowrer in China. With six maps by Marthe Rajchman. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Eng., Penguin books, limited [1938]
ix, 11-216 p. illus. (maps) 18 cm.
"First published 1938."
Inscribed by the author: "To Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O'Neill, This slight testimony of a great admiration. Edgar A. Mowrer"
DS 774 .M65 1938

Payne, Pierre Stephen Robert, 1911-
Forever China, by Robert Payne. New York, Dodd, Mead and company [1945]
ix, 573 p. 21 cm.
London edition (W. Heinemann ltd) has title: Chungking diary.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "New York Feb. 19th '46. Conference."
DS 777.53 .P3 1945a

Crosby, Oscar Terry, 1861-
Tibet and Turkestan; a journey through old lands and a study of new conditions. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1905.
xvi p., 331 p. front., 54 pl., fold. map. 21½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1927."
DS 785 .C85

Sherap, Paul, 1887-
A Tibetan on Tibet; being the travels and observations of Mr. Paul Sherap (Dorje Zodba) of Tachienlu; with an introductory chapter on Buddhism and a concluding chapter on the devil dance, by G.A. Combe. London, T.F. Unwin, ltd. [1926]
xx, 212 p. front. (ports.) fold. map. 22½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1927."
DS 785 .S45

Brinkley, Frank, 1841-1912.
Japan and China: Their history, arts and literature. Library edition. London, T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1903-1904.
12 v. plates (part col.) fold. maps (part col.) 24 cm.
DS 806 .B85 1903x

Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner, 1797-1875.
Modern Egypt and Thebes: being a description of Egypt; including the information required for travellers in that country. By Sir Gardner Wilkinson. London, J. Murray, 1843.
2 v. illus., fold. map. 22½ cm. DT 46 .W69

Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner, 1797-1875.
Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their private life, government, laws, arts, manufactures, religion, and early history; derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors. Illustrated by drawings of those subjects. By J.G. Wilkinson. London, J. Murray, 1837.
3 v. col. fronts., illus., plates (part col., part fold.) 22½ cm.
DT 60 .W5 1837

Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner, 1797-1875.
A second series of the Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians, including their religion, agriculture, &c. Derived from a comparison of the paintings, sculptures, and monuments still existing, with the accounts of ancient authors. By Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson. London, J. Murray, 1841.
3 v. illus., plates (part col., part fold.) 22 cm.
DT 60 .W52 1841

Millin, Sarah Gertrude (Liebson) 1889-
The South Africans, by Sarah Gertrude Millin. London, Constable & co. ltd. [1926]
vii, 280 p. 20½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "May 23rd 1927."
DT 766 .M5

Millin, Sarah Gertrude (Liebson) 1889-
Cecil Rhodes, by Sarah Gertrude Millin. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1933.
viii p., 449 p. front. 24 ½ cm.
London edition (Chatto & Windus) has title: Rhodes.
DT 776 .R4 M72 1933a

O' Brien, Frederick.
White shadows in the South Seas. With many illustrations from photographs. New York, The Century co., 1919.
xiv, 450 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm. Plates printed on both sides.
DU 700 .O4

Clark, Thomas Blake.
Omai, first Polynesian ambassador to England; the true story of his voyage there in 1774 with Captain Cook; of how he was feted by Fanny Burney, approved by Samuel Johnson, entertained by Mrs. Thrale & Lord Sandwich and painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. [San Francisco] The Colt press, 1940.
2 p. 1., 114, [1] p. port. 25 x 19½ cm.
"Five hundred copies issued."
Inscribed to the owner: "To Gene - Happy birthday. May the coming years bring you the full measure of happiness you so rightly deserve. Affectionately - Dad" and dated "October 16 - 1940"
DU 870 .C6

Holdings List  :  E  :  American History

Catlin, George, 1796-1872.
North American Indians; being letters and notes on their manners, customs, and conditions, written during eight years' travel amongst the wildest tribes of Indians in North America, 1832-1839. With 320 illustrations, carefully engraved from the author's original paintings. Edinburgh, J. Grant, 1926.
2 v. fronts., plates, ports., maps. 26½ cm.
First edition, New York, 1841, published under title: Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians.
Library has vol. 2 only of 2 vol. set.
Inscribed by the owner: "Happy Birthday! from the 'old one' Carlotta" and dated "Oct. 16th 1943."
E 77 .C3973


Rowlandson, Mrs. Mary (White).
The narrative of the captivity and restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. First printed in 1682 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, & London, England, whereunto are annexed a map of her removes & biographical & historical notes. The Lancaster edition. Boston, Houghton Mifflin company, 1930.
vi p., [3]-86 p. illus. ( incl. map) pl. 18½ cm.
"This edition consists of fifteen hundred copies."
Edited by Frederick Lewis Weis.
1682 first edition has title: The soveraignty and goodness of God...being a narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.
E 87 .R892


Gray, Edward Francis, 1871-
Leif Eriksson, discoverer of America A. D. 1003, by Edward F. Gray. New York, Oxford university press, 1930.
xxxii, 188 p. illus., plates, maps (1 fold.) facsims., diagr. 26 cm.
Printed in Great Britain.
Inscribed by the owner: "To Father. Xmas 1934. Eugene. I hope you will find it as interesting as I have."
E 105 .E68


Rogers, Agnes, 1893- , comp.
The American procession, American life since 1860 in photographs. With running comment by Frederick Lewis Allen. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1933.
[190] p. of illus. (incl. ports) 31½ cm.
E 161 .R74


Branch, Edward Douglas, 1905-
The sentimental years. 1836-1860 [by] E. Douglas Branch. New York, London, D. Appleton-Century company, incorporated, 1934.
xiii, 432 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 23 cm.
"A social discussion of the first generation of the American middle class."
Includes music.
E 166 .B82


Nichols, Thomas Low, 1815-1901.
Forty years of American life, 1821-1861. New York, Stackpole sons [c.1937]
421 p. 23½ cm.
E 166 .N625


Trollope, Anthony, 1815-1882.
North America. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1862.
2 v. in 1.
E 167 .T84 1862bx


Duhamel, Georges, 1884-
Scenes de la vie future. Paris, Mercvre de France, 1930.
248 p.
"Edition limited to 625 copies numbered 320-1944, this is Exemplaire No. 1734"
E 169.1 .D85 1930


Priestley, Herbert Ingram, 1875-1944.
The coming of the white man, 1492-1848. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1929.
411 p. (A History of American life, v.1)
E 169.1 .H67 v.1


Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 1879-
The first Americans, 1607-1690. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1929, [c.1927]
xx p., 358 p. front., plates, ports., map, facsims. 22½ cm. (A history of American life, vol. II)
E 169.1 .H67 v.2


Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949.
Provincial society, 1690-1763. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1928, [c.1927]
xvii p., 374 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 22½ cm. (A History of American life, vol. III)
E 169.1 .H67 v.3


Fish, Carl Russell, 1876-1932.
The rise of the common man. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1929, [c.1927]
xix p., 391 p. front., plates. 22½ cm. (A History of American life, vol. VI) On cover: 1839-1850.
E 169.1 .H67 v.6


Cole, Arthur Charles, 1886-
The irrepressible conflict, 1850-1865. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1934.
xv p., 468 p. front., plates, ports., map, facsim. 22½ cm. (A history of American life. Vol. VII)
E 169.1 .H67 v.7


Nevins, Allan, 1890-
The emergence of modern America, 1865-1878. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1932, [c.1927]
446 p.
"History of American life vol.8"
E 169.1 .H67 v.8


Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 1857-1944.
The nationalizing of business, 1878-1898, Ida M. Tarbell. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1936.
xvi p., 313 p. front., plates (1 double) ports. 22 cm. (A History of American life, vol. IX)
E 169.1 .H67 v.9


Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1888-
The rise of the city, 1878-1898. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1933.
494 p.
"A history of American life, vol. X"
E 169.1 .H67 v.10


Faulkner, Harold Underwood, 1890-
The quest for social justice, 1898-1914. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1931.
xvii p., 390 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm. (A History of American life. vol. XI)
E 169.1 .H67 v.11


Slosson, Preston William, 1892-
The great crusade and after, 1914-1928. With an editorial foreword by Arthur M. Schlesinger and Dixon Ryan Fox. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1931, [c.1930]
xviii p., 486 p. front., plates, facsims. 23 cm. (A history of American life, vol. XII) A history of America since 1914.
E 169.1 .H67 v.12


Kallen, Horace Meyer, 1882-
Individualism; an American way of life [by] Horace M. Kallen. New York, Liveright, inc. [c.1933]
x, 241 p. 21 cm.
E 169.1 .K28


The Chronicles of America series ... 1920. New Haven: Yale University press; Toronto: Glasgow, Brook & Co; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1920.
"Extra-illustrated edition."
Library has vols. 1 - 50 only of the set.
Vol. 1 inscribed by the owner: "To Gene - To you, darling, these 'Chronicles of American History', with all my love, on this Christmas of 1935. Carlotta"
E 173 .C555


Adams, Henry, 1838-1927.
The education of Henry Adams; an autobiography. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1927, c.1918 519 p.
"Popular edition"
Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
E 175.5 .A17423


Bourne, Edward Gaylord, 1860-1908.
Spain in America, 1450-1580. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1904.
xx, 350 p. incl. front. (port.) maps. 5 maps (3 double) 21½ cm. (The American nation: a history, v.3)
E 178 .A54 v.3


Wilson, Woodrow, pres. U.S., 1856-1924.
A history of the American people. Illustrated with portraits, maps, plans, facsimiles, rare prints, contemporary views, etc. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1902.
5 v. front., illus., plates, ports., maps, plans, facsims. 23½ cm.
Each vol. signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29."
E 178 .W76


Kouwenhoven, John Atlee, 1909-
Adventures of America, 1857-1900; a pictorial record from Harper's weekly, by John A. Kouwenhoven. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1938.
[256] p. illus. 31 cm.
E+ 178.5 .K692


Branch, Edward Douglas, 1905-
Westward; the romance of the American frontier, by E. Douglas Branch. Woodcuts by Lucina Smith Wakefield. New York and London, D. Appleton and company. 1930.
ix, [1] p., 3-626, [1] p. illus. (incl. maps, 1 double) 22½ cm.
E 179.5 .B81


Andrews, Charles McLean, 1863-1943.
The colonial period of American history, by Charles M. Andrews. New Haven, Yale university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1934-
v. 24½ cm.
Libray has vol. 2 only of the set.
E 188 .A572


Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836.
Memoirs of Aaron Burr. With miscellaneous selections from his correspondence. By Matthew L. Davis. New York, Harper & brothers, 1836-37.
2 v.
E 302.6 .B9 B9


Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Benjamin Franklin's own story; his Autobiography continued from 1759 to his death in 1790, with a biographical sketch drawn from his writings, by Nathan G. Goodman. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania press, 1937.
3 p. 1., 268 p. front. (port.) 21cm.
E 302.6 . F7 A2 1937


Fay, Bernard, 1893-
Bernard Fay's Franklin, the apostle of modern times. With illustrations. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1929.
547 p.
"First printing"
E 302.6 .F8 F28


Van Doren, Carl Clinton, 1885-
Benjamin Franklin, by Carl Van Doren. New York, Viking Press, 1938.
845 p.
E 302.6 .F8 V32


Washington, George, Pres. U. S., 1732-1799.
Basic writings of George Washington, edited, with an introduction and notes, by Saxe Commins. New York, Random House [1948]
xvii, 697 p. 21 cm.
Inscribed by the editor: "For Gene - Through all the years with unchanging love and devotion. Always - Saxe" and dated "July 9, 1948."
E 312.72 1948


Bobbe, Dorothie (De Bear).
Abigail Adams, the second first lady, by Dorothie Bobbe. New York, Minton, Balch & company, 1929.
ix p., 3-336 p. front., illus. (facsim.) plates, ports. 21 cm.
E 322.1 .B66


Bowers, Claude Gernade, 1879-1958.
Jefferson in power, the death struggle of the Federalists [by] Claude G. Bowers. Boston, Houghton Mifflin company, 1936.
xix p., 538 p. front., plates, ports. 23 cm.
E 331 .B75


Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949.
The living Jefferson. New York, C. Scribner's sons; London, C. Scribner's sons ltd., 1936.
vii p., 403 p. 23½ cm.
E 332 .A24


Nock, Albert Jay, 1872 or 3-1945.
Jefferson. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c.1926]
5 p. 1., 3-340 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 2 facsim. 21½ cm.
E 332 .N75


Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933.
William Lloyd Garrison. 2d edition, revised and enlarged. Boston, The Atlantic monthly press [c.1921]
xii, 289 p. front. (port.) 19½ cm.
E 449 .G251


Lorant, Stefan, 1901-
Lincoln, his life in photographs. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce [c.1941]
160 p. illus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 30½ cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Happy Election Day! To 'Bobohirk' from Carlotta." and dated "Nov. 7th 1944."
E + 457.6 .L8


Blackford, William Willis, 1831-1905.
War years with Jeb Stuart, by Lieut. Colonel W.W. Blackford, C.S.A. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1945.
xiii p., 322 p., incl. front. plates, ports., map. 21 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Gene - Happy Birthday, with best wishes and much love from Dad" and dated "October 1945."
E 470 .B6


Leech, Margaret, 1893-
Reveille in Washington, 1860-1865. New York and London, Harper & brothers [c.1941]
x p., 483, [1] p. illus. (maps, facsim.) plates. 24.5 cm.
E 501 .L4


Beer, Thomas, 1889-
Hanna. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1929.
xi, 325, xii p. 22½ cm. "Of the first edition of Hanna. Two hundred and fifty copies, of which two hundred and forty are for sale, have been printed on Crane's Olde Book. Numbered from 1 to 250. Each copy is signed by the author. This is number 179."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
E 664 .H24 B41


Milton, George Fort, 1894-
The age of hate; Andrew Johnson and the radicals. New York, Coward-McCann, inc., 1930.
xi, 787 p. front., plates, ports., facsims. 24 cm.
E 667 .M66


Bowers, Claude Gernade, 1879-1958.
The tragic era; the revolution after Lincoln, by Claude G. Bowers. Cambridge, Houghton Mifflin company, 1929.
xxii p., [3]-567 p. front., plates (incl. facsim.) ports. 23 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "1932."
E 668 .B779


Millis, Walter, 1899-
The martial spirit; a study of our war with Spain. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1931.
xii p., 427 p. front., plates, ports. 23 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill"
E 715 .M76


Sullivan, Mark, 1874-
Our times; the United States, 1900-1925. New York, [etc.] C. Scribner's sons, 1926-35.
6 v. illus. (incl. ports., maps, facsims., music) 23½ cm.
Library has vols. 1, 4, 5, and 6 only of 6 vol. set.
E 741 .S9


Lorentz, Pare, ed.
The Roosevelt year; a photographic record. New York and London, Funk & Wagnalls company, 1934.
viii, 197 p. of illus., ports., map. 30½ cm. (Literary digest books)
E 806 .L65

Holdings List  :  F  :  Local American and Latin American History

Crawford, Mary Caroline, 1874-1932.
Among old New England inns; being an account of little journeys to various quaint inns and hostelries of colonial New England. Boston, L.C. Page & company, 1907.
xiii, 381 p. front., 47 pl. 19½ cm. (Little pilgrimages)
F 5 .C89


Jennison, Keith Warren.
The Maine idea; stories and pictures. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [1943]
3 p. 1., 89 p. illus. 24 x18½ cm.
F 25 .J4


Jennison, Keith Warren.
Vermont is where you find it, stories and pictures. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c.1941]
4 p. l., 118 p. illus. 24 x 18½ cm.
F 54 .J47


Rugg, Winnifred King.
Unafraid; a life of Anne Hutchinson. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1930.
xiii p., 263 p. front. 22½ cm.
F 67 .H932


Valentine's manual of old New York, 1916/17-1917/18, 1919-19 New York, Valentine's manual, inc. [c.1916]
Library has vol. 16 (1926) only, edited by Henry Collins Brown and illustrated.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "N.Y. 1926."
F 128.1 .V16


Lynch, Denis Tilden.
"Boss" Tweed; the story of a grim generation. New York, Blue Ribbon Books, 1931, c.1927 ix p., 13-433 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
F 128.47 .T96


Chamberlain, Samuel, 1895-
Behold Williamsburg, a pictorial tour of Virginia's colonial capital; illustrations and text. Published in cooperation with Colonial Williamsburg. New York, Hastings House [1947]
176 p. illus. 25cm. Inscribed to the owners: "For Carlotta & Eugene with love from Parallee" and dated "Sept - 47"
F 234 .W7 C47


Lovell, Caroline Couper (Stiles) 1862-
The Golden isles of Georgia, by Carolina Couper Lovell. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1932.
viii p., [3]-300 p. front., plates, ports. 21 cm.
F 286 .L88


Kemble, Frances Anne, 1809-1893.
Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation in 1838-1839. New York, Harper & brothers, 1863.
337 p. 19 cm.
F 290 .K33


[Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] 1835-1910.
Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain [pseud.] New York and London, Harper & brothers [1917]
4 p. l., 526, [1] p. front., 20½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
F 353 .C6443


Asbury, Herbert, 1891-
The French quarter; an informal history of the New Orleans underworld. New York, London, A.A. Knopf, 1936.
[3]-462 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
F 379 .N5 A78


Confederate States of America. President.
A compilation of the messages and papers of the confederacy, including the diplomatic correspondence, 1861-1865; published by permission of Congress by James D. Richardson. Nashville, United States publishing company, 1906 [c.1904]
2 v. front., ports. 24 cm. "Running title: messages and papers of the confederacy"
F 487 .C746 1906


Sutley, Zachary Taylor, 1848-1930.
The last frontier, by Zack T. Sutley. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1930.
vi p., 350 p. fold. map. 23 cm. Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
F 594 .S97


Stellman, Louis John, 1877-
Mother lode; the story of California's gold rush, by Louis J. Stellman; cover design and decorations by Paul Rockwood. San Francisco, Calif., Harr Wagner publishing company [c.1934]
xv, 304 p. front., plates, ports. 19½ cm. F 865 .S8194


Stewart, George Rippey, 1895-
Ordeal by hunger; the story of the Donner party, by George R. Stewart, jr.; with drawings by Ray Boynton, maps and other illustrations. New York, H. Holt and company [c.1936]
xii, 328 p. front., illus. (maps) plates, facsims. 22 cm.
"Roster of the Donner party": p. 299-300.
"Condensed itinerary of the Donner party": p. 301-303.
F 868 .N5 S7


Edwords, Clarence Edgar, 1856-
Bohemian San Francisco, its restaurants and their most famous recipes; the elegant art of dining, by Clarence E. Edwords. San Francisco, P. Elder and company [c.1914]
xiv, 188 p., incl. mounted front. 20½ cm. F 869 .S3 E26


Diaz del Castillo, Bernal, 1942-1581?
The true history of the conquest of Mexico, written in the year 1568 by Captain Bernal Diaz del Castillo, one of the conquerors, and translated from the original Spanish by Maurice Keating, esq. With an introduction by Arthur D. Howden Smith. London [etc.] G.G. Harrap & company ltd. [1928]
2 v. fronts. (ports.) illus., plates, map, plans. 24 cm.
F 1230 .D5432


Riesenberg, Felix, 1879-1939.
Cape Horn; the story of the Cape Horn region, including the straits of Magellan, from the days of the first discoverers, through the glorious age of sail, to the present time; recounting the exploits of Magellan, Drake, Schouten, Fitzroy, Darwin, Melville, and many others, including the author's own experiences; wherein many new facts are brought to light, an important geographical discovery is made, and several great heroes of the sea, foremost of them John Davis, are for the first time given their due. Charts by William Briesemeister ... frontispiece painting by Gordon Grant; illustrated with charts and photographs. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1939.
xv, 452 p. col. front., illus., plates (1 double) maps (part double) 27 cm.
F 2217 .R55


Hudson, William Henry, 1841-1922.
Idle days in Patagonia, by W.H. Hudson. Illustrated by Alfred Hartley and J. Smit. New York, E.P. Dutton & co. [1917]
vii p., 249 p. front. (port.) plates. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene G. O'Neill"
F 2936 .H883


Casey, Robert Joseph, 1890-
Easter island, home of the scornful gods, by Robert J. Casey. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, [c.1931]
6 p. 1., 9-337 p. front., plates, map. 24 cm.
F 3169 .C28 1931

Holdings List  :  G  :  Geography, Anthropology, Sports/Recreation

Rose, John Holland, 1855-
Man and the sea; stages in maritime and human progress, by J. Holland Rose. Cambridge [Eng.] W. Heffer & sons ltd. [1935]
xi, 288 p. front., illus., plates, ports., maps (part fold.) 22 cm.
G 80 .R6


Benson, Stella, 1892-1933.
The little world. With illustrations by the author. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1925.
316 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "June 2nd 1926. en route to California."
G 463 .B465 1925


Hill, Edwin Conger, 1884-
The human side of the news. New York city, W.J. Black, inc., 1934.
5 p. 1., 3-226 p. front. (port.) 19½ cm.
G 525 .H5


Lubbock, Alfred Basil, 1876-
Bully Hayes, South sea pirate, by Basil Lubbock. Boston, Charles E. Lauriat company, 1931.
xi, [1], 322 p., col. front., plates. 26 cm. "Printed in Great Britain."
G 537 .H3 L8


Abbey, Charles Augustus, 1841-1919.
Before the mast in the clippers; composed in large part of the diaries of Charles A. Abbey kept while at sea in the years 1856 to 1860, by Harpur Allen Gosnell. New York, The Derrydale press, 1937.
ix p., 283 p. col. front., illus., plates., ports., fold. maps, facsim. 26 cm. "Nine hundred and fifty copies . . . have been printed...This copy is no. 272."
G 540 .A25


Hauser, Heinrich, 1901-
Fair winds and foul; ship, crew, sea, horizon. Translated from the German by Bertha Szold Levin. New York, Liveright, inc. [c1932]
5 p. 1., 254 p. front., plates. 21 cm. G 540 .H38


Bartholomew, John, 1831-1893.
The handy reference atlas of the world. 10th edition, edited by John Bartholomew. Boston, Charles. E. Lauriat, [c. 1923]
66, 223, [1], 172 p. incl. 127 col. maps, illus., diagr. 19½ cm. World maps show physical features, temperature, rainfall, winds, vegetation, ocean currents, population, races, religions, occupations, languages of commerce, time and commerce.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
G 1019 .B3 1923x


Vogt, William, 1902-
Road to survival. With an introduction by Bernard M. Baruch. Illustrated by Stuart I. Freeman. New York, W. Sloane Associates [1948]
335 p. illus.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Ritz. Boston 1948"
GF 31 .V6


Hiler, Hilaire, 1898-
From nudity to raiment; an introduction to the study of costume. London, W. and G. Foyle Ltd. [n.d.]
303 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill." and dated "Le Plessis '29"
GN 418 .H5x


Werner, Edward Theodore Chalmers, 1864-1954.
Myths & legends of China, by E.T.C. Werner. With thirty-two illustrations in colors by Chinese artists. New York, Farrar & Rinehart [1933]
2 p. l., 7-453, [1] p. col. front., col. plates. 21½ cm. (On cover: The myths series) Printed in Great Britain.
GR 335 .W35 1933


Kelly, Francis Michael, 1879-
Historic costume, a chronicle of fashion in western Europe, 1490-1790, by Francis M. Kelly & Randolph Schwabe. London, B.T. Batsford ltd. [1925]
xv p., 284 p. incl. illus., plates (part col.) ports. (part col., 1 double) col. front. 25½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Feb. 1926."
GT 720 .K4


Norris, Herbert.
Costume & fashion. Illustrated in colour & black & white by the author. London, and Toronto, J.M. Dent and sons ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton and co., [1933]
Library has volume 6 only of the set.
GT 720 .N6


Piton, Camille, 1842-1917.
Le costume civil en France du XIII au XIX siecle; ouvrage orne de 700 illustrations directes par la photographie, d'après les documents du temps (statues, peintures murales, tapisseries, vitraux, etc.) Paris, E. Flammarion [1926]
2 p. 1., 380 p., illus., 12 col. pl. 28½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
GT 850 .P5


Boehn, Max von, 1860-1932.
Modes & manners: ornaments; lace, fans, gloves, walking-sticks, parasols, jewelry and trinkets. Translated from the German; with 241 illustrations in monochrome and 16 in colour. London & Toronto, J.M. Dent & sons, ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & co., inc. [1929]
xix, 273, [1] p. illus., xvi col. pl. (incl. front.) 22½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
GT 2050 .B6


Graves, Robert, 1895-
Lars Porsena; or, The future of swearing and improper language. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & co. [1927]
94 p. 16½ cm. [To-day and to-morrow]
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill"
GT 3080 .G7


Foster, Robert Frederick, 1853-
Foster's complete IIoyle; an encyclopedia of games. Revised and enlarged, with revisions of the law of auction bridge, including all indoor games played to-day. With suggestions for good play, illustrative hands and all official laws to date, by R.F. Foster. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [c1927]
xxiv, 677 p. illus., diagrs. 21cm.
GV 1243 .F77 1927


Kellock, Harold, 1879-
Houdini, his life-story by Harold Kellock from the recollections and documents of Beatrice Houdini. New York, Harcourt, Brace & company [c1928]
x p., 384 p. incl. illus., facsims. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Eugene O'Neill, with every good wish from Bernard M.L. Ernst" and dated "June 7, 1934."
GV 1545 .H8 K4


Karsavina, Tamara.
Theatre street; the reminiscences of Tamara Karsavina, With a foreword by J.M. Barrie. London, W. Heinemann, ltd. [1930]
xv, 341 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 22cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
GV 1785 .K3 A3 1930a

Holdings List  :  H  :  Social Sciences, Economics and Business, Sociology

Marsh, Frank Burr, 1880-1940.
Modern problems in the ancient world. Austin, The University of Texas press, 1943.
123 p. 23½ cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father from Eugene" and dated "Jan '44."
HC 37 .M3


Flanders, Ralph Edward, 1880-
Platform for America, by Ralph E. Flanders. New York, London, Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill book company, inc. [c1936]
ix, 118 p. 21cm. HC 106.3 .F52


Sakolski, Aaron Morton, 1880-
The great American land bubble; the amazing story of land-grabbing, speculations, and booms from colonial days to the present time, by A.M. Sakolski. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1932.
xii, p., 373 p. front., illus., plates, ports., maps, facsims. 22½ cm.
HD 191 .S3


Caldwell, Erskine, 1903-
You have seen their faces, by Erskine Caldwell and Margaret Bourke-White. New York, Modern age books, inc. [1937]
4 p. 1., 54 p. plates. 28½ cm. [Modern age books. Gold seal books, no. 28]
Illustrated with photographs by Margaret Bourke-White.
HD 207 .C3 1937a


Glotz, Gustave, 1862-1935.
Ancient Greece at work; an economic history of Greece from the Homeric period to the Roman conquest. With forty-nine illustrations. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1926.
402 p.
"Translated by M.R. Dobie."
HD 4844 .G53


Clark, Arthur Hamilton, 1841-
The clipper ship era; an epitome of famous American and British clipper ships, their owners, builders, commanders, and crews, 1843-1869, by Arthur H. Clark with 39 illustrated. New York and London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1910.
xii p., 404 p. front., plates, ports. 20½ cm.
HE 745 .C5


McKay, Richard Cornelius.
South street; a maritime history of New York, by Richard C. McKay. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons [c1934]
xxii, 460 p. col. front., plates, ports., facsims. 24 cm.
HE 767 .N5M3


Riegel, Robert Edgar, 1897-
The story of the western railroads. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1926.
xv p., 345 p. 21 cm.
HE 2763 1926


Hicks, Frederick Charles, 1875- , editor.
High finance in the sixties; chapters from the early history of the Erie railway, by Charles Francis Adams, jr., Henry Adams, Albert Stickney [and others] edited, with an introduction, by Frederick C. Hicks. New Haven, Yale university press; London, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1929.
7 p. 1., 410 p. ports. 24 cm.
The present volume contains essays first published in 1871 and 1872.
HE 2791 .E688 1929


Josephson, Matthew, 1899-
The robber barons; the great American capitalists, 1861-1901. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c1934]
3-474 p.
HG 181 .J6


State street trust company, Boston.
The log of the State street trust company, containing a description of its colonial banking rooms, its ship models, quaint furnishings, rare prints of ships, and views of Boston and other New England towns, including a story of the "Lamp shade fleet" and sketches of the company's staff, with a story of the National union bank and a chapter on the significance of State street as a business centre. Boston, Priv. print., State street trust company, 1926.
3 p. 1., 87 p. front., illus. (incl. facsims.) 24 cm.
"Edited, arranged and printed by direction of Walton advertising & printing co., Boston, Mass."
Inscribed: "Presented to Ian Pace Sept. 10th 1933 by Allen Forbes - President: State street trust co. Boston"
HG 4356 .B6 S8


Skinner, Richard Dana, 1893-
Seven kinds of inflation - and what to do about them. New York, London, Whittlesey house, McGraw-Hill book company, inc. [c1937]
xvii, 273 p. 21cm. HG 4539 .S53


Northrop, Henry Davenport, 1836-1909.
Life and achievements of Jay Gould, the wizard of Wall Street; being a complete and graphic account of the greatest financier of modern times . . . Embellished with numerous fine illustrations. Philadelphia, National Publishing Company, c.1892.
512 p.
HG 4571 .G6x


Barron, Clarence Walker, 1855-1928.
They told Barron; conversations and revelations of an American Pepys in Wall street, the notes of the late Clarence W. Barron. Edited and arranged by Arthur Pound and Samuel Taylor Moore. New York, London, Harper & brothers, 1930.
xxxiii p., 372 p. front. (port.) 24 cm.
"Publications of Clarence Walker Barron": p. xxxiii.
HG 4572 .B3


Barron, Clarence Walker, 1855-1928.
More they told Barron; conversations and revelations of an American Pepys in Wall street, the notes of the late Clarence W. Barron. Edited and arranged by Arthur Pound and Samuel Taylor Moore. New York, London, Harper & brothers, 1931.
x p., 334 p. front. (port.) 24 cm.
HG 4572 .B32


Russell, Bertrand Russell, 3d earl, 1872-
Proposed roads to freedom; socialism, anarchism and syndicalism. New York, H. Holt and company, 1919.
218 p.
First edition published in 1918 under title: Roads to freedom.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene G. O'Neill"
HN 15 .R7


Asbury, Herbert, 1891-
The Barbary coast; an informal history of the San Francisco underworld. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1933.
7 p. 1., [3]-319, xi, [1] p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
HN 80 .S4 A8 1933b


Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842.
On love, translated from the French by H.B.V. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1927.
xxvi p., 420 p. 19½ cm.
Translated by Vivian B. Holland HQ 21 .B6


Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume, 1869-1951.
Corydon. With a comment on the second dialogue in Corydon by Frank Beach. New York, Farrar, Straus, 1950.
xx, 220 p. 21 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "1950 February 14th."
HQ 76 .G512 1950


Calhoun, Arthur Wallace, 1885-
A social history of the American family from colonial times to the present, by Arthur W. Calhoun. Cleveland, The Arthur H. Clark company, 1917-19.
3 v. 24.5 cm.
Each volume inscribed to Eugene O'Neill and dated "Xmas, 1935."
HQ 535 .C2


Cunnington, Cecil Willett.
Feminine attitudes in the nineteenth century, by Dr. C. Willett Cunnington. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1936.
xi, 314 p. front., plates. 22cm. Printed in Great Britain.
HQ 1593 .C8 1936


Goncourt, Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de, 1822-1896.
The woman of the eighteenth century, her life, from birth to death, her love and her philosophy in the world of salon, shop and street, by Edmond & Jules de Goncourt, translation by Jacques Le Clercq & Ralph Roeder. New York, Minton, Balch & company, 1927.
5 p. 1., 3-347 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
HQ 1613 .G66


Lubbock, Alfred Basil, 1876-
The opium clippers, by Basil Lubbock. Boston, Charles E. Lauriat company, 1933.
xiv p., 392 p. front., 1 illus., plates (1 col., 1 fold.) ports., maps (part fold.) 25½ cm.
HV 5816 .L8


White, William Alanson, 1870-1937.
Crimes and criminals, by William A. White. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated [c1933]
viii, 276 p. 21½ cm.
HV 6025 .W45


Pearson, Edmund Lester, 1880-1937.
Murder at Smutty Nose and other murders, by Edmund Pearson. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Page & company, 1927, [c.1926]
x p., 330 p. plates, ports., map, facsim. 21½ cm.
HV 6515 .P4 1927


Pasley, Fred D.
Muscling in. [New York] I. Washburn, 1931.
5 p. 1., 9-261 p. 20cm. Inscribed by the author: "To Carlotta Monterey O'Neill, in remembrance of my finest experience as a reporter - Fred D. Pasley" and dated "January, 1932"
HV 6783 .P3


Willemse, Cornelius William, 1871-1942.
A cop remembers [by] Captain Cornelius W. Willemse, with an introduction by Hendrik Willem Van Loon; two photographs and three charts. New York, E.P. Dutton & co., inc [c1933]
344 p. incl. tables. 2 port. (incl. front.) 22½ cm.
HV 7914 .W616 1933a

Holdings List  :  J  :  Political Science

The Politics of Aristotle, translated, with an introduction, notes and appendixes, by Ernest Barker. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1946.
2 p. 1., [iii]-1xxvi, 411, [1] p. 23cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father, X-mas '46 from Eugene."
JC 71 .A41 B3


Kallen, Horace Meyer, 1882- , editor.
Freedom in the modern world, edited by Horace M. Kallen; lectures delivered at the New school for social research by: Walton H. Hamilton, Rev. John A. Ryan, D.D., F.J. Foakes-Jackson [and others]. New York, Coward-McCann, inc, 1928.
xii, 304 p. 21½ cm.
JC 585 .K25


Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1870-1949.
Bulwark of the republic; a biography of the Constitution, by Burton J. Hendrick. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1937.
467 p.
JK 31 .H4

Holdings List  :  M  :  Music

Text book of songs in repertoire of Feodor Chaliapin. New York, Metropolitan Musical Bureau, 192?
47 p.
Inscribed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey. 'Hippodrome' [?] and dated "December 25th 1921."
M 756 .T4x


Rolland, Romain, 1866-
Beethoven the creator. The great creative epochs. London, V. Gollancz ltd., 1929-
v. illus. (music) plates (part double) ports., facsims. (part double; incl. music) 25½ cm. At head of title: Translated by Ernest Newman.
Library has vol. 1 only of the set.
Inscribed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "July 1929"
ML 410 .B4 R642


Pearson, Hesketh, 1887-
Gilbert and Sullivan; a biography. [London]; Hamish Hamilton, 1936, c.1935 7 p. 1., 19-319 p. front., ports. 22½ cm.
ML 410 .S95 P4


Newman, Ernest, 1868-
Wagner as a man & artist. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1924.
xv p., 3-399 p. front., pl., ports. 24½ cm.
Second American edition.
Contains music.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Feb. 3rd 1926."
ML 410 .W1 N51


Marks, Edward Bennet, 1865-1945.
They all sang, from Tony Pastor to Rudy Vallee, as told to Abbott J. Liebling, by Edward B. Marks. New York, The Viking press, 1934.
xi, 321 p. plates, ports., facsims. 24 cm.
Includes music.
ML 3561 .M17 T5


Shaw, George Bernard.
The Perfect Wagnerite: A commentary on the Niblung's Ring By Bernard Shaw. New York, Brentano's, 1926.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1926."
MT 100 .W25 S5 1909

Holdings List  :  N  :  Fine Arts

Mackowsky, Hans, 1871-
Michelagniolo. Mit 112 Abbildungen. Berlin, Bruno Cassirer Verlag, 1921.
378 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Munich 1927."
N 403 .M3x


Heywood, Florence.
The important pictures of the Louvre. With forty-nine illustrations. [3d edition.] New York, R.M. McBride & company, 1927. London, Methuen, 1927.
369 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
N 2030 .H4 1927


Dalton, Ormonde Maddock, 1866-1945.
Byzantine art and archaeology, by O.M. Dalton; with 457 illustrations. Oxford, At the Clarendon press, 1911.
xix, [1], 727, [1] p. incl. front., illus. 26 cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "To Both of you from Both of Us. Xmas '37 & Love, from Betty & Eugene"
N 6250 .D2


Craven, Thomas, 1889-
Modern art; the men, the movements, the meaning. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1934.
xxii, 378 p. front., plates, ports. 24 cm.
N 6450 .C7


Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945.
From Toulouse-Lautrec to Rodin, with some personal impressions. London, John Lane [1929]
vii p., 242 p. front. (port.) plates. 22½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Nov. 1929."
N 6450 .S87


New York. Museum of modern art.
Twenty centuries of Mexican art. New York, The Museum of modern art, in collaboration with the Mexican government [c.1940]
7-198 p.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father & Carlotta with my love Eugene" and dated "Xmas '44."
N 6550 .N4


Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934.
Georgian art (1760-1820) an introductory review of English painting, architecture, sculpture, ceramics, glass, metalwork furniture, textiles and other arts during the reign of George III, by Roger Fry, J.B. Manson [and others.] London, B.T. Batsford, ltd., 1929.
4 p. l., 3-68, [4] p., col. front., illus., plates (part col.) ports. 31 x 24½ cm.
N 6766 .F7


Hewlett, Maurice Henry, 1861-1923.
Earthwork out of Tuscany; being impressions and translations of Maurice Hewlett, with illustrations by James Kerr Lawson. [2d edition.] New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911, [c1899]
234 p.
Signed by the owner: "Only God & I knows what is in my heart" and on the next page "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "March 31st 1921."
N 6919 .T9 H5 1911


Tatlock, Robert Rattray, 1889- , editor.
Spanish art, an introductory review of architecture, painting, sculpture, textiles, ceramics, woodwork, metalwork, by R.R. Tatlock, Royall Tyler [and others.] London, B.T. Batsford, ltd., 1927.
3 p. 1., 121, [5] p. col. front., illus. (incl. map) plates (part col.) 31 x 24 cm. (Burlington magazine monograph. II) Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29."
N+ 7101 .T3


Pope, Arthur Upham, 1881-
Masterpieces of Persian art, by Arthur Upham Pope, director of the Iranian institute, with contributions by Phyllis Ackerman ... and Eric Schroeder. New York, The Dryden press [c1945]
vi, [2], 204 p. incl. col. front., illus. col. plates (1 fold.) 28½ x 22 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "From Parallee to Gene" and dated "1945"
N 7280 .P62


Binyon, Laurence, 1869-
The flight of the dragon; an essay on the theory and practice of art in china and Japan, based on original sources. London, John Murray, 1922.
112 p. 17cm. (Wisdom of the East) "First edition...1911; reprinted...1914, 1922."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill"
N 7337 .B5 1922


Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934.
Chinese art; an introductory review of painting, ceramics, textiles, bronzes, sculpture, jade, etc., by Roger Fry, Laurence Binyon, A.F. Kendrick, Bernard Rackham, W. Perceval Yetts, Osvald Siren, W.W. Winkworth. London, For the Burlington magazine by B.T. Batsford, ltd. [1925]
vii, 62, ix-xviii p., col. front., illus. (incl. maps) plates (part col.) 31 x 25½ cm. (Burlington magazine monographs) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 4th 1926."
N 7340 .F7


Hobson, Robert Lockhart, 1872-
Chinese art; one hundred plates in colour reproducing pottery & porcelain of all periods, jades, lacquer, paintings, bronzes, furniture, etc., etc. Introduced by an outline sketch of Chinese art by R.L. Hobson. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1927.
14 p., 100 col. pl. 29½ cm.
Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 25th 1927. from E.M."
N 7340 .H7


Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 1834-1903.
"Ten o'clock," a lecture by James A. McNeill Whistler. [2d edition.] Portland, Maine; Thomas Bird Mosher, 1925, [c.1916]
xii, 64 p., front. (port.) pl., fold. facsim. 24 cm.
"Four hundred and fifty copies of this book printed on Van Gelder handmade paper and the type distributed in the month of November MDCCCCXXV".
N 7445 .W5 1925


Bonney, Mabel Therese, 1897-
Remember when - a pictorial chronicle of the turn of the century and of the days known as Edwardian. From the collection of M. Therese Bonney, edited by M. Therese Bonney; foreword by Charles Dana Gibson. New York, Coward McCann, inc., 1933.
[127] p. incl. illus., ports. 27 cm.
Descriptive letterpress on versos facing the illustrations.
N 7592 .B6


Dore, Gustave, 1832-1883.
The Bible gallery. Illustrated by Gustave Dore, with a memoir of Dore and descriptive letter-press by Talbot W. Chambers, D.D. London, New York, [etc.] Cassell, Petter, Galpin & company [c1880]
103 l. front. (port.) 100 pl. 33cm.
N 8027 .D7 1880


Architects' emergency committee.
Great Georgian houses of America, published for the benefit of the Architects emergency committee by the Editorial committee, Dwight James Baum, Richard H. Dana, William Emerson [and others.] William Lawrence Bottomley, chairman. New York, Printed by the Kalkhoff press, inc., 1933 -
v. fronts., illus., plates (part double) plans (part double) facsims. 36½ cm.
Library has vol. 1 only of the set.
NA 707 .A7


Boerschmann, Ernst, 1873-
Picturesque China, architecture and landscape; a journey through twelve provinces. New York, Brentano's [1923]
xxvi, 288 p., illus., map. 31½ cm.
288 pages of illustrations, with titles in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian.
"Translation by Louis Hamilton."
NA 1540 .B58 1923


Houvet, Etienne, 1868-1949.
An illustrated monograph of Chartres cathedral ... being an extract of a work crowned by the "Academie des Beaux-Arts". [Chartres, France, Etienne Houvet, 1926]
23 [1] p., 64, x pl. (part col.) plan. 27½ cm.
At head of title: Etienne Houvet, Officier d'Academie, Custodian of Chartres Cathedral.
Previous edition with variant plates has title: "The tourist's practical guide book. Being an..."
NA 5551 .C5 H85 1926x


Pinder, Wilhelm, 1878-
Deutsche dome des mittelalters. 229. bis 243. tausend. Mitt 111 meist ganzseitigen abbildungen. Konigstein im Taunus & Leipzig, K.R. Langewiesche, 1929.
127 p. illus., plates. 26cm. [Die blauen bicher]
Inscribed to the owners?: "Christmas - 1932 - from Betty [?]"
NA 5563 .P6 1929


Major, Howard.
The domestic architecture of the early American republic, the Greek revival. With a frontispiece in colour and 256 illustrations. Philadelphia & London, J.B. Lippincott company, 1926.
xxi, [1], 95, [1], 236, [1] p. incl. illus. (incl. plans) 168 pl. col. front. 28½ cm.
NA 7207 .M3


Chamberlain, Samuel, 1895-
A small house in the sun; the visage of rural New England; photographs and comment. New York city, Hastings house [c1936]
96 p. incl. front., illus. 31½ cm.
NA + 7210 .C5


Robinson, Albert Gardner, 1855-1932.
Old New England houses, by Albert G. Robinson. With many illustrations from the author's unique collection of photographs. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1920.
viii, 29 p., front., 75 pl. 26cm. Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29."
NA 7210 .R6


Brimmer, Frank Everett, 1890-
Camps, log cabins, lodges and clubhouses, by F.E. Brimmer. Illustrations from author's pen sketches and photographs. New York, London, D. Appleton and company, 1925.
5 p. 1., 139 p. front., illus. (incl. plans) 16 x 23 cm.
NA 8470 .B7


Symons, Arthur, 1865-1945.
The art of Aubrey Beardsley, introduction by Arthur Symons. New York, Boni and Liveright, inc. [c1918]
3 p. 1., 9-36 p., front. (port.) 63 pl. 17 cm. (Half-title: The Modern library of the world's best books) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
NC 242 .B3 S9


De Tolnay, Charles, 1899-
History and technique of old master drawings, a handbook. New York, H. Bittner and company [c.1943]
vii, 155 p., plates. 31 x 23½ cm.
On spine: Old master drawings.
NC+ 1020 .D46


Craven, Thomas, 1889- , editor.
Cartoon cavalcade, edited by Thomas Craven, assisted by Florence and Sydney Weiss. New York, Simon and Schuster [1943]
456 p. illus.
NC 1426 .C7


The New Yorker.
The . . . New Yorker Album, with a foreword by the New Yorker. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1928-
v. 31 cm.
Library has vols. 1930, 1937, and 1940.
NC 1428 .N4


The New Yorker war album. New York, Random house [c.1942]
2 p. 1., [108] p. of illus. 31 cm.
NC 1428 .N47


Addams, Charles.
Drawn and quartered, by Chas. Addams, with a foreword by Boris Karloff. New York, Random house, [c.1942]
3 p. l., [106] p. of illus. 31 cm.
"Most of the drawings...appeared originally in the New Yorker."
NC+ 1429 .A25


Arno, Peter.
Peter Arno's Cartoon revue. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1941.
viii, [119] p. incl. front. (port.) illus. 31cm. Inscribed to the owner: "To, Papa from Puss!" and dated "Merrie Christmas 1941"
NC 1429. A646


Arno, Peter.
Peter Arno's circus. [New York], H. Liveright, [c.1931]
3 p. 1., [77] p. of illus. 30 cm.
NC+ 1429 .A65


Arno, Peter.
Peter Arno's For members only; with an introduction by Stanley Walker. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1935.
4 p. 1., [127] p. incl. col. front., illus. 31 x 23½ cm. NC 1429 .A664


Arno, Peter.
Peter Arno's parade. [New York], H. Liveright, [c.1929]
6 p. 1., [105] p. of illus. 30½ cm. Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
NC+ 1429 .A7


Covarrubias, Miguel.
Negro drawings. With a preface by Ralph Barton and an introduction by Frank Crowninshield. New York, London, A.A. Knopf, 1927.
14 1., 56 pl. (part. col.) col. front. 26 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
NC 1429 .C73


Munich, Pinakothek, Alte.
Katalog der Alteren Pinakothek zu Munchen. Amtlich ausgabe. 15. aufl., mit 192 abbildungen. Munchen [Buchdruckerei und Verlagsanstalt Carl Gerber] 1925.
xxxix, 220, 192 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Munich - Aug. 19th 1927."
ND 40 .M8x


Swarzenski, Hanns, 1903-
Vorgotische miniaturen; die ersten jahrhunderte deutscher malerei. Mit 87 grossen Bildseiten. Konigstein im Taunus & Leipzig, K.R. Langewiesche, 1927.
96 p. [Die blauen bucher]
Inscribed by the owner: "Carlotta, Xmas, 1932 with love, Eugene"
ND 140 .S8x


Boswell, Peyton, 1904-1950.
Modern American painting, by Peyton Boswell, jr. With eighty-six illustrations in full color selected from the series on contemporary American artists published in "Life." New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1939.
200, [8] p. incl. col. plates. 38 cm.
ND 205 .B6


New York (City). Museum of Modern Art.
Romantic painting in America, by James Thrall Soby and Dorothy C. Miller. New York, The Museum of modern art [1943]
143, [1] p. incl. plates. col. front., col. pl. 26 cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father & Carlotta with my love Eugene" and dated "Xmas '44"
ND 210 .N366


McCracken, Harold, 1894-
Frederic Remington, artist of the Old West; with a bibliographical check list of Remington pictures and books. Introduction by James Chillman, Jr. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. [1947]
157 p. illus., plates (part col.) facsims. 32 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Gene with best wishes and much affection from Dad" and dated "Christmas 1947"
ND 237 .R36 M3


Gilchrist, Alexander, 1828-1861.
The life of William Blake. Edited with an introduction, by W. Graham Robertson and numerous reproductions from Blake's pictures, many hitherto unpublished. London: John Lane The Bodley Head, [1906]
xxii, [2], 533 p. front. (port.) pl. 23 cm.
"Second Edition"
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1926. Maine."
ND 497 .B6 G5 1906x


Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934.
Cezanne, a study of his development [by] Roger Fry. London, L. & V. Woolf, 1927.
4 p. l., 88 p. xl pl. 25½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Nov. 1927. -"
ND 553 .C33 F7


Delacroix, Eugene, 1798-1863.
The Journal of Eugene Delacroix; translated from the French by Walter Pach; illustrated with reproductions of the paintings and drawings of the artist. New York, Covici, Friede , [c1937]
viii p., 11-731 p. front. (port.) illus., plates (part col.) 26½ cm.
Inscribed to the owners: "To Carlotta & Gene from Harry Weinbergh" and dated "Jan 1, 1939"
ND 553 .D33 A32


Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519.
The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci; arranged, rendered into English and introduced by Edward MacCurdy. New York, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1938.
2 v. fronts. (ports.) plates, plan, facsims. 26 cm.
"Printed in Great Britain."
ND 623 .L5 A5 1938


Rosenberg, Jakob, 1893-
Rembrandt. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1948.
2 v. plates. 26 cm.
Library has vol. 2 only of 2 vol. set.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Eugene from Dad & Parallee with dearest love & God bless you -" and dated "Christmas - 48"
ND 653 .R4 R82


Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 1882-1944.
R. v. R.; being an account of the last years and the death of one Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn ... who was attended in his afflictions by one Joannis van Loon, doctor medicinae and chirurgeon in extraordinary ... who during a most busy life yet found time to write down these personal recollections of the greatest of his fellow-citizens and which are now for the first time presented (provided with as few notes, emendations and critical observations as possible) by his great-great-grandson, nine times removed, Hendrick Willem van Loon. Nieuw Amsterdam, H. Liveright, [1930.]
xxvi, 570 p., front., plates, ports., facsims. 24½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
ND 653 .R4 V45


Fry, Roger Eliot, 1866-1934.
Flemish art; a critical survey. London, Chatto and Windus, 1927.
55 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "N.Y. 1927."
ND 661 .F7


Danische Maler; sechzig werke aus dem ersten jahrhundert der Danischen malerei. Konigstein im Taunus und Leipzig, K.R. Langewiesche, 1924.
64 p. illus. [Die blauen bucher]
Inscribed by the owner: "'Danish Printers' - I hope it is an addition to your collection! Eugene"
ND 717 .D25


Theotocopuli, Dominico, called El Greco, d.1614.
El Greco. New York, Oxford university press [c1938]
30 p., incl. col. mounted front. (port.) illus. 244 pl. (incl. facsim.; part col. mounted) on 128 l. 29½ cm.
"Made in Great Britain."
"Phaidon edition."
ND 813 .T4 G5


Trapier, Elizabeth Du Gue, 1893-
Velazquez. New York, Printed by order of the Trustees, 1948.
xxii, 434 p. illus., ports. 32 cm. (Hispanic notes & monographs; essays, studies, and brief biographies issued by the Hispanic Society of America. Peninsular series)
ND 813 .V4 T7


Binyon, Laurence, 1869-1943.
The poems of Nizami, described by Laurence Binyon. London, The Studio, limited, 1928.
4 p. l., 30 p., xvi col. pl. and portfolio of 16 pl. 38½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Paris - Oct. 1st 1928."
ND 3399 .N5B5


Crouse, Russel, 1893-
Mr. Currier and Mr. Ives, a note on their lives and times. With 32 illustrations in color, and black and white. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc. 1930 9 p. l., 3-318 p. col. front., plates (part col.) 30½ cm.
NE 2415 .C7 C7


Peters, Harry Twyford, 1881-
Currier & Ives, printmakers to the American people, by Harry T. Peters. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & co., inc., 1942.
41 p. 192 pl.
NE+ 2415 .C7 P43


Bellows, George Wesley, 1882-1925.
George W. Bellows: his lithographs. New York, London, A.A. Knopf, 1927.
254 p. 32 cm.
Compiled by Emma S. Bellows.
Inscribed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Nov. 2nd 1927."
NE 2451 .B5


House & garden.
Complete guide to interior decoration, edited by Richardson Wright. Revised and enlarged edition. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1947.
320 p. illus. (part col.) 33 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta & Eugene" and dated "Boston 1948"
NK 2110 .H59 1947


Gould, George Glen.
The period furniture handbook, by Mr. & Mrs. G. Glen Gould. Marginal sketches by George A. Brettell and Clotilde Embree. London, John Lane The Bodley Head, [1928?]
xii p., 271 p. front., illus., plates. 19½ cm.
"Printed in USA"
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "1930. Le Plessis."
NK 2230 .G6


Macquoid, Percy, d. 1925.
A history of English furniture. With plates in colour after Shirley Slocombe, and numerous illustrations selected and arranged by the author. The age of walnut. London, Published by the Medici Society Limited, in conjunction with Lawrence & Bullen, Limited, 1923.
247 p. illus. 38.5 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis 1930"
NK 2528 .M2 1923x v.2


[Blake, John Percy], 1874-
The period of Queen Anne. New edition, illustrated. London, William Heinemann Ltd., 1927, [c.1911]
vii p., 115, [1] p. col. front., 32 pl. 19 cm. (Little books about old furniture: English furniture . . . vol. II) At head of title: little books about old furniture. English Furniture: By J.P. Blake & A.E. Reveirs - Hopkins. volume II"
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "1930. Le Plessis."
NK 2529 .B45


Felice, Roger de.
French furniture under Louis XV. Translated by Florence Simmonds. London, W. Heinemann, 1927.
xxi, 132 p. col. front., 64 pl. on 32 1. 19cm. (Little illustrated books on old French furniture, III) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
NK 2548 .F4


Felice, Roger de.
French furniture under Louis XVI and the empire. Translated by F.M. Atkinson. London, Wm. Heinemann, 1920.
1 p. 1., 142 p. col. front., 64 pl. on 32 1. 18.5cm. (Little illustrated books on old French furniture, IV) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
NK 2548 .F43


Northend, Mary Harrod, 1850-
American glass. Illustrated with photographs from the collection of the author. New York, Tudor publishing co. 1935, [c.1926]
xviii, 209 p. col. front., plates. 24 cm.
Revised and edited by Josephine Lovell.
NK 5112 .N6 1935


Sherrill, Charles Hitchcock, 1867-1936.
Stained glass tours in France. New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1925, [c. 1908]
298 p. front., 12 pl., 3 maps. 19½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
NK 5349 .A2 S5


Nott, Stanley Charles, 1902-
Chinese jade throughout the ages; a review of its characteristics, decoration, folklore and symbolism. With an introduction by Sir Cecil Harcourt-Smith. Illustrated by 39 plates in colour and 109 from photographs together with 73 line engravings in the text. New York: Charles Scribner's sons; London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1937.
xviii, 193 p. col. front., illus., plates (part col.) diagrs. 29 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Carlotta - with all my love! Gene" and dated "Lafayette July '37"
NK 5750 .N65


Ackerman, Phyllis, 1893-
Ritual bronzes of ancient China [by] Phyllis Ackerman, the Iranian institute. New York, The Dryden press, 1945.
vi p., 114 p. incl. front., 66 pl. on 33 1. 28½ x 22½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "From Parallee on my birthday - 12 - 28 - '45 New York City."
NK 7983 .A2

Holdings List  :  P - PQ  :  Languages, World Literature, Theatre

Flickinger, Roy Caston, 1876-1942.
The Greek theater and its drama. Third Edition. Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago Press, [1926]
381 p.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father" and dated "Xmas '35 from Eugene & Betty"
PA 3131 .F5 1926


Haigh, Arthur Elam, 1855-1905.
The Attic theatre; a description of the stage and theatre of the Athenians, and of the dramatic performances at Athens, by A.E. Haigh. Third Edition, revised and in part rewritten by A.W. Pickard - Cambridge . . . with illustrations. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1907.
xv, 396 p. illus. (incl. plans) 3 pl. (incl. front.) 23 cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father" and dated "Xmas '35 from Eugene & Betty"
PA 3201 .H3 1907


Select works of Plotinus, translated from the Greek, with an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry's life of Plotinus, by Thomas Taylor. New edition, with preface and bibliography by G.R.S. Mead . . . secretary of The Theosophical Society. London, G. Bell & sons, 1912.
lxxiv, 343 p. 18½ cm. (Bohn's philosophical library)
PA 3606 .B6 1912


Aeschylus, with an English translation by Herbert Weir Smyth. London, W. Heinemann; New York, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1922-26.
2 v. 17 cm. (Half-title: The Loeb classical library. [Greek authors]) Greek and English on opposite pages.
Library has vol. 2 only of 2 vol. set.
PA 3612 .A4 1922


The Iliad; Pope. [London], The Nonesuch press, 1931.
1 p. l., 926 p., 27½ cm. At head of title: Homer.
"The Greek text of this edition is . . . that of the Oxford classical texts. The English is printed from the first (1715) edition of Pope's Illiad. The ornaments have been designed, engraved and composed by and under the supervision of Rudolf Koch for this edition. It has been printed and made in Holland by Johannes Enschede en zonen, Haarlem, in the Greek type of J. van Krimpen and monotype Cochin. There are 925 copies for sale in England, and 525 copies for sale in the United States by Random house. This is number 248."
Greek and English on opposite pages.
PA 4019 .A2 1931a


Hamilton, George Rostrevor, 1888- , editor.
The Latin portrait, an anthology made by G. Rostrevor Hamilton. London, The Nonesuch press, 1929.
xv, [1], 367, [1] p. 16 cm.
Engraved t.-p. with vignette, within architectural border; head and tail piece.
"This edition consists of 1050 copies for sale in England by the Nonesuch press and 500 copies for sale in the United States by Random house, inc. The text has been printed by R. Maclehose & co., ltd., the University press, Glasgow, the copperplate engravings by A. Alexander & son, London: the whole under the care of Francis Meynell. This is number 475."
Translations of Latin poetry into English by various authors, with the Latin text.
PA 6164 .H3


Ovidius Naso, Publius.
The Heroides; or, Epistles of the Heroines, The amours, Art of love, Remedy of love, and minor works of Ovid. Literally translated into English prose, with copious notes, by Henry T. Riley. London, George Bell & sons, 1896.
viii, 544 p. front. 19cm. (On cover: Bohn's Classical library) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PA 6522 .A2 1896


Ovidius Naso, Publius.
The love books of Ovid; being the Amores, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris and Medicamina faciei femineae of Publius Ovidius Naso. Translated out of the Latin by J. Lewis May, illustrated by Jean de Bosschere. London, John Lane the Bodley Head Limited, 1925. 216 p.
"This edition is strictly limited to 3,000 copies for sale, of which this is No. 2212."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "March 6th 1926."
PA 6522 .A3 1925


Petronius Arbiter.
The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter. Complete and unexpurgated translation by W.C. Firebaugh, in which are incorporated the forgeries of Nodot and Marchena, and the readings introduced into the text by De Salas. Illustrations by Norman Lindsay. New York, Published for private circulation only by Boni and Liveright, 1922.
2 v. front., plates. 22½ cm. "This edition is strictly limited to twelve hundred and fifty sets, of which 1200 numbered sets are for subscribers." This is no. 357.
Both volumes signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "June 1922."
PA 6558 .E5 F5


Hoagland, Kathleen, editor.
1000 years of Irish poetry; the Gaelic and Anglo-Irish poets from pagan times to the present. New York, Devin-Adair Co., 1949, [c.1947].
liv, 830 p. 22 cm.
"Notes on the poets, the translators and the great books": p. 773-803.
Inscribed the owner: "For Gene: Merry Christmas and . . . from Charlie Kennedy" and dated "1950"
PB 1424 .H6


Otto, Emil.
French conversation-grammar. A practical method of learning the French language. Revised by C.T. Onions. 18th edition. Heidelberg, Julius Groos, 1927.
426 p. (Method Gaspey-Otto-Sauer)
PC 2121 .O8x


English-French conversational dictionary. 2d edition. London, Richard Jaschke, [n.d.]
712 p. 11 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Guethary B.P. March. 1928."
PC 2640 .E6x


Phyfe, William Henry Pinkney, 1855-1915.
18,000 words often mispronounced; a complete handbook of difficulties in English pronunciation, including an unusually large number of proper names, words and phrases from foreign languages, by William Henry P. Phyfe. New edition, with supplement of 2000 words, compiled by Frederick A. Sweet Maude D. Williams (200th thousand) New York, London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1926.
5 p. l., 5-774, 59 p. 16 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "N.Y. 1927."
PE 1137 .P56 1926


Mawson, Christopher Orlando Sylvester, 1870-1938.
The dictionary companion, by C.O. Sylvester Mawson. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1932.
xii p., 479 p. 22½ cm. PE 1143 .M35


Fowler, Henry Watson, 1858-1933.
The king's English, by H.W. Fowler & F.G. Fowler. 2d edition. Oxford, The Clarendon press; London, New York, [etc.], H. Milford, [1927, c.1906].
x, 370 p. 19cm. Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill"
PE 1460 .F6 1927


Picturesque word origins, with forty-five illustrative drawings. Springfield, Mass., G. & C. Merriam company, [c.1933]
4 p. 1., [3]-134 p. illus. 18 x 25½ cm.
On cover: From Webster's New International dictionary.
PE 1580 .P5


Roget, Peter Mark, 1779-1869.
Thesaurus of English words & phrases. Revised by Andrew Boyle and Charles Lee. London & Toronto, J.M. Dent and sons, ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & co., [1925]
2 v. 17½ cm.
(Half-title: Everyman's library, edited by Ernest Rhys. Reference. [no. 630-631]) "First issue of this edition, 1912 . . ., revised and reset, 1925."
Both volumes signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PE 1591 .R7 1925


Fowler, Henry Watson, 1858-1933.
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English, adapted by H.W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler. From the Oxford dictionary. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1925.
x, [2], 1064 p. 19cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Guethary March 1928"
PE 1628 .F6 1925x


Fowler, Henry Watson, 1858-1933.
A dictionary of modern English usage, by H.W. Fowler. Oxford, The Clarendon press; London, H. Milford, 1926.
viii, 742 p., 19 cm.
PE 1628 .F65


Mawson, Christopher Orlando Sylvester, 1870-1938.
International book of names; a dictionary of the more difficult proper names in literature, history, philosophy, religion, art, music, and other studies, together with the official form and pronunciation of the names of present-day celebrities and places throughout the world, with post-war geographical changes, duly incorporated, by C.O. Sylvester Mawson. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell company, [c.1933]
xliv, 308 p. 19½ cm.
PE 1660 .M3


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
White nights and other stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1918.
288 p. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. X) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .B512 1918


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The possessed, a novel in three parts, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. From the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
vii, 637 p. 19½ cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. III) Printed in England.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .B6 1923


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
An honest thief and other stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
v, 325 p. 19 cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. XI) "Printed in Great Britain."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .C4 1923


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The idiot; a novel in four parts. From the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, Macm.illan, 1923.
620 p. 20 cm. (His Novels, v. 2) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 1927."
PG 3326 .I3 1923


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The gambler and other stories, by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
3 p. l., 312 p. 19 cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. IX) "Printed in Great Britain."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .I4 1923


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
A raw youth, a novel in three parts by Fyodor Dostoevsky, from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
2 p. 1., 560 p. 19½ cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. VII) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .P5


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
Crime & punishment, a novel in six parts and an epilogue, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1926.
2 p. l., 493, [1] p. 19½ cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. IV) Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 1927"
PG 3326 .P7 1926


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The friend of the family; or, Stepantchikovo and its inhabitants, and another story, by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1920.
3 p. 1., 361, [1] p. 19cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. XII) Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 1927."
PG 3326 .S4 1920


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The insulted and injured, a novel in four parts and an epilogue by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan co. 1923.
2 p. l., 345 p., 19½ cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. VI) Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3326 .U5 1923x


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The eternal husband and other stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky; from the Russian by Constance Garnett. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
v, 323 p. 19 cm. (Half-title: The novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky. vol. VIII) "Printed in Great Britain."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 1927."
PG 3326 .V5 1923x


Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich, 1821-1881.
The letters of Dostoyevsky to his wife, translated from the Russian by Elizabeth Hill and Doris Mudie; with an introduction by Prince D.S. Mirsky. London, Constable & co. ltd. [1930]
xiii, [1], 391, [1] p. 2 port. (incl. front.) facsim. 24 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis, March 1930."
PG 3328 .A5 D53 1930


Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883.
The torrents of spring. Translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett. London, William Heinemann; New York, The Macm.illan co., 1920, [1897.]
405 p. 18 cm. (His Novels, v.11) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3421 .V5


Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871-1919.
Anathema, a tragedy in seven scenes, by Leonid Andreyev; authorized translation by Herman Bernstein. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1910.
vi, 211 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Old Peaked Hill Bar June 1920"
PG 3452 .A5 E5 1910


Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871-1919.
The sorrows of Belgium; a play in six scenes. Authorized translation by Herman Bernstein. New York, Macm.illan, 1915.
vii, 132 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Old Peaked Hill Bar June 1920"
PG 3452 .S64 E5


Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevich, 1871-1919.
The waltz of the dogs; a play in four acts. Authorized translation from the original ms. by Herman Bernstein. New York, Macm.illan, 1922.
141 p. 19 cm.
PG 3452 .W3 E5


Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich, 1878 -
Sanine, by Michael Artzibashef, translated by Percy Pinkerton, with a preface by Gilbert Cannan. Second Impression. New York, H.W. Huebsch, 1915.
315, [1] p. 20 cm.
Printed in London.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PG 3453 .A8 S32 1915


Muller, Friedrich Max, 1823-1900.
The six systems of Indian philosophy, by the Right Hon. Professor Max Muller. New impression. London, New York, [etc.,] Longmans, Green and co., 1919.
xxvii, 478 p. 20cm. (Half-title: Collected works . . . XIX) Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill."
PJ 27 .M7 v.19


Lin, Yutang, editor.
The Wisdom of China and India. Edited by Lin Yutang. New York: Random House [1942].
"First printing." 1104 p.
PK 2978 .E5 L5


Omar Khayyam.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam; rendered in English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. The text of the first edition. Illustrated by Arthur Szyk. New York, The Heritage Club, 1940.
Unpaged. illus.
PK 6513 .A1 1940


Murasaki shikibu, b. 978.
The sacred tree, being the second part of 'The tale of Genji' by Lady Murasaki, translated from the Japanese by Arthur Waley. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1926.
304 p. 22½ cm.
Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Maine, 1926."
PL 788.4 .G4213 1926x


Murasaki shikibu, b. 978?
The bridge of dreams, being the second volume of "The lady of the boat" and the final part of "The tale of Genji", by Lady Murasaki, translated from the Japanese by Arthur Waley. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1933.
4 p. l., [11]-341 p. 22½ cm. Printed in Great Britain.
Part 2 was published under title, The sacred tree; pt. 3 under title, A wreath of cloud; pt. 4 under title, Blue trousers; pt. 5 under title, The lady of the boat.
PL 788.4 .G4613 1933x


Wang Pao-ch'uan.
Lady Precious Stream; an old Chinese play done into English according to its traditional style by S.I. Hsiung; with a preface by Lascelles Abercrombie. London, Methuen & co., ltd. [1934]
xix, 168, [2] p. incl. plates. col. mounted front, col. mounted plates. 19½ cm.
Half-title in Chinese.
PL 2323 .A4 E5 1934x


Li, Po, 705?-762.
The works of Li Po, the Chinese poet, done into English verse by Shigeyoshi Obata; with an introduction and biographical and critical matter translated from the Chinese. New York, E.P. Dutton & co., 1922.
xviii p., 236 p. front. (port.) 21.5 cm.
"This edition is limited to fifteen hundred copies."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill"
PL 2997 .L52


[Chiu Tsz-yung] 19th cent.
Cantonese love-songs, translated with introduction and notes by Cecil Clementi. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1904.
2 v.
Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill."
PL 2999 .C44


Sze, Mai-mai.
Silent children, a novel. New York, Harcourt, Brace, [1948]
189 p. 21 cm.
Inscribed by the author: "from Mai-mai" and dated "New York March 3rd 1948."
PL 3000 .S9 1948x


Hill, A.P.
Broken China, a vocabulary of pidgin English. Illustrations by C.B. Weiss. Shanghai, A.P. Hill & C.B. Weiss, Publishers, 1920.
viii, 73, viii p.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene O'Neill & Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Shanghai 1928."
PM 7891 .Z5 H4x


Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1863-1944.
On the art of writing. Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1923.
218 p.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill"
PN 145 .Q6


Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-
Essays, ancient & modern, by T.S. Eliot. London, Faber and Faber, limited, [1936]
190 p. 19½ cm.
PN 511 .E426 1936


Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942.
Three masters: Balzac, Dickens, Dostoeffsky. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York, The Viking press, 1930.
xi, 238 p., 23 cm. [His Master builders. v.1]
PN 764 .Z82


Lewis, Wyndham, 1886-
Time and western man. London, Chatto and Windus, 1927.
vi, 487 p. 23cm. PN 771 .L4 1927


Wilson, Edmund, 1895-
Axel's castle; a study in the imaginative literature of 1870-1930. New York, London, Charles Scribner's sons, 1931.
319 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill"
PN 771 .W55


Macgowan, Kenneth, 1888-
A primer of playwriting. Uncorrected proof from Random House. New York, Random House, [c.1951]
120 p. 14.5 x 30 cm.
"For advance readers."
Dedicated: "To Eugene O'Neill and Robert Edmond Jones and the theatre we worked for."
PN 1661 .M16


George Pierce Baker, a memorial. New York city, Dramatists play service, 1939.
46 p. incl. front. (port.) illus. 19½ cm. Text on p. [2] of cover.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" who is also a contributor and signed by five other contributors, "Stanley R. McCandless, John Mason Brown, Donald M. Oenslager, Arthur Wilmurt, and Allardyce Nicoll."
PN 1701 .G45


Young, Karl, 1879-
The drama of the medieval church. Oxford, The Clarendon press, 1933.
2 v. xxiv pl. (incl. fronts., facsims.) 25½ cm.
Collection of extant examples of church drama employed by the medieval church in western Europe as a part of public worship; text interspersed with commentary.
PN 1751 .Y6


Williams, Edwin Everitt.
Tragedy of destiny; Oedipus tyrannus, Macbeth, Athalie. Cambridge, Mass., Editions XVII siecle, 1940.
35 p. 19cm. Inscribed by the author to: "Mr. Eugene O'Neill with the author's homage, Edwin E. Williams."
PN 1892 .W5


Dobree, Bonamy, 1891-
Timotheus; or, The future of the theatre. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & company, [c.1925]
xi p. 68 p. 16cm. [Today and tomorrow series]
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill"
PN 2038 .D6


Clark, Barrett Harper, 1890-
Oedipus or Pollyanna, with a note on dramatic censorship, by Barrett H. Clark. Seattle, University of Washington bookstore, 1927.
37 p. 19cm. (Half-title: University of Washington chapbooks, edited by G. Hughes. no.4) Inscribed by the author and dated "New York 5 July 27."
PN 2044 .U6 C6


Sheringham, George, 1884-
Design in the theatre: commentary by George Sheringham and James Laver, together with literary contributions by E. Gordon Craig, Charles B. Cochran and Nigel Playfair. Edited by Geoffrey Holme. London, The Studio ltd., Paris, Henry Babou, 1927.
31 p. 120 plates (Special winter issue of The Studio, 1927 - 28)
PN 2091 .S8 S5


Writers' program. California.
James O'Neill; compiled by Workers of the Writers' program of the Work projects administration in Northern California. Sponsored by the City and County of San Francisico. [n. p.] 1942.
130 p. (History of the San Francisco theatre, v. 20) Mimeographed.
Cover title: "James O'Neill. San Francisco Theatre research series, vol. xx"
PN 2189 .W7x


Tyler, George Crouse, 1867-
Whatever goes up- the hazardous fortunes of a natural born gambler, by George C. Tyler in collaboration with J.C. Furnas; with a word of introduction by Booth Tarkington. Indianapolis, The Bobbs-Merrill company, [c1934]
5 p. 1., ix-xvii p., 21-317 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 22½ cm.
PN 2245 .T8


Reed, Joseph Verner, 1902-
The curtain falls. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, [c.1935]
4 p. 1., 3-282 p. front., illus. (incl. facsims.) pl., ports. 21 cm.
PN 2266 .R4


Stern, Ernst, editor.
Reinhardt und seine Buhne; Bilder von der Arbeit des Deutschen Theaters. Unter mitarbeiterschaft von Ernst Deutsch . . ., herausgegeben von Ernst Stern und Heinz Herald. Berlin, Dr. Eysler & co., 1920.
207 p.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill"
PN 2285 .S75x


Marbury, Elisabeth, 1856-1933.
My crystal ball; reminiscences. New York, Boni and Liveright, [1924, c.1923]
5 p. 1., 9-355 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
"3rd printing, March 1924"
Presented by the author in a six-line personal inscription: "To my friend Carlotta Monterey . . ." and dated "Dec. 8, 1925."
PN 2287 .M47 A3


Rheinhardt, Emil Alphons, 1889-
The life of Eleonora Duse, by E.A. Rheinhardt. London, Martin Secker, 1930.
292 p. front., ports. 23cm. "English version by Willa & Edwin Muir."
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis 1930."
PN 2688 .D8 R52


Carter, Huntly.
The new spirit in the Russian theatre, 1917-28. And a sketch of the Russian kinema and radio 1919-28, showing the new communal relationship between the three. London, New York, Paris, Brentano's ltd. [1929]
xxii, 348 p. col. front., plates, ports. 26 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Gene - souvenir - Paris." and dated "Sept. 11th 1929 Carlotta."
PN 2724 .C27


Biancolli, Louis Leopold, editor.
The book of great conversations; edited from historical sources in dramatic form and with biographical sketches. New York, Simon and Schuster, [c.1948]
xxix, 577 p. 23 cm.
Inscribed to the owner: "To my darling Carlotta - may God bless and keep her always. all my love" and dated "Christmas - 45 Parallee"
PN 6014 .B5


Perrault, Charles, 1628-1703.
Histories, or tales of past times told by Mother Goose, with morals. Written in French by M. Perrault, & Englished by G.M., Gent. Newly edited by J. Saxon Childers. London, The Nonesuch press, 1925.
127 p. illus.
"This edition is limited to 1250 copies . . . The pictures are hand-coloured. The text paper is Dutch mould-made & the cover-paper is Chinese. This is number 1241."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Dec. 1929."
PN 6110 .C4 P4x


Zola, Emile, 1840-1902.
The experimental novel, and other essays. Translated from the French by Belle M. Sherman. New York, The Cassell publishing co., [c.1893]
vii, 413 p. 21 cm.
PQ 661 .Z65 1893


Villon, Francois, b. 1431.
The testaments of Francois Villon, translated by John Heron Lepper; including the texts of John Payne and others. New York, Horace Liveright, 1926.
xxxvi, 316 p. incl. front. (facsim.) 23½ cm.
Half-title: The Great and Little testaments of Francois Villon.
PQ 1590 .E5 L4 1924a


Lewis, Dominic Bevan Wyndham, 1894-
Francois Villon, a documented survey by D.B. Wyndham Lewis, with a preface by Hilaire Belloc. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc.; Hartford: Edwin V. Mitchell, Inc., 1928.
xix, 407 p. front. (fold. plan.) 21½ cm.
PQ 1593 .L4 1928a


Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de, 1533-1592.
The autobiography of Michel de Montaigne; comprising the life of the wisest man of his times: his childhood, youth, and prime; his adventures in love and marriage, at court, and in office, war, revolution, and plague; his travels at home and abroad; his habits, tastes, whims and opinions. Selected, arranged, edited, prefaced, and mostly translated anew from his essays, &c., withholding no signal or curious detail, by Marvin Lowenthal. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1935.
lvi, [1], 393, [1] p. front. (port.) 22 cm.
PQ 1643 .A22


Rabelais, Francois, 1490 (ca) - 1553?
All the extant works of Francois Rabelais; an American translation with a critical text, variant readings, variorum notes & drawings attributed to Rabelais. In three volumes. By Samuel Putnam. With illustrations by Jean de Bosschere. New York, Priv. print for subscribers only, Covici-Friede, 1929.
3 v. fronts. (v.1-2 col., v.3 port.) illus., plates (part col.) double map. 34 cm.
"The edition is limited to thirteen hundred numbered copies." This copy is number 299.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "July 1929. 'Le Plessis'"
PQ 1685 .E5P8


Rabelais, Francois, 1490 (ca.) - 1553?
The works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, doctor in physick. Containing five books of the lives, heroick deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his sonne Pantagruel, together with the Pantagrueline prognostication, the Oracle of the devine Bacbuc, and response of the bottle. Hereunto are annexed the Navigations unto the Sounding isle and the isle of the Apedefts: as likewise the Philosophical cream with a Limosin epistle all done by Mr. Francis Rabelais in the French tongue and now faithfully translated into English . . . 1653. Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson. London; Priv. print. for the Navarre Society limited, [1921].
2v. fronts., illus., pl. 23.5 cm.
Limited edition. Translated by T. Urquhart and P.A. Motteux.
"This Edition of Rabelais' Works is printed upon laid paper of fine quality specially made for the Navarre Society and is strictly limited."
Both volumes signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 28th 1926."
PQ 1685 .E5 U7 1921


Plattard, Jean, 1873-1939.
The life of Francois Rabelais. London, George Routledge & sons, ltd., 1930.
xi, 308 p. viii pl. (incl. front., ports., facsims.) 24½ cm. "Translated by Louis P. Roche."
PQ 1693 .P63 1930


Palmer, John Leslie, 1885 - 1944.
Moliere [by] John Palmer. New York, Brewer and Warren inc., 1930.
494 p. plates, ports., facsim. 23.5 cm.
PQ 1852 .P3


Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brede et de, 1689-1755.
The Persian letters of Montesquieu. New York, Lincoln MacVeagh, The Dial press; Toronto, Longmans, Green & co., 1929.
xxi p., 328 p. 24½ cm. (The Library of living classics, edited by Manuel Komroff) "The Persian letters are here reproduced with a few minor corrections from the translation of John Davidson."
PQ 2011 .L5 E42 1929


Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712-1778.
The confessions of J.J. Rousseau in an anonymous English version first published in two parts in 1783 & 1790, now revised and completed by A.S.B. Glover, with an introduction by Havelock Ellis; ornamented with wood-engravings by Reynolds Stone. London, The Nonesuch press, 1938.
2 v. 23 x 13 cm.
"This edition consists of 800 copies . . . on Pannekoek mould-made paper . . . This is number 315."
Library has vol.2 only of 2 vol. set.
PQ 2036 .A5 1938


Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778.
Candide. Illustrated by Rockwell Kent. New York, Random House, 1930, c.1929.
111 p. illus. 29 cm.
"This book . . . is set by hand in Garamond type and printed on a specially made paper by the Pynson Printers, and contains all the illustrations made by Rockwell Kent for the Random House limited edition of nineteen hundred and twenty-eight. 1930. New York."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PQ 2082 .C3E5 1930ax


Balzac, Honore de, 1799-1850.
Droll stories, collected from the abbeys of Touraine. Translated into English, complete and unabridged. Illustrated with 425 designs by Gustave Dore. London, John Camden Hotten, [1874.]
650 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1926."
PQ 2164 .A4 1874x


Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942.
Balzac, translated by William and Dorothy Rose. New York, The Viking press, 1946.
3-404 p.
Inscribed to the owner: "To darling Carlotta with dearest love. Parallee" and dated "Dec - 46"
PQ 2178 .Z9


Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, 1821-1867.
Flowers of evil, from the French of Charles Baudelaire by George Dillon [and] Edna St. Vincent Millay; with the original texts and with a preface by Miss Millay. New York, London, Harper &brothers, 1936.
xxxix, 282 p. 22½ cm.
French and English on opposite pages.
PQ 2191 .F6 1936


Porche, Francois, 1877-
Charles Baudelaire. Translated by John Mavin. London, Wishart & company, 1928.
235, [1] p. front., pl., ports. 23cm. Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "1929."
PQ 2191 .Z5 P62


Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870.
The romances of Alexandre Dumas. New York, Richmond, Croscup & co., 1893-4? v. incomplete. (Illustrated library edition).
This edition is limited to one thousand sets. This set is no. 903.
Library has an incomplete set: vols. 6, 10, 15, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, and 34.
PQ 2223 .R5x


Gorman, Herbert Sherman, 1893-
The incredible marquis, Alexandre Dumas, by Herbert Gorman. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated, 1929.
xiv p., 466 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 24½ cm.
PQ 2230 .G6


Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880.
Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert; translated from the French, by Eleanor Marx-Aveling, with an introduction by Burton Rascoe. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1926, [c.1919.]
xiv, 441 p. 21½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PQ 2246 .M2 E5 1919


Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880.
Salammbo; translated by J.W. Matthews. With an introduction by Arthur Symons. 2d edition. London, Greening & Co. [n.d.]
430 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1912."
PQ 2246 .S3


France, Anatole, 1844-1924.
Balthasar. A translation, by Mrs. John Lane. London, John Lane; New York, John Lane company, 1909.
3 p. l., 225 p. 23cm. (Half-title: The works of Anatole France in an English translation, edited by Frederic Chapman) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1920."
PQ 2254 .B3 E5 1909


France, Anatole, 1844-1924.
Penguin island. A translation by A.W. Evans, with illustrations and decorations by Frank C. Pape. London, John Lane the Bodley Head, Ltd; New York, Dodd, Mead, and co., [1925.]
345 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 7th 1926."
PQ 2254 .I4 E5 1925x


France, Anatole, 1844-1924.
The revolt of the angels. Translated by Mrs. Wilfrid Jackson, with illustrations & decorations by Frank C. Pape. London, John Lane; New York, Dodd, Mead and company, [1924.]
ix, 357 p. front., illus., plates. 24½ cm. [The works of Anatole France in English, edited by the late Frederick Chapman, James Lewis May and Bernard Miall]
"First published 1914."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 7th 1926."
PQ 2254 .R6 E6 1927


Gautier, Theophile, 1811-1872.
The works of Theophile Gautier. Translated and edited by Professor F.C. de Sumichrast. [Limited edition.] New York, Pub. for subscribers only by George D. Sproul, 1900-03.
24 v. front., plates, ports. 21½ cm. "Limited, for sale in America, to one thousand numbered and registered sets." This set numbered 365. Vols. 23 and 24 are not numbered PQ 2258 .A26


Lowndes, Mrs. Marie Adelaide (Belloc), 1868-1947.
Edmond and Jules de Goncourt, with letters, and leaves from their journals; compiled and translated by M.A. Belloc and M. Shedlock. New York; Dodd, Mead and company, 1895.
2 v. 8 port. 22½ cm.
PQ 2261 .Z5 L6 1895


Gourmont, Remy de, 1858-1915.
Decadence and other essays on the culture of ideas. Authorized translated by William Aspenwall Bradley. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, 1921.
xii, 231 p. front. (port.) 19½ cm. (Half-title: The European library, edited by J.E. Spingarn) Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Sept. 1922."
PQ 2266 .A24


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Bug-Jargal; translated by Eugenia De B. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c.1894.]
301 p.
PQ 2285 .B8 E5 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Last day of a condemned [&] Claude Gueux; translated by Eugenia De B. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c.1894.]
225 p.
Translation of: Le dernier jour d'un condamne [&] Claude Gueux.
PQ 2285 .D4 E5 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Han of Iceland; translated by John Chesterfield. Dilettante edition. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c1894.]
2 v. (500 sets of which this set is unnumbered)
PQ 2285 .H23 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
The laughing man; translated by Bellina Phillips. Dilettante edition. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c1894.]
4 v. (500 sets of which this set is unnumbered) Translation of: L'homme qui rit.
PQ 2285 .H83 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Les miserables [by] Victor Hugo. New York, George H. Richmond & co., 1896, [c1893.]
5 v. in 10 pts.
On spine: The works of Victor Hugo.
PQ 2286 .E5 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Notre-Dame of Paris; translated by J. Carroll Beckwith. Dilettante edition. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c.1892.]
4 v. (500 sets of which this set is unnumbered.) Translation of Notre-Dame de Paris.
PQ 2288 .E5 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
Ninety-three; translated by M. Jules Gray. Dilettante edition. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c.1894.]
2 v. (500 sets of which this set is unnumbered) Translation of: Quatrevingt-treize.
PQ 2289 .Q33 1896x


Hugo, Victor Marie, comte, 1802-1885.
The toilers of the sea; translated by Mary W. Artois. Dilettante edition. New York, George H. Richmond & Co., 1896, [c.1892.]
4 v. (500 sets of which this set is unnumbered) Translation of: Les Travailleurs de la mer.
PQ 2289 .T7 E5 1896x


Josephson, Matthew, 1899-
Victor Hugo, a realistic biography of the great romantic. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & co., inc., 1942.
xiii, 514 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 23½ cm.
PQ 2293 .J6


Huysmans, Joris Karl, 1848-1907.
Against the grain [by] J.K. Huysmans; from the French by John Howard [pseudo.]; introduction by Havelock Ellis. New York, Lieber & Lewis, 1922.
xiii, [15]-331 p., front. 21 cm.
PQ 2309 .H4 A6 1922


Carre, Jean Marie, 1887-
A season in hell; the life of Arthur Rimbaud. Translated by Hannah and Matthew Josephson. New York, The Macaulay company, 1931.
viii, 9-312 p. 21 cm.
PQ 2387 .R5 Z57


Beyle, Marie Henri, 1783-1842.
The red and the black, translated from the French by C.K. Scott-Moncrieff. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1926.
2 v. 19½ cm.
At head of title: Marie-Henri Beyle <De Stendhal> Translation of Le rouge et le noir Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
PQ 2435 .R72 1926x


Verlaine, Paul Marie, 1844-1896.
Oeuvres completes. Texte definitif, collationne sur les originaux et sur les premieres editions. Paris, Messein, 1919.
v. 19 cm.
Library has vol. 2 only of the set.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey."
PQ 2463 .A1 1919


Verlaine, Paul Marie, 1844-1896.
Choix de poesies; preface de Francois Coppee. Paris, Bibliotheque-Charpentier, 1926.
360 p.
PQ 2463 .C5 1926


Nicolson, Hon. Harold George, 1886-
Paul Verlaine. London, Constable & Company, ltd. [1921.]
271 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "1927."
PQ 2464 .N5


Zola, Emile, 1840-1902.
The downfall (La debacle); a story of the horrors of war; translated by Ernest A. Vizetelly. London, Chatto & Windus, 1892.
534 p.
PQ 2500 .A38x


Zola, Emile, 1840-1902.
Paris [a novel.] Translated by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. New York, The Macm.illan company; London, Macm.illan & co., ltd., 1898.
2 v. 18cm. At head of title: The three cities: Lourdes, Rome, Paris.
PQ 2512 .A38x


Zola, Emile, 1840-1902.
Rome. Translated by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly. London, Chatto & Windus, 1896.
viii. 587 p. 18½ cm. A novel.
PQ 2516 .A38x


Des Baux, Cyril.
Les bacchantes; tragedie. Alexandrie, Editions du Scarabee, 1944.
4 p. l., xii, 138, [2] p. front., illus. 25½ cm. Limited edition: "...Hors Commerce, et numerotes a la presse de 98 A 297. Ce tirage limite constituant au propre l'edition originale ...Exemplaire No. 151."
Inscribed by the author in eight lines in French to Eugene O'Neill.
PQ 2607 .E65


Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume, 1869-1951.
The immoralist, translated from the French of Andre Gide by Dorothy Bussy. New York, London, Alfred A. Knopf, 1930.
ix, 213, [1] p., 21 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill"
PQ 2613 .I2 I482 1930x


Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume, 1869-
If it die... an autobiography; translated by Dorothy Bussy. New York, Random house, [c1935]
4 p. 1., 3-331 p. 24cm. "This edition limited to sixteen hundred copies ...Fifteen hundred copies are numbered 1 to 1500. This is no. 1006."
PQ 2613 .I2 Z52 1935


Gide, Andre Paul Guillaume, 1869-1951.
The journals of Andre Gide, translated from the French, with an introduction and notes, by Justin O'Brien. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1947-51.
4 v. ports. 25 cm.
Library has vols. 1, 2, and 3 only of 4 vol. set.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Marblehead 1950"
PQ 2613 .I2 Z526


[Leger, Alexis Saint-Leger], 1889-
Anabasis, a poem by St.-J. Perse [pseud.] with a translation into English by T.S. Eliot. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company, 1938.
2 p. 1., 7-75 p. 22 cm.
French and English on opposite pages.
PQ 2623 .E386 A8 1938


Lenormand, Henri Rene, 1882-
Three plays: The dream doctor, Man and his phantoms, The coward. London, V. Gollancz, ltd., 1928.
360 p. 19 cm.
At head of title: H.R. Lenormand translated from the French by D.L. Orna, with a foreword by Ashley Dukes.
Inscribed by the author in French to Eugene O'Neill and dated "Paris. 1929."
PQ 2623 .E42 A27


Lenormand, Henri Rene, 1882-
Theatre complet. Edition definitive. Paris, Albin Michel, Editeur, [1924-1949.]
Library has vol. 8 only of the set.
Inscribed by the author in French to Eugene O'Neill.
PQ 2623 .E52 A19


Malraux, Andre, 1901 -
Man's fate (La condition humaine). Translated by Haakon M. Chevalier. New York, Harrison Smith and Robert Haas, 1934.
vi, 360 p. 21 cm.
PQ 2625 .A716 C52 1934x


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
The sweet cheat gone; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. London, Alfred A. Knopf, 1930.
379 p. (Remembrance of things past, vii) Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PQ 2631 .R63 A4 E5 1930


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
Within a budding grove; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. London, Chatto & Windus, 1924.
2 v. (Remembrance of things past, II) Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PQ 2631 .R63 A7 E5 1924


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
The Guermantes way; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. London, Chatto & Windus, 1925.
2 v. (Remembrance of things past, iii-iv) Library has vol. 2 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PQ 2631 .R63 C6 E5 1925


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
Swann's way; translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. London, Chatto & Windus, 1925.
2 v. (Remembrance of things past, I) Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PQ 2631 .R63 D8 E5 1925


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
Cities of the plain. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. New York, Albert & Charles Boni, 1927.
2 v. 19½ cm. (His Remembrance of things past, v) "Of this edition, there have been printed for subscribers only 2000 numbered copies, numbered 1 to 2000, on Aventuros water marked rag paper ...This is copy no. 115."
Library has vol. 1 only of 2 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "N.Y. 1927."
PQ 2631 .R63 S6 E5 1927


Proust, Marcel, 1871-1922.
47 unpublished letters from Marcel Proust to Walter Berry. Paris, The Black sun press, 1930.
[288] p. facsim. 27½ x 23cm. French text, with English translation by the editors, Harry and Caresse Crosby.
"Limited to ...200 numbered copies on Arches paper." This is no. 198.
PQ 2631 .R63 Z43


Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944.
The wolves; a play in three acts. Authorized English version by Barrett H. Clark; with a note on Romain Rolland. New York, Random house, [c1937.]
xi p., 17-91 p., 19½ cm.
Inscribed to Eugene O'Neill by the translator, Barrett H. Clark and dated "10 Sept. '37."
PQ 2635 .O5 L27 1937


Romains, Jules, 1885-
The death of a nobody. Translated by Desmond MacCarthy and Sydney Waterlow. New York, B.W. Huebsch, 1914.
vii, 159 p. 19½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 1926."
PQ 2635 .O52 M62 1914


Dante, Alighieri, 1265-1321.
The Inferno of Dante. London, J.M. Dent, 1929, [c.1900].
402 p.
PQ 4305 .A1 1900


Dante, Alighieri, 1265-1321.
The purgatorio of Dante Alighieri. London, J.M. Dent, 1929, [c.1901].
443 p.
PQ 4306 .A1 1901


Dante, Alighieri, 1265-1321.
The paradiso of Dante Alighieri. London, J.M. Dent, 1930, [c.1899].
419 p.
PQ 4307 .A1 1899


Buonarroti, Michel Angelo, 1475-1564.
The sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. Now for the first time translated into rhymed English by John Addington Symonds. 3d edition, with a portrait. London, John Murray, 1912.
102 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "March 5th 1926."
PQ 4615 .B6 A27 1912


Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616.
Don Quixote de la Mancha; the history of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha, written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Motteux's translation revised anew (1743) & corrected, rectified and filled up in numberless places by J. Ozell who likewise added the explanatory notes from the best editions in English & Spanish. Reprinted with twenty-one illustrations by E. McKnight Kauffer. London, The Nonesuch press, [1930.]
2 v. col. fronts., col. plates. 23½ cm.
"The Nonesuch edition, in two volumes, has been printed and made in England by Walter Lewis, M.A., printer to the University of Cambridge, on Casinensis hand-made paper, in the year 1930. It consists of 1475 copies of which 575 are for sale by Random house in the United States of America. This is number 1189."
PQ 6329 .A2 1930a

Holdings List  :  PR  :  Literature - British

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1863-1944.
Studies in literature, by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. First series. Cambridge, England, Cambridge at the University Press, 1924.
307 p. 23½ cm.
First edition 1918.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta/Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PR 99 .Q6 1924


Empson, William, 1906-
English pastoral poetry. New York, W.W. Norton & co., inc., [1938]
3 p. 1., 298 p., 21cm. Printed in Great Britain.
London edition (Chatto & Windus) has title: Some versions of pastoral.
Inscribed by the owner: "Father, Xmas '43 Eugene."
PR 149 .P3 E6 1938


Winwar, Frances, pseud.
Poor splendid wings; the Rossettis and their circle. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1933.
xii, 413 p. front., plates, ports. 22½ cm.
PR 466 .W5


Davison, Edward Lewis, 1898 -
Some modern poets and other critical essays, by Edward Davison. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1928.
6 p. 1., 3-255, [1] p. 19.5 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
PR 503 .D3


Wellington, Dorothy Violet (Ashton) Wellesley, duchess of, editor.
The annual, being a selection from the Forget-me-nots, Keepsakes and other annuals of the nineteenth century; with an introduction by V. Sackville-West. London, Cobden-Sanderson, [1930.]
x, 296 p. plates. 17 cm.
PR 1145 .W4


Maugham, William Somerset, 1874- , compiler.
Traveller's library, compiled and with notes by W. Somerset Maugham. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1933.
1688 p.
Also published the same year under title: Fifty modern English writers.
PR 1149 .M3


De La Mare, Walter John, 1873-
Alone, by Walter de la Mare; wood engravings by Blair Hughes-Stanton. [London, Faber & Gwyer, limited, 1927.]
cover-title, [4] p. 1 col. illus. 18½ cm. (On cover: The Ariel poems, no. 4)
PR 1225 .A7 no. 4


Monro, Harold, 1879- , compiler.
Twentieth century poetry; an anthology chosen by Harold Monro. London, Chatto and Windus, [1930.]
2 p. 1., 7-254, [1] p. 17½ cm. (Half-title: The Phoenix library) "First publication 1929"
PR 1225 .M57 1930


Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400.
The Canterbury tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, together with a version in modern English verse by William Van Wyck, illustrated by Rockwell Kent. New York, Covici-Friede, 1930.
2 v. front., illus., plates. 39 cm.
Original and modern versions in parallel columns.
"This edition consists of seventy-five copies on Crane's olde book, numbered 1 to 75; and nine hundred and twenty-four copies on Worthy number two rag, numbered 76 to 999. Each copy is signed by the artist. This is number 79."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PR 1872 .A1 V3


Malory, Sir Thomas, 15th cent.
The birth, life, and acts of King Arthur of his noble knights of the Round table their marvellous enquests and adventures the achieving of the San Greal and in the end le morte Darthur with the dolourous death and departing out of this world of them all. The text as written by Sir Thomas Malory and imprinted by William Caxton at Westminster the year MCCCCLXXXV and now spelled in modern style. With an introduction by Professor Rhys and embellished with many original designs by Aubrey Beardsley. [London, J.M. Dent & company,] 1893-94.
2 v., fronts., illus., plates. 26.5 cm.
"This edition limited to 300 copies on Dutch hand-made paper and 1500 ordinary copies, after printing which the type has been distributed."
PR 2043 .K5


Donne, John, 1573-1631.
Complete poetry and selected prose, edited by John Hayward. London: The Nonesuch press; New York: Random House, 1932, [c.1929].
794 p. 20 cm.
PR 2245 .A5 H3


Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637.
Ben Jonson; edited with introduction and notes by Brinsley Nicholson and C.H. Herford. London, T.F. Unwin; New York, C. Scribner's sons, [1903.]
3 v. fronts. (ports.) 18 cm. (The Mermaid series) Thin paper edition; reprint of the edition of 1893-95.
Library has vol. 3 only of 3 vol. set.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Bellevue Bermuda 11 Jan. '26"
PR 2602 .N5 1903a


Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
The works of Shakespeare. The text of the first folio with quarto variants and a selection of modern readings: edited by Herbert Farjeon. [London,] Nonesuch press; New York, Random house, inc., 1929-33.
7 v. 24 cm.
"This edition consists of 1050 copies for sale in Great Britain & Ireland and 550 copies for sale in the United States of America ...printed the Cambridge university press ...This is numbered 268."
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "July 22nd 1929."
PR 2753 .F3 1929x


Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
The comedies, histories & tragedies of William Shakespeare. New York, The Limited editions club, 1939-1940.
37 v. plates (part col.) 33 cm.
"The edition consists of nineteen hundred and fifty copies, of which this is number 1611."
Edited by Herbert Farjeon from the text of the first folio and quarto editions.
PR 2754 .F3


Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
The Shakespeare anthology; poems, poetical passages, lyrics. London, The Nonesuch Press, New York, Random House, Inc., [n.d.]
525 p.
PR 2759 .N6


Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
The sonnets of William Shakespeare. Mount Vernon, [N.Y.,] The Peter Pauper press, [1936.]
[79] p., 25½ cm. PR 2848 .A1 1936


Shakespeare's England; an account of the life & manners of his age. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1926, [1919.]
2 v. fronts., illus., plates, ports., maps, facsims. 23½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis 1929."
PR 2910 .S5 1926x


Lewis, Wyndham, 1886-
The lion and the fox; the role of the hero in the plays of Shakespeare. London, G. Richards ltd., 1927.
326 p. 22½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Hotel des Rheim Paris - Oct. 4th '28."
Quotations in manuscript by O'Neill on back lining-paper.
PR 2989 .L4


The English dance of death, from the designs of Thomas Rowlandson; with metrical illustrations by the author of 'Doctor syntax'. London, Methuen and Co., 1903.
Library has vol. 2 only of the set.
"A new edition."
PR 3359 .C5 E5 1903


[Combe, William,] 1741-1823.
The history of Johnny Quae Genus, the little foundling of the late Doctor Syntax, a poem by the author of The three tours: with twenty-four coloured illustrations by Thomas Rowlandson. A new edition. London, Methuen & co., 1903.
viii, 251, [1] p. col. front., col. plates. 17½ cm. (Half-title: The illustrated pocket library of plain and coloured books) "This edition is founded on the edition published by R. Ackermann in the year 1822."
PR 3359 .C5 H5 1903


Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745.
Gulliver's travels, exactly reprinted from the first edition and other works. With some account of Cyrano de Bergerac, and of his voyages to the sun and moon. Edited by Henry Morley. London, George Routledge and Sons, Limited, 1890.
445 p. (The Carisbrooke library, xi)
PR 3724 .G7 1890


Blake, William, 1757-1827.
Poetry and prose of William Blake, edited by Geoffrey Keynes. Complete in one volume. New York: Random house; London: The Nonesuch Press. 1932, [c.1927].
xi, 1152 p. illus. 20 cm.
"The centenary edition of Blake's poetry and prose."
"Third edition."
PR 4141 .K42 1932


Quennell, Peter, 1905-
Byron; the years of fame. New York, The Viking press, 1935.
320 p.
PR 4382 .Q4


[Calverley, Charles Stuart] 1831-1884.
Fly leaves, by C.S.C., author of "Verses and translations.'' Cambridge, Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1872.
120 p.
PR 4409 .C2 F5


Dowson, Ernest Christopher, 1867-1900.
The poems and prose of Ernest Dowson. New York, Boni and Liveright [1919]
vii, 219 p. front., illus. 17 cm. (Half-title: The Modern library of the world's best books) "Memoir. By Arthur Symons."
PR 4613 .D5 A17 1919


Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck, 1836-1911.
Plays & poems of W.S. Gilbert, with a preface by Deems Taylor, including the complete text of the fourteen Gilbert and Sullivan operas, three other Gilbert plays and all of the Bab ballads. With illustrations by the author. New York, Random house, 1932.
1x, 1218 p. illus. 20 cm.
PR 4713 .A1 1932


Hardy,Thomas, 1840-1928.
Selected poems of Thomas Hardy. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1916.
ix, 214 p. 16 cm. (Half-title: Golden treasury series) Inscribed to the owner: "To Gene, at the close of that incomparable twenty-eighth year! - hoping for happy things ahead. - Susan. October 16, 1917"
PR 4741 .F16


Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928.
Collected poems of Thomas Hardy. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1926.
xxviii, 818 p. 20 cm.
"New complete American edition, published September, 1926 ...October, 1926."
PR 4741 .F26a


Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928.
Two on a tower. With an etching by H. Macbeth-Raeburn and a map of Wessex. New York, Harper & brothers [1895]
v, [1], 332, [1] p. front., map. 20cm.
PR 4753 .A3 T9 1895


Keats, John, 1795-1821.
Poems. London: Printed for C. & J. Ollier, 1817 [London, N. Douglas, 1927]
1 p. 1., facsim: 3 p. 1., 121 p. 18cm. (Half-title: The Noel Douglas replicas ...)
PR 4830 .E17a


Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834.
The complete works and letters of Charles Lamb. New York, The Modern library [c1935]
xxviii, 1124 p. 21 cm. (Half-title: The Modern library of the world's best books) "First Modern library edition."
PR 4860 .A2 1935


Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834.
The essays of Charles Lamb; selected with an introduction by Saxe Commins. New York, Armed Services Editions, Inc., c.1935.
443 p. 16.5 x 11.5 cm. (Armed Services Edition, F-175) Inscribed by the editor to Eugene and Carlotta O'Neill "with lifelong devotion ..." and dated "March 31, 1944."
PR 4860 .A3 1935x


Anthony, Katharine Susan, 1877-
The Lambs, a story of pre-Victorian England, by Katharine Anthony. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1945.
5 p. 1., 3-253, v, [1] p. front., pl., ports. 22cm.
PR 4863 .A6


Meredith, George, 1828-1909.
The poetical works of George Meredith; with some notes by G.M. Trevelyan. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1912.
xv, [1], 623 p. front. (port.) 21 cm.
PR 5007 .A1 1912


Moore, George, 1852-1933.
The brook Kerith; a Syrian story. London, W. Heinemann ltd., 1933.
468 p. (The works of George Moore. Uniform edition, v. 11)
PR 5042 .B7 1933


Pater, Walter Horatio, 1839-1894.
Marius, the Epicurean, his sensations and ideas, by Walter Pater. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1925.
2 v. 23 cm.
"First edition ...1885 ...Library edition, 1910, reprinted 1911 ...1925."
Vol. 1 signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey 1926."
Vol. 2 signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey. Maine, 1926."
Vol. 2: Presentation card by Elizabeth Marbury, American author of My Crystal Ball; Reminiscences.
PR 5134 .M3 1925


Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 1837-1909.
The poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne. London, Chatto & Windus, 1904.
6 v. front. (v. 6, port.) 19 ½ cm.
Library has vol. 3 only of 6 vol. set.
PR 5505 1904


Thompson, Francis, 1859-1907.
The poems of Francis Thompson. London, Oxford university press, H. Milford [1937]
xi, 367, [1] p. front. (port.) 19 cm.
"A note by Francis Thompson's literary executor" signed: W.M. [i.e. Wilfrid Meynell]
PR 5650 .A1 1937a


Wells, Herbert George, 1866-1946.
The time machine [by] H.G. Wells; an invention; with a preface by the author written for this edition; and designs by W.A. Dwiggins. New York, Random house, 1931.
x, 86 p., illus., v col. pl. (2 double) 24 ½ cm.
"Twelve hundred copies of this book have been printed at the Abbey press, Gordon-Taylor, inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts for sale in America & England. This is copy number 642."
PR 5774 .T5 1931


Wells, Herbert George, 1866-1946.
Tono-Bungay; a novel, by H.G. Wells. New York, Duffield & company,1914, c.1908.
4 p. 1., [3]-460 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Jan. 1919."
PR 5774 .T6 1908


Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900.
Complete works of Oscar Wilde, edited by Robert Ross. Authorized edition. New York, Bigelow, Brown & co., inc. [1905-1909?]
10 v. (v. l: front.) 21 ½ cm.
On spine: National library edition.
PR 5810 .FO5x


Harris, Frank, 1855-1931.
Oscar Wilde; his life and confessions. New York city, The author, 1916.
2 v. front., ports., facsim. 21 cm.
"Memories of Oscar Wilde, by G. Bernard Shaw" [c.1918]: 32 p. at end of volume two.
PR 5823 .H3 1918


Lewis, Lloyd, 1891-
Oscar Wilde discovers America <1882> by Lloyd Lewis and Henry Justin Smith. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c.1936]
xiv, 462 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 24 cm.
PR 5823 .L4


Pearson, Hesketh, 1887-
Oscar Wilde, his life and wit. New York and London, Harper & brothers [1946]
345 p.
PR 5823 .P4


Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850.
The complete poetical works of William Wordsworth, with an introduction by John Morley. New York, T.Y. Crowell & co. [c1907]
1 p. 1., iv, 951 p. front., plates. 21 cm.
Inscribed to Eugene O'Neill from his daughter: "Love to Daddy from Oona" and dated "Xmas 1931."
PR 5850 .F07


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939.
The collected poems of W.B. Yeats. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1933.
xvii, 478 p. front. (port.) 20 ½ cm.
"New collected edition in one volume. Published, November, 1933."
PR 5900 .A3 1933


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939.
Early poems and stories, by W.B. Yeats. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1925.
3 p. 1., v-x, 528 p. 20 ½ cm.
PR 5900 .F25


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939.
New Poems: by W.B. Yeats. Dublin, Ire., The Cuala press, 1938.
2 p. l., 38, [1] p.; [5] p. (music) 21 ½ cm.
"Four hundred and fifty copies ...have been printed and published by Elizabeth Corbet Yeats, at the Cuala press."
PR 5904 .N4 1938


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939.
The tower, by W.B. Yeats. London, Macm.illan and co., ltd., 1928.
vi, 110 p. 19cm.
PR 5904 .T6 1928


Yeats, William Butler, 1865-1939.
Dramatis personae, 1896-1902. Estrangement, The death of Synge, The bounty of Sweden. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1936.
3-200 p.
PR 5906 .A537 1936


Baring, Hon. Maurice, 1874-1945.
Cat's cradle; illustrated by Daphne Baring. London, William Heinemann Ltd. [c1925]
720 p.
PR 6003 .A67 C3


Baring, Hon. Maurice, 1874-1945.
Passing by. London, Martin Secker, 1928.
342 p. (The new Adelphi library, vol. 49)
PR 6003 .A67 P3 1928x


Beerbohm, Sir Max, 1872-1956.
Yet again, by Max Beerbohm. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1923.
viii, 306 p. 19 ½ cm.
PR 6003 .E4 Y4 1923


Benson, Stella, 1892-1933.
The far-away bride. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1930.
xiii p., 445 p. 20 cm.
A reprint of the apocryphal book of Tobit has been appended (p. [417]-445) for the purpose of comparing the two stories.
Card with colorful landscape picture attached to the front end-paper. Inside is a fifteen-line note presenting the book apparently to Carlotta Monterey and signed "John."
PR 6003 .E72 F3 1930


[Blixen, Karen] 1885-
Seven Gothic tales, by Isak Dinesen [pseud.]; with an introduction by Dorothy Canfield. New York, H. Smith and R. Haas, 1934.
x p., 420 p. 21 ½ cm.
PR 6003 .L545 S4x


Bowen, Elizabeth, 1899 -
The death of the heart. New York; A.A. Knopf. 1939.
5 p. 1., 3-418 p. 21 cm.
PR 6003. O6757 D431939x


Campbell, Roy, 1901 -
Adamastor, poems. London; Faber & Faber ltd. [1930].
2 p. 1., 7-108 p. 19.5 cm.
PR6005.A418 A71930


Campbell, Roy, 1901-1957.
Choosing a mast. Drawings by Barnett Freedman. [London; Faber & Faber, Limited. n.d.]
[4] p. (The Ariel poems, No. 38)
PR6005.A418 C4


Campbell, Roy, 1901 -
The flaming terrapin. London; J. Cape, ltd. [1924] "Fourth Impression, 1930."
94 p. incl. front. 19.5 cm.
In verse.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis - April 1931."
PR6005.A418 F51924


Campbell, Roy, 1901 -
The Georgiad, a satirical fantasy in verse. London; Boriswood limited. [1931].
64 p. 22.5 cm.
"First published in 1931."
PR6005.A418 G41931


Campbell, Roy, 1901-1957.
The wayzgoose; a south African satire. London, Jonathan Cape, 1928.
61 p.
PR 6005 .A418 W3 1928


Clifford, Sir Hugh Charles, 1866-1941.
Malayan monochromes. London, John Murray [1925, c.1913]
vii, 312 p. 19 ½ cm.
PR 6005 .L77 M3x


Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924.
[Complete works. Kent edition] New York, Doubleday, Page & co., 1925.
26 v. 20 cm.
Library is missing vols. 3, 5-7, 12, 22, 24, and 25 of 26 vol. set.
PR 6005 .O 4 1925


Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924.
Within the tides; tales. Garden City, New York, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1916.
3-300 p.
PR 6005 .O 4 W55x


Coppard, Alfred Edgar, 1878-
Adam & Eve & Pinch me, tales by A.E. Coppard. New York, A.A. Knopf, [1921]
6 p. 1., 9-140 p. 19 cm.
Presentation copy to Carlotta from Mr._? and dated "Feb. 16th 1922."
PR 6005 .O55 A15 1921x


De Selincourt, Irene Rutherford (McLeod) 1891 -
Before dawn. New York; B.W. Huebsch. 1918.
4 p. 1., 7-125 p. 19.5 cm.
PR6007.E643 B41918


De Selincourt, Irene Rutherford (McLeod) 1891 -
Songs to save a soul. New York; B.W. Huebsch. 1916.
Xi, 13-103, [1] p. 17.5 cm.
PR6007.E643 S6


Ellis, Havelock, 1859-1939.
The dance of life. London, Bombay, Sydney; Constable and company. 1923.
340 p. 22 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PR 6009 .L8 D3 1923


Evans, Caradoc, 1883?-1945.
My people; stories of the peasantry of West Wales. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1918.
275 p.
PR 6009 .V3 M9 1918


Galsworthy, John, 1867-1933.
The pigeon; a fantasy in three acts. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1912.
4 p. 1., 80 p. 19 cm.
PR 6013 .A5 P5 1912


Graham, Robert Bontine Cunninghame, 1852-1936.
Thirty tales & sketches, by R.B. Cunninghame Graham, selected by Edward Garnett. New York, The Viking press, 1929.
ix, [1] p., 3-354 p. 21 ½ cm.
PR 6013 .R19 A6 1929x


Graves, Robert, 1895-
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina. New York, H. Smith and R. Haas, 1935.
583 p. illus. (map) fold. geneal. tables. 22 cm.
At head of title: By Robert Graves.
PR 6013 .R35 C6 1935x


Graves, Robert, 1895-
I, Claudius; from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, born B.C. 10, murdered and deified A.D. 54. New York, H. Smith and H. Haas, 1934.
3 p. 1., 9-494 p. fold. geneal. tab. 22 cm.
PR 6013 . R35 I2 1934bx


Graves, Robert, 1895-
Good-bye to all that; an autobiography. London, Jonathan Cape [1929]
446 p. plates, 2 port. (incl. front.) maps, fold. facsim. 22 ½ cm.
First printed November 1929.
"Fifth impression December 1929."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PR 6013 .R35 Z5 1929


Hudson, William Henry, 1841-1922.
Green mansions; a romance of the tropical forest, by W.H. Hudson; illustrated by Miguel Covarrubias. New York; For the members of the Heritage Club, [c.1936]
346 p., illus., col. plates. 24 ½ cm.
Illustrated t.-p. and lining-papers in colors.
"For the members of the Heritage Club."
PR 6015 .U23 G7 1936


Hudson, William Henry, 1841-1922.
Far away and long ago; a history of my early life by W.H. Hudson; with a foreword by John Galsworthy. London & Toronto, J.M. Dent & sons ltd.; New York, E.P. Dutton & co., 1923.
332 p.
PR 6015 .U23 Z5 1923


Hughes, Richard Arthur Warren, 1900-
A moment of time, by Richards Hughes. London, Chatto & Windus, 1926.
243 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey March 20th 1926 -"
Presentation card inscribed: "Please hurry up and get better. Life holds absolutely no thrill for sure these days. Love your little redhead John."
PR 6015 .U35 M6 1926


Huxley, Aldous Leonard, 1894-
Arabia infelix, and other poems, by Aldous Huxley. New York, The Fountain press; London, Chatto and Windus, 1929.
4 p. 1., 35, [1] p. 24 ½ cm.
"Six hundred and ninety-two copies printed at the Harbor press, three hundred copies for America, distributed by Random house, title page decoration by William H. Cotton, each copy signed by the author. This is number 190."
Signed by the author on the half-title page.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" on the front end-paper.
PR 6015 .U9 A85 1929


Lawrence, David Herbert, 1885-1930.
The escaped cock, by D.H. Lawrence. With decorations in color by the author. Paris, The Black Sun Press, 1929.
95 p.
"This first edition ...with water-color decorations by the author to 450 numbered copies on Holland Van Gelder Zonen and 50 copies on Japanese vellum signed by the author." This is number 287, which is not signed by the author.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta & Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis - March 1930 -"
PR 6023 .A93E7


[McAllister, Alister] 1877-
The two diamonds, by Lynn Brock [pseud.]. London [etc.] W. Collins and sons & co., ltd. n.d.
vii p., 294 p. 19cm.
PR 6025 .A12 T9


Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947.
The hill of dreams. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1924, [c.1922]
xv, 268 p. 20 cm.
First printed London, 1907.
PR 6025 .A245 H5 1922


Masefield, John, 1878-
Salt-water poems and ballads. Illustrated by Chas. Pears. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1916.
ix, 163 p. col. front., illus., plates ( part col.) 19 ½ cm.
PR 6025 .A77 S3 1916


Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-
East and west; the collected short stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1934.
955 p.
PR 6025 .A86 E38 1934x


Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-
On a Chinese screen, by W. Somerset Maugham. New York, George H. Doran company [c1922]
viii p., 11-237 p. 19 ½ cm.
Inscribed by the author: "The gentleman who mows the lawn."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PR 6025 .A86 O6


Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-
Six stories written in the first person singular [by] W. Somerset Maugham. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1931.
x, 299 p. 20 cm.
On cover: First person singular.
PR 6025 .A86 S5


Maugham, William Somerset, 1874-
The summing up, by W. Somerset Maugham. London, Toronto, W. Heinemann, ltd. [1938]
3 p. 1., 317 p. 22 cm.
PR 6025 .A86 S8 1938


Millin, Sarah Gertude (Liebson), 1889-1968.
Mary Glenn. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1925.
223 p. 19 ½ cm.
PR 6025 .I624 M3


Munthe, Axel Martin Fredrik, 1857-1949.
The story of San Michele, by Axel Munthe. London, J. Murray [1929]
3 p. l., ix-xvi, 530 p. 22 ½ cm.
"First edition, April 1929."
Eleventh impression, May 1930.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta/Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PR 6025 .U69 S7 1929a


O'Casey, Sean, 1884-1964.
The plough and the stars; a tragedy in four acts. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1930, [c.1926].
viii, 136 p. 19 ½ cm.
PR 6029 .C33 P6 1930


O'Casey, Sean, 1880-1964.
The silver tassie, a tragi-comedy in four acts. With a portrait of the author by Evan Walters. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1930, [c.1928].
viii, 140 p. port. 19 ½ cm.
"Songs and chants in the play": p. 133-140.
PR 6029 .C33 S5 1928


O' Casey, Sean, 1884-1964.
Two plays: Juno and the paycock, The shadow of a gunman. With portrait of the author by Augustus John. London; Macm.illan & co., limited. 1930, [c.1925]
4 p. 1., 3-199 p. front. 19 ½ cm.
PR 6029 .C33 T8 1925


O'Faolain, Sean, 1900-
A nest of simple folk. New York, The Viking Press, 1934.
398 p.
PR 6029 .F3 N38 1934x


[Russell, George William] 1867-1935.
The interpreters, by A.E. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
viii p., 175 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Beacon Farm 1931."
PR 6035 .U7 I6 1923


Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary, 1892-
All passion spent [by] V. Sackville-West. London; Published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press. 1931.
296, [1] p. 19 cm.
PR 6037 .A35 A74 1931


Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary, 1892-
The dark island [by] V. Sackville-West. London; Published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth press, 1934.
317 p. 19cm.
Map on lining-paper.
PR 6037 .A35 D27 1934


Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary, 1892-
The Edwardians [by] V. Sackville-West. [London] Published by Leonard & Virginia Woolf, the Hogarth Press, 1930.
349, [1] p. 19cm.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta/Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PR 6037 .A35 E32x 1930


Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary, 1892-
Thirty clocks strike the hour, and other stories, by V. Sackville-West. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran & company, inc., 1932.
4 p. 1., 3-304 p. plates. 21cm.
PR 6037 .A35 T48 1932


Sassoon, Siegfried Lorraine, 1886-
The heart's journey. London, W. Heinemann, ltd., 1929.
45 p.
"First published July 1928."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis - Sept. 1929."
PR 6037 .A86 H4 1929


[Sassoon, Siegfried Lorraine] 1886-
Memoirs of a fox-hunting man. London, Faber & Gwyer limited [1928]
2 p. 1., 7-395, [1] p. 19cm.
Tenth impression October 1930.
PR 6037 .A86 M4 1928


Sassoon, Siegfried Lorraine, 1886-
Selected poems, by Siegfried Sassoon. London, W. Heinemann ltd., 1930.
vii, 75 p. 19 ½ cm.
First published April 1925.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "Paris - Jan. 17th 1931."
PR 6037 .A86 S4 1925


Sitwell, Edith, 1887-1964.
Green song and other poems. Frontispiece by Pavel Tchelitchew. New York, Vanguard Press [1946]
49 p. front. 25 cm. (View editions)
PR 6037 .I8 G7


Sitwell, Edith, 1887-1964.
The wooden Pegasus. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1920.
119, [1] p. 21cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 15th 1925!"
PR 6037 .I8 W6 1920


Stephens, James, 1882-1950.
Collected poems of James Stephens. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1926.
3 p. l., xiv, 268 p. 21 cm.
PR 6037 .T4 A17 1926


Stephens, James, 1882-1950 Collected poems. London, Macm.illan and co., 1926.
4 p. l., vii-xxii, 260 p. 20 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated" Guethary June, 1928."
PR 6037 .T4 A17 1926cx


Stephens, James, 1882-
The charwoman's daughter. London, Macm.illan and co., limited, 1917 [c.1912]
3 p. l., 227, [1] p. 19cm.
Published in U.S. under title: Mary, Mary.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Jan. 12th 1922."
PR 6037 .T4 C4


Stephens, James, 1882-1950.
Etched in moonlight. London; Macm.illan and co., limited. 1928.
3 p. 1., 198 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey 1928."
PR 6037 .T4 E8 1928


Stephens, James, 1882-1950.
The hill of vision. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1917 [c.1912]
viii, 131 p. 20 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "May 14th 1921."
PR 6037 .T4 H5


Stephens, James, 1882-1950.
Theme and variations. New York, The Fountain press, 1930.
5 p. 1., 3-31 p. 20 ½ cm.
"Printed in England."
"Of this first edition . . . eight hundred and ninety-two copies have been printed . . . Eight hundred and fifty numbered copies, signed by the author, are for sale . . . This is copy number 594."
Signed by the author on the half-title page.
PR 6037 .T4 T5 1930


Tomlinson, Henry Major, 1873-
Old junk; foreword by S.K. Ratcliffe. New York, Knopf, 1920.
208 p.
"The first printing of this book consists of eleven hundred copies, of which one thousand are for sale. This is number 785."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill - Old Peaked Hill Bar - June 1920."
PR 6039 .O35 O5 1920


Webb, Mary Gladys (Meredith) 1883-1927.
Precious bane; with an introduction by the Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin. London, Jonathan Cape [1930]
320 p. (The collected works of Mary Webb) First published 1924.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene/Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PR 6045 .E2 P72 1930


Woolf, Virginia (Stephen) 1882-1941.
Mrs. Dalloway. New York, Harcourt, Brace and co., [c.1925].
296 p.
Third printing Aug. 1925.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PR 6045 .O 72 M5 1925

Holdings List  :  PS - PZ  :  Literature - American, German, Scandinavian, Children's

Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963.
The flowering of New England, 1815-1865. [New York] E.P. Dutton & co., inc., 1936.
6 p. 1., 550 p. 22 ½ cm.
PS 243 .B7 1936


Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-
Our singing strength; an outline of American poetry (1620-1930). New York, Coward-McCann, inc., 1929.
x p. 643 p. 23 ½ cm.
PS 303 .K7


Krutch, Joseph Wood, 1893-
The American drama since 1918; an informal history. New York, Random house [c.1939]
x, 325 p. 21 cm.
"First printing."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill"
PS 351 .K7


Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883- ed.
Lyric America, an anthology of American poetry (1630-1930). New York, Coward-McCann, inc., 1930.
xxxix, [1], 632 p. 23 ½ cm.
PS 586 .K7 1930


Shay, Frank, 1888- comp.
My pious friends and drunken companions; songs and ballads of conviviality. Magnificently illuminated by John Held jr. New York, The Macaulay company [c.1927]
192 p. incl. front., illus. 22 ½ cm.
Contains music.
Fourth printing, Jan. 1928 PS 593 .L8 S45


The Provincetown plays. First series. New York, Frank Shay, 1916.
67 p. 21 cm.
Library copy incomplete: contains only Bound east for Cardiff by Eugene O'Neill.
PS 634 .P7 ser.1


The Provincetown plays. Third series. New York, Frank Shay, 1916.
3 p. l., p. 147-207. 20 ½ cm.
Library copy incomplete: contains only The Two Sons by Neith Boyce and Lima Beans by Alfred Kreymborg.
PS 634 .P7 ser. 3


[Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] 1835-1910.
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's comrade). By Mark Twain [pseud.]. Ilustrated. New edition from new plates. New York and London, Harper & brothers [c.1912]
5 p. l., 404, [1] p. front. (port.) plates. 21 cm.
PS 1305 .A1 1912bx


[Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] 1835-1910.
The adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain [pseud.]. New York and London, Harper & brothers [c.1920]
5 p. l., 290, [2] p. front., plates. 20 ½ cm.
PS 1305 .A3x


[Clemens, Samuel Langhorne] 1835-1910.
Roughing it, by Mark Twain [pseud.]. New York and London, Harper & brothers [1913]
2v. in l. fronts., plates. 20 ½ cm.
PS 1318 .A1 1913


Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900.
Maggie, a girl of the streets. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1896.
vi, 158 p. 19cm.
PS 1449 .C85 M3


Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882.
Emerson's complete works. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin, 1921.
6 v. (front. v.l) 20 cm.
Cover title.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Maine, 1926."
PS 1600 .F21x


Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882.
The heart of Emerson's journals, edited by Bliss Perry. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1926.
ix p., 357 p. front. (port.) 20 ½ cm.
PS 1631 .A3 1926


Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-
The life of Emerson. New York, E.P. Dutton & co., inc. [c.1932]
315 p. 22 ½ cm.
Fifth printing, Dec. 1933 PS 1631 .B65


Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864.
Mosses from an old manse. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1883.
559 p. front. 20 ½ cm. (Half-title: Riverside edition. The complete works of Nathaniel Hawthorne ... v.2) Edited, with an introductory note, by G.P. Lathrop.
PS 1850 .E83 v.2


Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864.
The house of the seven gables and The snow image and other Twice-told tales. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1883.
1 p. l., iv, [5]-641 p. front. 20 ½ cm. (Half-title: Riverside edition. The complete works of Nathaniel Hawthorne . . . v.3) Edited, with an introductory note, by G.P. Lathrop.
PS 1850 .E83 v.3


Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864.
The scarlet letter and The Blithedale romance. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1883.
vi p., [9]-600 p. front. 20 ½ cm. (Half-title: Riverside edition. The complete works of Nathaniel Hawthorne . . . vol. v) Edited, with an introductory note, by G.P. Lathrop.
PS 1850 .E83 v.5


Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904.
Karma. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1918.
6, 11-163 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene G. O'Neill."
PS 1917 .K3 1918


Irving, Washington, 1783-1859.
The Alhambra, tales and sketches of the Moors and Spaniards. New York, A.L. Burt company [1894?]
vi, 369 p. front. 19 cm. (On spine: The home library)
PS 2056 .A1 1894


Lewis, Alfred Henry, 1857-1914.
Wolfville days. With frontispiece by Frederic Remington. New York, Grosset & Dunlap [c.1902]
311 p. front.
PS 2246 .L18


Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.
Israel Potter, his fifty years of exile. Edited with an introduction by Raymond M. Weaver. New York, Alfred & Charles Boni, 1924.
xvii, 274 p. 21 cm. (Half-title: The Pequod edition of Herman Melville's collected works) Published in 1865 under title: The refugee.
PS 2384 .I7 1924x


Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862.
Winter: from the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau. Edited by H.G.O. Blake. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, [c.1887]
2 p. l., [iii] - vi, 439 p. 20 cm. (Half-title: Riverside Edition. The Writings of Henry David Thoreau . . . vol. 8)
PS 3042 .B55


Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917.
Henry D. Thoreau. By F.B. Sanborn. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1883, [c.1882]
viii, 324 p. front. (port.) 18 cm. (Half-title: American men of letters. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner) Series title also at head of t.-p.
PS 3053 .S4


Anderson, Sherwood, 1876-1941.
The triumph of the egg; a book of impressions from American life in tales and poems. In clay by Tennessee Mitchell. [Seven] photographs by Eugene Hutchinson. New York, B.W. Huebsch, inc, 1921.
7 p. l., 269 p. plates. 20 ½ cm. Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 12th 1921."
PS 3501 .N4 T7


Beer, Thomas, 1889-1940.
The mauve decade; American life at the end of the nineteenth century. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1926.
268 p. 22 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "April 22nd 1926, Spring!!"
PS 3503 .E267 M3 1926


Day, Clarence, 1874-1935.
God and my father. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1932.
x, 83, [1] p. 19 ½ cm.
"Second Printing, May, 1932."
PS 3507 .A858 G6 1932


Day, Clarence, 1874-1935.
This simian world. With illustrations by the author. New York & London, A.A. Knopf, 1936.
4 p. l., 3-97, [1] p., illus. 19 ½ cm.
"Published May 22, 1920 . . . Eleventh printing, March, 1936."
PS 3507 .A858 T5 1936


De Casseres, Benjamin, 1873-
Anathema! Litanies of negation. With a foreword by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Gotham book mart, 1928.
xi, 44 p. 24 ½ cm.
"Limited to 1250 autographed copies on Navarre paper bound in Fabriano. This is number 821."
Signed by the author.
Inscribed by the author on the front end-paper: "To Dr. P.P. Nicholas with great admiration."
PS 3507 .E24 A8 1928


De Casseres, Benjamin, 1873-
Anathema! Litanies of negation. With a foreword by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Gotham book mart, 1928.
xi, 44 p. 24 ½ cm.
Library has 2 copies with original paper wrappers.
"Limited to 1250 autographed copies on Navarre paper bound in Fabriano."
Library has nos. 1148 and 1160, signed by the author.
PS 3507 .E24 A8 1928


Doolittle, Hilda, 1886-1961.
Heliodora, and other poems, by H.D. London, Jonathan Cape. [1924]
127 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Oct. 24th 1924."
PS 3507 .O726 H4 1924


Dreiser, Theodore, 1871-1945.
Twelve men. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1919.
v p. 360 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene G. O'Neill."
PS 3507 .R55 T9 1919


Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-
Poems, 1909-1925, by T.S. Eliot. London, Faber and Gwyer, 1926.
3 p. 1., 5-98, [1] p. 20cm.
"First published in 1925 . . . Second impression April 1926."
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PS 3509 .L43 P6 1926


Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961.
A farewell to arms. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1929.
355 p. 20 cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill 1930."
PS 3515 .E37 F3 1929


Hemingway, Ernest, 1898-1961.
Men without women. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1932, [c.1927].
232 p.
PS 3515 .E37 M45 1932


Jeffers, Robinson, 1887-
Roan stallion, Tamar and other poems. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1925.
viii p., 11-253 p. 21 ½ cm.
6th printing, June 1928.
PS 3519 .E27 R6 1925


Kantor, MacKinlay, 1904-
Long remember. Decorations by Will Crawford. New York, Coward-McCann [c.1934]
5 p. l., 3-411 p. illus. (map) 21 cm.
PS 3521 .A47 L6


Lardner, Ring Wilmer, 1885-1933.
Round up, the stories of Ring W. Lardner. New York, Charles Scribner's sons, 1929.
467 p.
PS 3523 .A7 R78


Newton, Alfred Edward, 1863-1940.
Mr. Strahan's dinner party; a comedy in one act, with prologue and epilogue, by A. Edward Newton, and a note by Edward F. O'Day. San Francisco, Printed for the Book club of California by J.H. Nash, 1930.
2 p. l., [iii]-ix, 43 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 36 cm.
"This is no. 320 of an edition of 350 copies, of which 335 are for sale to members of the club and 15 are reserved for the author."
Signed by the author.
PS 3527 .E917 M5 1930


Nordhoff, Charles Bernard, 1887-
The hurricane, by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1936.
4 p. l., [3]-257 p. 21 cm.
PS 3527 .O437 H8


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The complete works of Eugene O'Neill. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1924.
2 v. 23cm.
"This edition of The complete works of Eugene O'Neill is limited to 1200 numbered sets of two volumes each, signed by the author." This is set number 1027.
PS 3529 .N5 1924


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The plays of Eugene O'Neill. Wilderness edition. New York, C. Scribner's sons [c.1934-1935]
12 v. pl., port. 24 ½ cm.
"This Wilderness edition . . . printed from type now destroyed, is limited to seven hundred and seventy sets of which twenty are for presentation. This is set no. 695."
Volume 1 signed by the author.
PS 3529 .N5 1934


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Nueve dramas. Traduccion de Leon Mirlas. Buenos Aires, Editorial Sudamericana, c.1947.
2 v. 19 cm.
Attachment tipped in: "Advertencia . . ." in vol. 1 PS 3529 .N5 A59 1947


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The long voyage home; seven plays of the sea. New York, The Modern library [c.1940]
217 p. (The Modern library of the world's best books) Library has 2 copies.
PS 3529 .N5 A6


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888 - 1953.
Lost plays. New York, A New Fathoms Publication, 1950.
156 p. 21 cm.
PS 3529 .N5 A6 1950


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Ah, wilderness! New York, Random house [c.1933]
159 p. 21 ½ cm.
A play.
"This edition of Ah, wilderness! is limited to three hundred and twenty-five copies printed on all-rag paper and signed by the author."
Library has copies no. 7 and 26.
PS 3529 .N5 A7 1933


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Ah, wilderness! New York, Random house [c.1933]
159 p. 21 ½ cm.
A play.
"This edition of Ah, wilderness! is limited to three hundred and twenty-five copies printed on all-rag paper and signed by the author."
Library has copy no. 23 in a slip case.
PS 3529 .N5 A7 1933


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Ah, wilderness! A comedy of recollections in three acts, by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Los Angeles [etc.] Samuel French, c.1933.
151 p. (French's Standard Library edition)
PS 3529 .N5 A7 1933a


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
All God's chillun got wings and Welded, by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright [c.1924]
170 p. 20 cm.
Inscribed: "Aug 8th 1924. Wish you a happy birthday - dear old boy. Mother."
PS 3529 .N5 A8 1924


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone,1888-1953.
Anna Christie, a play in four acts, by Eugene O'Neill. London, Jonathan Cape [1923]
122 p.
"Second impression, 1923."
PS 3529 .N5 A9


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Plays: "Anna Christie"; All God's chillun got wings; Diff'rent. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1925.
254 p. 21 ½ cm.
At head of title: Eugene O'Neill.
PS 3529 .N5 A9 1925


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-
Before breakfast, a play in one act, by Eugene G. O'Neill. New York, F. Shay, 1916.
19 p. 20cm.
PS 3529 .N5 B34


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone,1888-1953.
Beyond the horizon; a play in three acts, by Eugene G. O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright [c.1920]
5 p. l., 165 p. 19 ½ cm.
PS 3529 .N5 B4 1920


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Days without end. New York, Random house [c.1934]
157 p. 25 cm. At head of title: Eugene O'Neill.
A play.
"This edition is limited to 325 copies . . . signed by the author."
Library has copies no. 87 and 253.
PS 3529 .N5 D3 1934ax


Hartman, Murray, 1919-
"Desire under the elms," in the light of Strindberg's influence. Reprinted from "American Literature," v.33, no. 3, November, 1961, p.360-369.
[11 p.]
PS 3529 .N5 D53x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Dynamo [by] Eugene O'Neill. New York, Horace Liveright, 1929.
4 p. l., vii-viii, 151, [1] p. 26.5 x 20 cm.
"Of this edition . . . Horace Liveright has printed . . . 775 copies . . . 750 copies only are for sale; each copy is numbered and signed by the author; This copy is number 656."
PS 3529 .N5 D8 1929b


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The Emperor Jones, Diff'rent, The straw, New York, Boni and Liveright [c.1921]
285 p.
PS 3529 .N5 E5 1921


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The Emperor Jones, by Eugene O'Neill. Cincinnati, Stewart Kidd company [c.1921]
54 p. 19 cm. (Half-title: Stewart Kidd modern plays, edited by Frank Shay) Library has 2 copies.
PS 3529 .N5 E5 1921a


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The Emperor Jones, by Eugene O'Neill; with eight illustrations by Alexander King. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1928.
90 p.
"This special edition . . . is limited to 775 numbered copies, of which 750 are for sale. Each copy is signed by the author. This copy is no. 234."
PS 3529 .N5 E5 1928


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Kaiser Jones; Schauspiel von Eugene G. O'Neill. Berlin, S. Fischer, Verlag, 1923.
27 p.
PS 3529 .N5 E515 1923


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Tre dramer: Emperor Jones, Ludna Gorillan, Tran. Oversatta av Elsa af Trolle, med inledning av Anders Osterling. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Forlag [1924]
51, 86, 34 p.
PS 3529 .N5 E519x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Gold; a play in four acts, by Eugene G. O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright [c.1920]
4 p. l., 120 p. 19 ½ cm.
PS 3529 .N5 G6 1920


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-
The hairy ape, Anna Christie, The first man, by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright [c.1922]
6 p. 1., 322 p. 19 ½ cm.
PS 3529 .N5 H3 1922


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The hairy ape, by Eugene O'Neill. With nine illustrations by Alexander King. New York, Horace Liveright, 1929, [c.1922 by Boni and Liveright]
114 p.
"This special edition . . . is limited to 775 numbered copies, of which 750 are for sale. Each copy is signed by the author. This copy is no. 630."
PS 3529 .N5 H3 1929


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888 - 1953.
Der haarige affe, ein schauspiel alten und neuen lebens in acht bildern, von Eugene G. O'Neill. Berlin, S. Fischer Verlag, 1924.
45 p. 25.5 cm.
"Den buhnen und vereinen gegenuber manuscript."
"Berechtigte ubertragung von Frank Washburn Freund und Else von Hollander."
"Erste und zweite auflage."
PS 3529 .N5 H33


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888 - 1953.
Hughie. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1959.
37 p. 25 cm.
A play.
"First Edition: First Printing."
PS 3529 .N5 H8


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The iceman cometh, a play by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Random house [c.1946]
viii, 260 p. 21 cm.
First issued, 1940, as an unpublished work.
PS 3529 .N5 I3 1946


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The iceman cometh, a play by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Random house [c.1946]
[7], 3-261 l. 21 ½ x 19 cm.
"Copyright, as an unpublished work, 1940, by Eugene O'Neill."
PS 3529 .N5 I3 1946ax


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The iceman cometh by Eugene O'Neill. London, Jonathan Cape [1947]
224 p.
PS 3529 .N5 I3 1947


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Si, iskarlen kommer! Skadespel i fyra akter. [Oversattning av Sven Barthel] Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Forlag [1947]
222 p. 20 cm. (Panache serien) Library has 3 copies.
PS 3529 .N5 I38


Waton, Harry.
An analysis and interpretation of Eugene O'Neill's play, "The iceman cometh"; a lecture. Held at the Labor Temple, New York. January 19, 1947. Brooklyn, N.Y., Spinoza Institute of America, 1947.
10 p.
PS 3529 .N5 I 4386x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Lazarus laughed (1925-26) A play for an imaginative theatre. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1927.
179 p. 21 ½ cm.
"First printing."
PS 3529 .N5 L3 1927


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone.
Long Day's Journey into Night [by] Eugene O'Neill. New Haven [Conn.]: Yale University Press, 1956 (c.1955) 1st edition.
Inscribed by Carlotta Monterey O'Neill: "For, John H.G. Pell - from his friend" and dated "Feb. 1956."
PS 3529 .N5 L6


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
A play, Marco Millions. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1927.
13-180 p.
PS 3529 .N5 M3 1927


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Marco Millions, a play by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1927.
ix p., 13-180 p.
"This edition . . . is limited to 450 numbered copies, of which 440 are for sale. Each copy is signed by the author. This copy is no. 27."
Enclosed in publisher's slip case.
PS 3529 .N5 M3 1927ax


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Marco Millions, a play by Eugene O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1927.
ix p., 13-180 p.
"This edition . . . is limited to 450 numbered copies."
Library has 2 copies, each is unnumbered and designated "Author's copy"
PS 3529 .N5 M3 1927ax


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
A moon for the misbegotten, a play in four acts. New York, Random House [1952]
177 p. 21 cm.
PS 3529 .N5 M68


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
The moon of the Caribbees, and six other plays of the sea, by Eugene G. O'Neill. New York, Boni and Liveright, 1921 [c.1919]
5, 217 p. 19cm.
"This edition signed by the author."
Fifth printing, Nov. 1921.
PS 3529 .N5 M7 1919


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Unterm karibischen mond; dramatische studie von Eugene G. O'Neill. Berlin, S. Fischer, Verlag, 1924.
19 p.
"Den buhnen und vereinen gegenuber manuscript."
"Berechtigte ubertragung von Gustaf Kauder."
PS 3529 .N5 M714 1924x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
More stately mansions. Shortened from the author's partly revised script by Karl Ragnar Gierow and edited by Donald Gallup. New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1964.
xi, 194 p. illus., port. 25 cm.
PS 3529 .N5 M736 1964


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Mourning becomes Electra, a trilogy. New York, Horace Liveright, inc., 1931.
256 p.
PS 3529 .N5 M75 1931


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Mourning becomes Electra, a trilogy [by] Eugene O'Neill. New York, Horace Liveright, inc. [c.1931]
256, [15] p. 25cm.
"Working notes and extracts from a fragmentary work diary": [15] p. at end.
Facsimile of the "Working notes and extracts": 8 folded leaves (in pocket) "This special edition consists of 550 copies . . ."
The library has 2 copies, one is no. 70 of 500 numbered copies that are for sale, and the other is no. 516 of 50 copies that are numbered 501 - 550 which are for presentation.
Both copies are signed by the author.
PS 3529 .N5 M75 1931c


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Mourning becomes Electra; a trilogy by Eugene O'Neill. London, Jonathan Cape [1932]
288 p.
PS 3529 .N5 M75 1932


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Electra e os fantasmas (Mourning becomes Electra), trilogia; traducao livre do texto Americano por Henrique Galvao. Lisboa, Livraria Popular de Francisco Franco [1942]
284 p.
PS 3529 .N5 M756x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
A play, Strange interlude. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1928.
352 p. 21 ½ cm.
PS 3529 .N5 S7 1928


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Strange interlude. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1928.
297 p. 27 cm.
775 copies have been printed "on all rag watermarked paper. 750 copies only are for sale. Each copy is numbered and signed by the author. This copy is Number 576."
Enclosed in slip case.
PS 3529 .N5 S7 1928g


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Strange interlude. New York, Boni & Liveright, 1928.
297 p. 27 cm.
775 copies have been printed "on all rag watermarked paper."
This copy is designated "Author's copy 2" and signed by the author.
Uncut pages.
PS 3529 .N5 S7 1928g


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
L'etrange intermede (Strange interlude), piece en neuf actes; traduite de l'anglais par Fanny Pereire et Pierre Missac. Preface D'Henry Bidou. Paris, Gallimard [n.d.]
262 p.
PS 3529 .N5 S713


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Straniul interludiu (Strange interlude) traducere din limba engleza de Petru Comarnescu. Bucuresti, Fundatia pentru Literatura si Arta "Regele Carol II", 1939.
1xxiv, 350 p. (Scriitorii streini contemporani)
PS 3529 .N5 S718x


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, 1888-1953.
Thirst, and other one act plays, by Eugene G. O'Neill. Boston, The Gorham press; [etc., etc., c1914]
168 p. 19 ½ cm. (American dramatists series) Clara Tice's Book with her bookplate.
PS 3529 .N5 T5 1914


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone.
A touch of the poet. [By] Eugene O'Neill. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1957.
Inscribed by the owner: "For - John Pell - An addition to your O'Neill collection - ! Carlotta" and dated "Feb. 14, 1959."
PS 3529 .N5 T6 1957


O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone.
Inscriptions: Eugene O'Neill to Carlotta Monterey O'Neill. [Edited by Donald Gallup]. New Haven [Conn.]: Privately Printed, 1960.
"Five Hundred copies printed." 1 v. (unpaged), ports, facsim. slipcase.
Inscribed by Carlotta: "For John Pell - a friend from long years past - always loyal & always understanding - from his friend - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill." and dated "June 2/1960."
PS 3529 .N5 Z53


Clark, Barrett Harper, 1890-
Eugene O'Neill. By Barrett H. Clark. New York, Robert M. McBride & company, 1926.
110 p.
PS 3529 .N5 Z6


Olson, Sarah M.
Historic Furnishings Report. Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site. California. [Danville, CA.;] Harpers Ferry Center, 1983.
PS 3529 .N5 Z66x


Mickle, Alan Durward, 1882-
Six plays of Eugene O'Neill, by Alan D. Mickle. London, Jonathan Cape [1929]
166 p., 20 cm.
PS 3529 .N5 Z7


Shipley, Joseph Twadell, 1893-
The art of Eugene O'Neill, by Joseph T. Shipley. Seattle, University of Washington book store, 1928.
34 p. 18 ½ cm. (Half-title: University of Washington chapbooks, edited by Glen Hughes, no. 19)
PS 3529 .N5 Z8


Torsslow, Stig.
Eugene O'Neill av Stig Torsslow. Stockholm, Albert Bonniers Forlag [1937]
64 p. (Studentforeningen verdandis smaskrifter. N:r 397) In Swedish.
PS 3529 .N5 Z879


Parker, Dorothy (Rothschild) 1893-
Laments for the living. New York, The Viking press, 1930.
3 -237 p.
PS 3531 .A5855 L36 1930x


Robinson, Edwin Arlintgton, 1869-1935.
Cavender's house. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1929.
4 p. l., 103 p. 24 ½ cm.
A narrative poem.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
PS 3535 .O25 C4 1929


Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935.
Dionysus in doubt; a book of poems. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1925.
117 p. 26cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
PS 3535 .O25 D5 1925


Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935.
Roman Bartholow. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1923.
5 p. l., 191 p. 24 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
PS 3535 .O25 R6 1923


Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935.
Tristram. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1929, [c.1927].
5 p. 1., 9-210 p. 24 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis 1929."
PS 3535 .O25 T75 1927


Stein Gertrude, 1874-1946.
Selected writings of Gertrude Stein, edited, with an introduction and notes, by Carl Van Vechten, New York, Random house [1946]
xv, [1], 622 p. front. (group port.) 22 cm.
"First printing."
Inscribed to Eugene O'Neill by the editor and dated "October 16, 1946 New York."
PS 3537 .T323 A6 1946


Steinbeck, John, 1902-
Of mice and men. New York, Covici-Friede [c.1937]
186 p. 19 cm.
PS 3537 .T3234 O2 1937


Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964.
Peter Whiffle; his life and works. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1922.
4 p. l., 247 p. 19.5 cm.
PS 3543 .A653 P4 1922


Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964.
The tattooed countess; a romantic novel with a happy ending. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1924.
5 p. l., 286 p. 19 ½ cm.
Inscribed by the author: "For Carlotta - with deep affection from Carl Van Vechten" and dated "October 14 - 1929 New York."
PS 3543 .A653 T3 1924


Wharton, Edith Newbold (Jones) 1862-1937.
The age of innocence, by Edith Wharton. New York and London, D. Appleton and company, 1921, [c.1920].
3 p. l., 364, [1] p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Sept. 26th 1921"
PS 3545 .H16 A35 1920x


Wharton, Edith Newbold (Jones) 1862-1937.
Ethan Frome, by Edith Wharton. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1919, [c.1911]
3-195 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Sept. 1921."
PS 3545 .H16 E7 1919


Wilder, Thornton Niven, 1897-
The bridge of San Luis Rey; illustrated by Amy Drevenstedt. New York, A. & C. Boni, 1927.
235 p.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Nov. 14th 1927"
PS 3545 .I345 B7 1927


Wilder, Thornton Niven, 1897-
The cabala. New York, A. & C. Boni, 1926.
5 p. 1., 7-230 p. 20 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey N.Y."
PS 3545 .I345 C3 1926


Young, Stark, 1881-
The three fountains. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1924.
5 p. l., 195 p. 21 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Le Plessis. 1929."
PS 3547 .O6 T45 1924


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels; translated from the German by Thomas Carlyle. London, Chapman & Hall, Limited [n.d.]
336, 321 p. (The Shilling edition of Thomas Carlyle's works) "Translator's preface to the first edition of Meister's apprenticeship, . . . 1824."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill. Villa Marguerite, Guethary, B.P., France" and dated "Mar: 28"
PT 2026 .A1 B82


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Faust. Parts one and two. Translated from the German by George Madison Priest. New York, Covici, Friede [c.1932]
xxxvii p., [3]-420 p. 24 ½ cm.
At head of title: J. Wolfgang von Goethe.
"The translation follows the text of the standard edition of Goethe's works, the 'Jubilaumsausgabe', or 'Jubilee edition'." - Preface.
PT 2026 .F2 P7


Feuchtwanger, Lion, 1884-
Power. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. New York, The Viking press, 1926.
4 p. l., 3-424 p. 21 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "Dec. 8th 1926."
PT 2611 .E85 J72 1926


Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
Buddenbrooks, translated from the German of Thomas Mann, by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1924.
2 v. 19 ½ cm.
Vol. 1 signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey 1926"
PT 2625 .A44 B82 1924


Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
Mario and the magician [translated from the German by H.T. Lowe-Porter] London, Martin Secker, 1930.
137 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30"
PT 2625 .A44 M32 1930


Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
Death in Venice, translated from the German of Thomas Mann by Kenneth Burke. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1925.
4 p. 1., 13-284 p. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PT 2625 .A44 T62 1925


Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
Early sorrow; a story. London, Martin Secker, 1929.
99 p.
"Translated from the German by H.T. Lowe-Porter."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '29"
PT 2625 .A44 U5 1929


Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
The magic mountain <Der zauberberg> translated from the German by H.T. Lowe-Porter. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1927.
2 v. 19 ½ cm.
Both vols. signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "May 4th 1927."
PT 2625 .A44 Z32 1927x


Remarque, Erich Maria, 1898-
All quiet on the western front; translated from the German by A.W. Wheen. London, G.P. Putnam's sons [1929]
319, [1] p. 19 ½ cm.
PT 2635 .E68 I62 1929


Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931.
Beatrice; a novel, translated from the German by Agnes Jacques. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1926.
iv, 173 p. 19cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey" and dated "April 20th 1926."
PT 2638 .N5 F612


Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931.
Beatrice, a novel and other stories; translated from the German, by Agnes Jacques and Elsie M. Lang. London, T. Werner Laurie Ltd., 1926.
[248] p. 20 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey. April 7th 1927. 'Blackstone Hotel' Chicago en route to California."
PT 2638 .N5 F612 1926x


Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931.
"None but the brave"; translated from the German by Richard L. Simon. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1926.
3 p. 1., 3-74 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PT 2638 .N5 L43 1926


Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931.
Rhapsody; a dream novel; translated from the German by Otto P. Schinnerer. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1927.
3 p. 1., 3-167 p. 19cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PT 2638 .N5 R43 1927


Schnitzler, Arthur, 1862-1931.
Daybreak; translated from the German by William A. Drake. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1927.
204 p. 19 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey"
PT 2638 .N5 S63 1927


Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906.
The collected works of Henrik Ibsen. Copyright edition. London, W. Heinemann, 1906-12.
12 v. 19 ½ cm.
"Entirely revised and edited by William Archer."
Library has vols. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 only of 12 vol. set.
Each vol. signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PT 8852 .E5 A7 1906x


Zucker, Adolf Eduard, 1890-
Ibsen, the master builder, by A.E. Zucker. New York, H. Holt and company [c.1929]
x p., 3-312 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 22 cm.
Signed by owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PT 8890 .Z8


Strindberg, August, 1849-1912.
Easter and other plays. New York, J. Cape & H. Smith; London, J. Cape [1929]
3 p. l., 3-352 p. 20cm.
At head of title: Anglo-Swedish literary foundation.
"First published 1929, reprinted 1929."
Printed in Great Britain.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "Nov. '29."
PT 9811 .A3 A6


Strindberg, August, 1849-1912.
Lucky Peter's travels and other plays. London, J. Cape [1930]
319 p. 20cm.
At head of title: Anglo-Swedish literary foundation.
Signed by owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PT 9811 .A3 A63


Strindberg, August, 1849-1912.
Lucky Pehr (a drama in five acts) from the Swedish of August Strindberg. Translated by Velma Swanston Howard. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd company, 1912.
4 p. l., 3-181 p. front. (port.) facsim. 20 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill."
PT 9812 .L8 A34


Strindberg, August i.e. Johan August, 1849-1912.
The son of a servant. Translated by Claud Field. London, W. Rider & son, limited 1913.
xix, 208 p. 19cm. 3/6 "With introduction by Henry Vacher-Burch."
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
PT 9813 .T6 A34 1913


Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon, 1874-1936.
The trader's wife. Illustrations by Andre Durenceau. New York, Coward-McCann, inc., 1930.
158 p. incl. front., illus. 19 ½ cm.
Signed by the owners: "Eugene & Carlotta O'Neill" and dated "June 1930."
PZ 3 .M1983 Tr


Winther, Sophus Keith, 1895-
Beyond the garden gate. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1946.
x p., 289 p. 21 cm.
"First printing."
Inscribed by the author: "To Eugene with sincere appreciation - Sophus" and dated "Dec. 3, 1946."
PZ 3 .W7365 Be


Winther, Sophus Keith, 1895-
Mortgage your heart. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1937.
4 p. l., 333 p. 21cm.
Title-page signed by the author.
Inscribed by the author: "To - Carlotta with my friendship - Sophus."
PZ 3 .W7365 Mo


Winther, Sophus Keith, 1895-
Take all to Nebraska. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1936.
4 p. l., 305, [1] p. 20 ½ cm. Inscribed by the author: "To my good friends Eugene and Carlotta - Sophus Keith Winther."
PZ 3 .W7365 Tak


Winther, Sophus Keith, 1895-
This passion never dies. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1938.
4 p. l., 3-289 p. 21cm.
Illustrated t.-p.
"First printing."
Title-page signed by the author.
Inscribed by the author: "To - Gene and Carlotta In appreciation and friendship - Sophus Keith Winther" and dated "May 17, 1938"
PZ 3 .W7365 Th


Three little pigs.
Three little pigs; story and illustrations by the staff of the Walt Disney studios. New York, Blue ribbon books, incorporated [c.1933]
62, [2] p. incl. col. front., illus. (part col.) 26cm.
Lining-papers illustrated in colors.
On cover: From the Walt Disney silly symphony.
PZ 10.3 .T413 Di

Holdings List  :  Q  :  Science

Peattie, Donald Culross, 1898-
An almanac for moderns. With drawings by Lynd Ward. New York, G.P. Putnam's sons [c.1935]
3 p. l., 3-396 p. illus. 21 cm.
QH 81 .P4


Ditmars, Raymond Lee, 1876-1942.
Reptiles of the world; the crocodilians, lizards, snakes, turtles and tortoises of the eastern and western hemispheres, by Raymond L. Ditmars. New revised edition, with a frontispiece and nearly 200 illustrations, from photographs taken by the author and from the files of the New York zoological society. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1933.
xx, 321 p. front., 89 pl. on 45 l. 24.5 cm.
QL 641 .D6 1933


Kredel, Fritz, 1900-
Das kleine buch der vogel und nester; farbige bilder von Fritz Kredel. Leipzig, Insel-verlag [1935]
46, [1] p. incl. col. plates. 18 ½ cm. (On cover: Insel-bucherei. nr. 100) "Geleitwort" (p. [29]-41) signed: Heinz Graupner.
Inscribed to the owner: "To Carlotta, with love, Eline."
QL 676 .K77


Ditmars, Raymond Lee, 1876-1942.
Strange animals I have known. New York, Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., c.1931.
375 p.
QL 751 .D47x


Ditmars, Raymond Lee, 1876-1942.
Thrills of a naturalist's quest, by Raymond L. Ditmars. New York, The Macm.illan company, 1932.
xii, 268 p. front., plates. 22 ½ cm.
QL 751 .D48

Holdings List  :  R  :  Medicine

Collins, Joseph, 1866-
The doctor looks at life and death. New York, Farrar & Rinehart, incorporated [c.1931]
v, 315 p. 22 ½ cm.
Inscribed by the author: "To Carlotta O'Neill, to say 'Merry Christmas' from the author Joseph Collins 1931."
R 117 .C675


Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 1866-1945.
Psychoanalysis and the drama, by Smith Ely Jeffife . . . and Louise Brink. New York and Washington, Nervous and mental disease publishing company, 1922.
v, 162 p. 25 cm. (Nervous and mental disease monograph series, no. 34) Inscribed by the author: "Eugene O'Neill - with sincere esteem of Smith Ely Jelliffe."
RC 331 .N3 no. 34

Holdings List  :  S  :  Agriculture

Gardens and gardening; The Studio garden annual . . . 1932-
London, The Studio limited; New York, W.E. Rudge [1932-]
v. illus. 29 ½ cm.
Editor: 1932- , F.A. Mercer.
Library has vols. 1932 and 1935 only.
SB 403 .G48


Graham, Dorothy, 1893-
Chinese gardens: gardens of the contemporary scene; an account of their design and symbolism. Illustrated from photographs taken by the author. New York, Dodd, Mead & company, 1938.
xi p., 3-255 p. col. front., plates. 25 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "March 14th 1938."
SB 466 .C5 G7

Holdings List  :  T  :  Technology

Huxley, Aldous Leonard, 1894-1963.
Science, liberty and peace, by Aldous Huxley. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1946.
3 p. 1., 86 p., 19 ½ cm.
"First edition."
Signed by the owner: "Eugene O'Neill" and dated "New York March 26th '46."
T 185 .H85


Lindbergh, Anne (Morrow) 1906-
North to the Orient. With maps by Charles A. Lindbergh. New York, Harcourt, Brace and company [c.1935]
255 p.
TL 540 .L49 A3


Meredith, Roy, 1908-
Mr. Lincoln's camera man, Mathew B. Brady. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1946.
xiii, [2], 368 p. illus.(incl. ports., maps, facsims.) 31 cm.
Inscribed by the owner: "For Jennie [?] - Another for the Brady Collection! Love to you - Carlotta" and dated "Feb. 10th 1946"
TR+ 140 .B7 M4


Stern, Philip Van Doren, comp.
The breathless moment; the world's most sensational news photos; pictures assembled by Philip Van Doren Stern; introduction and descriptive text by Herbert Asbury. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1935.
5 p. 1., [156] p. of illus. 31cm.
"These pictures range from 1865 . . . to the summer of 1934." - Introduction.
"First edition."
TR 820 .S8


Fisher, Mary Frances (Kennedy) 1908-
The gastronomical me. New York, Duell, Sloan & Pearce [1943]
x, 295 p. 22 cm.
Signed by the owner: "Carlotta Monterey O'Neill" and dated "San Francisco 1944."
TX 649 .F5 A3

Holdings List  :  U  :  Military Science

Lea, Homer, 1876-1912.
The valor of ignorance. With specially prepared maps. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1909.
xxii p., 343, [1] p. front. (port.) xi maps. 21 ½ cm.
Frontispiece signed by the author.
UA 23 .L4

Holdings List  :  V  :  Naval Science

Lubbock, Alfred Basil, 1876-
Sail, the romance of the clipper ships, pictured by J. Spurling, storied by Basil Lubbock, edited by F.A. Hook. With an introduction by C. Fox Smith. London, The Blue Peter publishing company, ltd. [1927-29]
2 v.
VK 15 .L8x


Cutler, Carl C., 1878-
Greyhounds of the sea; the story of the American clipper ship. With a foreword by Charles Francis Adams. 118 illustrations. New York, London, G.P. Putnam's sons, 1930.
3 p. 1., v-xxvii, 3-592 p. front., illus., plates (part col.) ports., maps, facsims. (1 double) 27 ½ cm.
Maps on lining-papers.
Frontispiece and part of the plates accompanied by guard sheets with descriptive letterpress.
"First edition."
VK 23 .C8


Smith, Cicely Fox.
Ocean racers, by C. Fox Smith. [London] P. Allan, 1931.
x, 245 p. front., plates. 23 ½ cm.
VK 57 .S62


Culver, Henry Brundage, 1869-
The book of old ships and something of their evolution and romance, wherein will be found drawings and descriptions of many varieties of vessels, both long and round, showing their development from most remote times; the portraiture of their progress, their garnishment etc., etc., etc., together with divers dissertations upon the origins of shipping; also an appendix wherein will be discovered to the inquisitive much information appertaining to the ancient uses and customs of the sea and mariners, illustrated with a variety of original designs of shipping compiled from authentic sources. Drawn by Gordon Grant. Text by Henry B. Culver. Garden City, N.Y., Garden City Publishing Company, inc. [1935, c.1924]
306 p.
VM 15 .C9


Chapelle, Howard Irving.
The history of American sailing ships, by Howard I. Chapelle; with drawings by the author, and George C. Wales and Henry Rusk. New York, W.W. Norton & company, 1935.
xvii p., 400 p. illus., plates, plans (part double) 26.5 cm.
Colored title vignette.
"First trade edition after printing a limited edition of 121 copies."
VM 23 .C53 1935a


Howe, Octavius Thorndike, 1851-
American clipper ships, 1833-1858, by Octavius T. Howe, M.D. and Frederick C. Matthews. Salem, Mass., Marine research society, 1926-27.
2 v. col. fronts., plates, diagrs. 26 cm. [Marine research society, Salem, Mass. Publication no. 13]
VM 23 .H6


McKay, Richard Cornelius.
Some famous sailing ships and their builder, Donald McKay, by Richard C. McKay; a study of the American sailing packet and clipper eras, with biographical sketches of America's foremost designer and master-builder of ships, and a comprehensive history of his many famous ships. With 10 color plates and 48 other illustrations. New York, London, G.P. Putnam's sons, The Knickerbocker Press, 1931, [c.1928].
xxvii, 395 p. col. front., plates (part col.) ports., map, plans, facsims. 24 ½ cm.
VM 140 .M3 M35


Low, William Gilman, 1844-
A.A. Low and Brothers' Fleet of clipper ships. 2d edition. [n.p.] 1922.
VM 301 .L6x

Holdings List  :  Z  :  Library Science and Bibliography

Madigan, Thomas F., 1891-1936.
Word shadows of the great; the lure of autograph collecting. With forty-one reproductions in half-tone and twelve in live. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company, 1930.
300 p.
Signed by the owners: "Carlotta [and] Eugene O'Neill" and dated "Le Plessis '30."
Z 41 .M19


Book club of California, San Francisco.
An original leaf from the Polycronicon printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the year 1482. The life and works of William Caxton . . . by Benjamin P. Kurtz together with a Note on the Polycronicon by Oscar Lewis & an Appreciation of William Caxton by Edwin Grabhorn. Printed by the Grabhorn press for the Book Club of California. San Francisco, 1938.
2 p. 52, [1] p. 30 cm.
"Two hundred and ninety-seven copies printed. Leaf 293 of Ranulf Higden's Polychronicon ..."
Z 232 .C38 B6x


[Vizetelly, Henry] 1820-1894.
Extracts principally from English classics: showing that the legal suppression of M. Zola's novels would logically involve the bowdlerizing of some of the greatest works in English literature. London, 1888.
1 p., 1., 87 p. 24cm.
Twelve copies printed. of. Dict. nat. biog.
Z 659 .V86


Carter, John.
ABC For Book Collections. London; Rupert Hart-Davis [1972, c.1952].
211 p.
"Fifth edition, revised, 1972"
Printed in Great Britain.