Category | Item | Number/Quantity | Description | Location |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 3 | Portrait of gray-haired man in suit jacket and tie. Written on back: "Colonel Thomas Johnson." Three copies: Original (12x17cm) and 2 copies (9x12cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of young woman with choker necklace, earrings, off-the-shoulder lace dress. Written on back: "Aunt Patty Patricia Johnson Riley." (8x13cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 2 | Portait of two children. One original (8x11cm), one copy (8x12cm). Written on back of original: "Father and sister Mary (W.E. Hutton Sr. and Mary)." Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Post card-style photo of young girl, Mary Hutton, standing wearing long dress. Written on back: "Mary Hutton." Printed on back: E. P. Howard Photographer Farmington and Bentonsport, Iowa. With 3-cent George Washington postal stamp. (6x10cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 2 | Portrait of sitting young girl, Mary Hutton, wearing long ornate dress. (Different pose from above photo). Copy of original: (6x9cm); Original negative: (6x9cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of William E. Hutton Sr. Written on back: William E. Hutton. (17x24cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Four men in suits, standing in doorway of storefront. Three other men off to the right side of photo buying from a lemonade stand. Signs on storefront read: "W.E. Hutton & Co. #53. Stock, Bond and Note Brokers. Investment Securities, A Specialty. Wm. E. Hutton. Jas. M. Hutton." Written on back: "Picture of original office, opened March 9, 1886. 53 East 3rd Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. From left to right: William D. Hutton, unknown, William E. Hutton, Edward Morgan." (20x25cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of young woman in ruched high-collared blouse. Written on back: "S.J.H. Wedding dress?" (SJH is Sarah Peters Johnson Hutton). (11x15cm oval cutout). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1893 | 1 | Portrait of young woman. Written on back: "From Mother 1893. Sarah Peters Johnson ent(?) Sterling, Kentucky-Mrs. James Morgan Hutton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Age 17 (crossed out and corrected to 17). First picture. Taken for Father. J.M.H." (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 3 | Portait of young man in suit and tie. One original (6x10cm), two copies (9x12cm). Written faintly on front of original: "James M. Hutton, 16 years." Sr. Written on back of original: "JMH @ 16 (crossed out and corrected to 15) sec? date front in pencil." Printed on back of original: Howland Photographer, Fountain Square, Cincinnati." Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo (circa 1908) | 1 | Portait of seated baby, laughing. Written on back: "W.E. Hutton II- age 10 months." (12x17cm). Undated (circa 1908). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo (circa 1908) | 1 | Portait of seated baby, smiling in high chair. Written on back: "W.E. Hutton II- age 10 months." (12x17cm) Undated (circa 1908). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1915 | 1 | Portait of seated young boy, William E. Hutton II at age 8, taken outdoors, holding knee, in shorts suit with sailor collar. Written on back: "W.E.H. Keys Crescent, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1915." (21x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1917 | 1 | Three boys sitting in the sand. Written on back: "John Barry, Happy Kip, W E Hutton in center. Nantucket, 1917." (7x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1922 | 1 | Young man and two woman at the beach, in bathing attire. Written on back: "James M. Hutton Jr., Sarah J. Hutton, Mrs. Carl Krippendorf. Sconset, Summer 1922." (9x14cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Two men, WE Hutton II and brother, James M Hutton Jr., in suits standing outdoors. Photo is cut, missing half. Written on back: 'WEH II, JMH Jr., England, 1923. (7x9cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-193_? | 1 | Young woman polishing hood ornament of car, taken on a courtyard. Written on back: "Backus entrance 193? Undated (10x15cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Young man (W E Hutton II) in school cadet uniform with boots, standing outdoors. Written on back: "Culver Military Acad. 1923." (8x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Young man (W E Hutton II) in cap leaning against brick wall. Written on back: "Culver 1923." (7x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Young man (W E Hutton II) in football uniform with "F" on chest. Written on back: "Culver 1923." (7x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Two men, WE Hutton II and brother James M. Hutton Jr., seated on stone wall in front of grand mansion. Two cars in foreground. Written on back: 'Broadway Aug 1923. JMH Jr. left, WEH II right." (9x14cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1923 | 1 | Three men, in suits and a woman (James M. Hutton Sr. , Sarah J. Hutton, James M. Hutton Jr, and WE Hutton II) posing outdoors beside a large tree trunk. Written on back: "Clomlly ? JMH, SJH, JMH Jr. WEH II. 1923." (9x14cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1924 | 1 | Two young men, James M Hutton Jr and WE Hutton II, in knickers standing outdoors. Written on back: 'JMH Jr., WEH II 'Sconset, Summer 1924." (16x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Attractive couple, Mr and Mrs. Roy D. Chapin Sr., in formal attire in front of ornate fireplace with woman's portrait above mantel. (12x18cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portait of bespeckled man, Mr. Roy D. Chapin Sr., in suit and tie looking at camera. (12x18cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Post card-style photo of older man in suit, tie and boater-style hat next to car. Written on front: "Charles Earl Hutton. Believe it or not, it's me." (6x10cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Older man seated in suit and tie. Photo is cut, missing half. Written on back: "Charles Hutton." (3x7cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of young man, We Hutton II, in profile, suit and tie. Fuzzy enlargement. (20x25cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of young man, James M Hutton Jr., in suit and tie. Fuzzy enlargement. (20x25cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1924 | 1 | Carte Postale: Two men in suits on camels in front of the Great Pyramid. Written on back: "W.E. Hutton and Dr. Holt. Egypt 1924." (8x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1926 | 1 | Two men leaning on front of car, WE Hutton II and Jake Stahl. Printed on front of cardboard frame is "Lovingly Yours From..." Written on back: "WEH II, Jake Stahl, Hill School 1926." (6x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1925 | 1 | Two men in suits standing outdoors, WE Hutton II and Jake Stahl. Written on back: "1925" (4x6cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1925 | 1 | Young man, WE Hutton II, in stiped tank top and shorts rowing a boat. Written on back: "WEH. Waldeboro, Maine. 1925." (4x6cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1925 | 1 | Two men, WE Hutton II and Jake Stahl, sitting in front of shrubs, one smoking pipe, one in suit and tie. Written on back: "Jasper Jacob Stahl, WEH, Waldoboro, Maine, Summer 1925." (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1925 | 1 | Young man, WE Hutton II, seated on rock, lakeside, naked a la Rodin's "The Thinker." Written on back: "WEH, Waldoboro, Maine, Summer 1925." (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1929/1930 | 2 | Headshot of WE Hutton II in suit and tie. Written on back, one says: "WEH II Harvard Spring 1929"; the other: "WEH II Harvard Spring 1930 (same photo). (7x10cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1929 | 1 | Photo booth photo of WE Hutton II in profile. Written on back: "WEH Harvard 1929." (3x5cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1929 | 2 | WE Hutton II standing on ship deck in suit and tie. Original is cut, missing bottom (7x7cm). Written on back of copy: "Returning from Europe. S.S. Olympic, 1929." (8x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1934 | 2 | Photo 1: WE Hutton II, standing in full-length shot. Written on back: "1934, Cinc, Ohio. After operation for hernia. Double exposure." (6x10cm). Photo 2: enlarged to just face, within cardboard photo frame. (8x12cm). Both b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1936 | 1 | Three men, one in top hat, one wearing cap and one with boater-style hat posed in front of large, city-like building. In photo frame that reads "Always Thinking of You." Written on back: " Thos. F. Mason, Chas. E. Mason, Wm E Hutton, Harvard 1930-6th Reunion, 1936." (7x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II in cap and suit and tie, badly faded. Within barrel-shaped photo frame that reads "A Barrel of Love." (8x11cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II in hat, suit and tie. Badly faded. In photo frame that reads "Greetings." (8x11cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Photo-booth photo of WEHutton II in suit and tie. (3x4cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Joan Chapin headshot, smiling. Undated (circa 1930s?) (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Joan Chapin headshot, smiling. Undated (circa 1930s?) (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 0 | Joan Chapin headshot, smiling. Undated (circa 1930s?) (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1937 | 1 | WE Hutton II in tuxedo. Written on back: "WEH II, June 1937, Bonbright-Morse Wedding, Grosse Pointe." (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1937 | 1 | WE Hutton II and dog in front of house. Written on back: " WEH II and Arri, 1937." (6x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 3 | Various outdoor shots of Arri, the dog. (9x12cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II and Arri, the dog at the beach playing fetch. Written on back: "Arri Von Vustenheim, WEH." (7x10cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1938 | 1 | 3 consecutive shots of woman, Joan Chapin, in bathing suit playing with dog in front of body of water. Written on back: "JKC Summer 1938. Douglas Farm. Arri Vustenheim." (2x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1938 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Joan Chapin posing outdoors, he in hat, suit and tie, she in suit and hat. (9x14cm). Undated (circa 1938). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II and three unidentified men in suits, boutonnieres and drinks in hand-outdoors under patio roof. Undated. (8x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1938 | 1 | Mr. and Mrs. William E Hutton II on wedding day, walking down the aisle. (20x25cm). Undated (circa 1938). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1938 | 1 | Mr. and Mrs. William E Hutton II on wedding day, in limousine. (20x25cm). Undated (circa 1938). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Woman adjusting bathing suit strap at beach. (Joan Chapin Hutton?). Post card back. (8x13cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1938 | 1 | Woman in long white dress, Sarah J. Hutton, standing in path in within tropical forest. Written on back: "SJH, Jamaica, 1938. Fern Gultch." (8x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1938 | 1 | Woman in long white dress, Sarah J. Hutton, standing in path in within tropical forest. Written on back: "SJH, Fern Gultch, Jamiaca, 1938." (15x19cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photos-1938 | 15 | 1938 "Squam" series, Nantucket, MA. Written on back of one photo: "Squam 1938." 5 photos of interior great room of house; 2 photos of outdoor garden; 2 photos of lone faraway cabin/house; 2 photos of dramatic sunset; 3 photos of the ocean. All photos (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 9 | Total of 9 filmstrip-type photos of a man and woman in turban (Joan Chapin Hutton?) sailing. Undated. (2x12cm each). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1941 | 1 | Joan Chapin Hutton knitting outside in garden in flowered dress. Written on back: "JCH Summer 1941 pregnant with TJ Hutton." (7x10cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II and Mrs. Joan Hutton with unidentified man at a sporting event. Written on back: "Wish I had my 22" waist again." (8x11cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Portrait of Joan Chapin, dreamy, with red lips. (12x17cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1942 | 1 | WE Hutton II in Naval Officer uniform, professional shot. Written on back: "Pensacola NAS. WEH, Lt. USAF. 1942." (20x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1942 | 1 | WE Hutton II in Naval Officer uniform, standing, smiling. (6x14cm). Undated (circa 1942). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1943 | 1 | WE Hutton II in Naval Officer uniform with two unidentified officers. (20x24cm). Undated (circa 1943). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1943 | 1 | WE Hutton II in Naval Officer uniform with two unidentified officers. Stamped on back: "Utility Squadron Seven." Undated-circa 1943. (20x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1943 | 1 | WE Hutton II in Naval Officer uniform et al. Written on back: "From left to right: Lt.WE Hutton, NAS; Cmdr. HB Grow, Commanding Officer; Naval Air Station: Colonel Pavel F. Berezin, Asst. Military Attache for Air, Soviet Embassy, Washington, DC: and Rear Admiral GD Murray, Commandant, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla." Dated: 5/31/43. (20x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1943 | 1 | In cardboard folder printed with "121 Club-Honolulu" photo of WE Hutton II and two other unidentified officers at dining table. (12x18cm). Undated (circa 1943). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1943 | 1 | In cardboard folder printed with "121 Club-Honolulu" photo of WE Hutton II and two other unidentified officers and their spouses (?) at dining table. (12x18cm). Undated (circa 1943). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1944 | 1 | Three men, including WE Hutton II in military uniform standing on ship's deck. Written on back: "WEH, JC Brady, JW Walker, USS Wasp, 1944." (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1944 | 1 | Mrs. Joan Chapin Hutton with sons, William E Hutton III and Thomas Hutton, looking at globe. Undated (circa 1944). (20x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | Young unidentifiable Hutton child (approx 2 years old) in knitted shorts suit with umbrella. Undated. (6x9cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | Young unidentifiable Hutton child (approx 2 years old) at sink with toothbrush. Undated. (6x9cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | Young unidentifiable Hutton child (approx 18 months old) seated for photo. Undated. (6x6cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1945 | 1 | Portrait of young boy,Thomas Hutton, with curly blond hair in suspendered shorts and striped polo, approx 2-3 years old (20x25cm). Undated (circa 1945). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa mid 1940s | 1 | Young boy, Thomas Hutton, with curly blond hair in suspendered shorts outside, approx 2-3 years old (8x10cm). Undated (circa mid 1940s). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa mid-1940s | 1 | Pencil drawing of Tommy Hutton, approx. 5 years old. (20x25cm). Undated (circa mid-1940s) b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa mid-1940s | Pencil drawing of WE Hutton III, approx. 8 years old. (20x25cm). Undated (circa mid 1940s). b/w | Box Binder 11 | |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | Young boy, Thomas Hutton, with blond hair in knitted short suit, approx 5 years old (20x25cm). Undated (circa 1940s). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | William E. Hutton III and Thomas Hutton in bathing suits at beach. (13x18cm). Undated (circa 1940s). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1940s | 1 | Young girl, Inez Hutton, at approx. 4 years old, standing in front of tiled wall. (8x10cm). Undated (circa 1940s). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1950 | 1 | Three Hutton children (William E. Hutton III, Thomas Hutton and Inez Hutton) sitting in front of large tree. The boys are dressed alike in striped polos and shorts. (17x21cm). Undated (circa 1950). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Older man seated in suit and tie with young blond boy. Written on back: "Seasconset Summer. William E. Hutton, age ...with his great-grandson James M. Hutton III" (8x12cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Six boys and girls seated on the grass in summer clothes. Written on back: "6 Hutton grandchildren. 3 Thompsons (?), 3 Huttons." (8x10cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1952 | 1 | 3 Hutton children (William E. Hutton III, Thomas Hutton and Inez Hutton) standing in front of large door. Written on back: "WEH III-12 yrs TJH-10 yrs ICH-7." (9x9cm) Undated (circa 1952). Polaroid snapshot. In color | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Young boy (William E. Hutton III ?), approx. age 12, in shorts and sneakers, outside. (8x8cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1951 | 3 | Dutch Harrison, the Duke of Windsor and WE Hutton II sitting on park bench with golf clubs in hand at Seminole Golf Course, Palm Beach, FL. Written on back: "Dutch Harrison, HRH Duke of Windsor, WEH Seminole 1951." Two sizes: 2 large (20x24cm) and 1 small (10x12cm). Both b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1951 | 1 | The Duke of Windsor putting, surrounded by WE Hutton II and crowd of people at Seminole Golf Course, Palm Beach, FL. Written on back: " HRH the Duke of Windsor, WEH Seminole." (10x12cm). 1951. b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1951 | 1 | WE Hutton II and the Duke of Windsor studying a shot, crowd of people in background at Seminole Golf Course, Palm Beach, FL. Written on back: "HRH the Duke of Windsor, WEH Seminole. 1951." (10x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1951 | 1 | WE Hutton II putting at Seminole Golf Course, Palm Beach, FL. Written on back: "WEH putting at Seminole." (10x12cm). Undated (1951?). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Sara Hutton and Button, the dog. Written on back: "SJH and Button." Undated. (8x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Button the dog. Undated. (8x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Button the dog. Undated. (8x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 11 |
Category | Item | Number/Quantity | Description | Location |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1952 | 1 | Portait of WE Hutton II, engraved in tiny holes: "Proofs, Kaiden Studios, New York." Written on back: "WEH, 1952." (18x23cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1952 | 1 | Portait of James M. Hutton II, engraved in tiny holes: "Printed on back: "1952." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1953 | 1 | WE Hutton II hunting, sitting with rifle in woods. Written on back: "Bill Hutton, 1953. Wyandanch." (5x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1954 | 1 | WE Hutton II fishing in woods. Printed on back: 1954 (8x8cm). Color-(faded) | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Mr. and Mrs. WE Hutton II and unidentified man sitting outdoors (in straw hut-type structure) at table in dress clothes. Undated. (8x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II and unidentified man. Undated. (7x9cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II and unidentified man in bowtie. Undated. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1954 | 3 | Portait of WE Hutton II. Written on back: "WEH, N.Y. City, Oct. 1954." In separate glassine envelopes. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II. Undated. (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II passport photo. Undated. (6x6cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II in tuxedo-photo is cut in half. Undated. (5x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1958 | 1 | Group of men, including WE Hutton II, with dog in hunting gear posing in front of house/lodge. Written on back: "Bill Hutton, 1958." (8x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1959 | 1 | James M. Hutton standing on deck of boat, fishing pole in background. Written on back: "JMH Jr. 59 years old." Date printed on back: 1959. (9x12cm). Color | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1960 | 1 | James M. Hutton posing with large hanging fish. Written on photo: "Cat Cay, Bahamas. 436. 6-10-60. James Hutton." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1959 | 1 | WE Hutton II and daughter Inez at party whispering in ear-unidentified man (Berrien Eaton?) eavesdrops. (12x18cm). 1959. b/w. Accompanying note from Roy D. Chapin, Jr. dated 10/2, reads "in case you don't happen to have this in your memory (o | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1960 | 1 | Inez and Thomas Hutton posing in bathing attire, tropical setting. (13x18cm). Undated (circa 1960). Color | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1963 | 1 | WE Hutton II taking golf swing. Written on back: "N.Y.S.E. Golf, June 1963, 10th tee Winged Foot." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1963 | 1 | Golf foursome. Written on back: "1st Senior Tournament. June 1963. WEH, Henry Picoli, Warren Smith, Jim Walker. $85." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1964 | 1 | Golf foursome. Written on back: " 2nd Senior Tournament. June 1964. WEH, Waddie Ingersol, Jim Walker, Harry Wilmerding. Class E." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1964 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Ben Einhorn. Written on back: "Ben Einhorn & Weh @ Winged Foot. 'Try My Tailor.' NYSE ZGOlf. June 1964." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1964 | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at Stock Exchange. Written on back: "KY Utilities listing. WEH executing first trade. 1964." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo (circa 1960s) | 1 | WE Hutton II and large group of men seated and standing at dinner table-some wearing medals around their necks. Undated. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 3 | WE Hutton II receiving award from two unidentified men. (Placque reads "50"). Undated. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at Stock Exchange. Written on back: "1st trade of Elec. Acc. Card. Co. on AMEX." Undated. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at Stock Exchange. Written on back: "1st trade in Head Ski on AMEX." Undated. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II, Robert Eazor and Thomas Easor at Stock Exchange. Written on back: "1st trade in Eazor on AMEX." (21x25cm). b/w Accompanied by newspaper clipping detailing transaction. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Four men, including WE Hutton II, in suits, and topcoats. Written on back: "Brenigan, WEH, Mosely and Yuengling?, Munich." Undated. (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Three men, including WE Hutton II, in suits from previous photo, shaking hands. WEH II et al. Undated. (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Foursome, including WE Hutton II, in tuxedos with wine glasses on medals around necks. Written on back: "Gavin McBain, George Moran, Edward Benenson, William E. Hutton." Undated (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1965 | 1 | WE Hutton II in golf foursome. Written on back: "3rd Senior. 1965. Class E." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1965 | 24 | Professional publicity photos of WE Hutton II by Fabian Bachrach. Written on back of one photo: "NY City. Jan 1965." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1965 | 1 | Dinner table with four men, including WE Hutton II, in tuxedos and one woman. Written on back: "Congresswoman Kelly of Brooklyn @ ASEF Dinner, wash, DC. Millar West, WEH, Jim Davant, Bob Powers." 1965. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1965 | 1 | Five men, including WE Hutton II, in tuxedos standing beside dinner table. Written on back: "ASEF Dinner, Wash, DC." Sticker labels attached to back "from the desk of Charles A. Lindberg. To Bill, for your files, Chuck." Dated 11 | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-undated-circa 1960s | 1 | WE Hutton III in business suit with phone to ear. Written on back: "WEH III, Manager, WEH & CO. Int'l." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1966 | 0 | Four poses of WE Hutton II, WE Hutton III, James M Hutton II and James M Hutton III, in front of large primitive computer--celebrating the 60th anniversary of family firm. Accompanied by newspaper clipping detailing story. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1966 | 1 | Large group of tuxedoed men, including WE Hutton II. Written on back: "Cincy and Lex and Dayton Offices. 80th Dinner in Cnnti. Apr 1966." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1966 | 1 | Group photo, including WE Hutton II, written on back: "Millard West, Sen. Cooper (KY), WEH, Walt. Livering (?) Jan 1966." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-circa 1967 | 1 | Holiday-style family portrait of the Dan Chapin family. (Mother, father and six children ranging in age from teens to baby). In living room in front of mantel. Undated-circa 1967. (18x23cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Photo of street corner of E.4th Street and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Billboard reads "Fifth Third Union Trust. Co." Undated. (9x13cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1970 | 1 | Photo of street corner of E.4th Street and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Billboard reads "W.E. Hutton and Co. est. 1886, Members New York Stock Exchange." 1970. (9x13cm). b/w. Accompanying note from Justin J. Stevenson, Jr., First Natio | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1967 | 1 | WE Hutton II in golf foursome. Written on back: "1967. 1st year in Class D." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1968 | 1 | WE Hutton II in golf foursome. Written on front: "1968." (12x17cm). Color. In buff-colored folder. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1971 | 2 | WE Hutton II et al. Written on back: "WEH handing check for $46,000,000 to Garry Davis, (Ron Dinsmore looks on.) Ch. Of Br. Bankcroft Fund. Apr. 15 1971." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1971 | 1 | Photo of the actual check written for $46,000,000 from WE Hutton & Co. to Bancroft Convertible Fund Inc. Dated Apr. 20, 1971. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1971 | Unidientified woman in orange straw hat and man-waiter?- serving behing her. Written on back "Porto Ercole, 1971." Affixed with return address label: Mrs. Joan C. Hutton, Chicken Valley Road, Locust Valley, NY 11560. (9x12cm). Color. | Box Binder 12 | |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | Unidentified blond woman in bathing suit in tropical setting. Written on back: "Jadeh"-? Undated. (13x18cm). Color | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at New Japan Securities reception. Written on back: "WEH, Jimmy Lee and Ian Malcombson." 1972. (21x25cm) b/w. Accompanied by letter from Senior Vice president of New Japan Securities, Yoshihiro Tanaka. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at New Japan Securities reception. Written on back: "WEH, Jimmy Lee and Ian Malcombson." 1972. (21x25cm) b/w. Accompanied by letter from Senior Vice president of New Japan Securities, Yoshihiro Tanaka. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Charles Saltzman at New Japan Securities reception. Written on back: "Charles Saltzman, WEH." 1972. (21x25cm) b/w. Accompanied by letter from Senior Vice president of New Japan Securities, Yoshihiro Tanaka. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | Dining table (dinner party) with eight men, including WE Hutton II, seated. Accompanied by note from Associate Headmaster, James V. Moffatt, dated November 22, 1972. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | Dining table (dinner party) with four men, including WE Hutton II, seated. Accompanied by note from Associate Headmaster, James V. Moffatt, dated November 22, 1972. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | WE H utton II and three men at dinner party. Accompanied by note from Associate Headmaster, James V. Moffatt, dated November 22, 1972. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1972 | 1 | WE Hutton II, Mac Rosen, Sam Douglas. Written on back: "Service Cup Int. Mac Rosen, Sam Douglas, WEH. 1972." (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1974 | 1 | Group photo of New York Stock Exchange luncheon, including WE Hutton II. Written on back: "Xmas Dinner. New York Stock Lunch Club. Dec 1974." (21x25cm). Color. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1976 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Slyvan Colerman receiving New York Cancer Society Award. 1976. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1976 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Slyvan Colerman receiving New York Cancer Society Award. Written on back: "Sylvan Colerman, EFH & CO. Chairman of NY Cancer presenting award to WEH." 1976. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1976 | 1 | WE Hutton II and Slyvan Colerman receiving New York Cancer Society Award. 1976. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1976 | 1 | WE Hutton II making speech at New York Cancer Society Award presentation. 1976. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1976 | 1 | WE Hutton II making speech at New York Cancer Society Award presentation. 1976. (21x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1986 | 1 | WE Hutton II et al at 60th Reunion of Hill School. Written on back "The Hill School. 1986. 60th Reunion. 1926." (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1987 | 1 | Group photo of the "20 Club," including WE Hutton II. Written on back: "20 Club. May 1987. Listed: Jack Leploy?, Odgen White, Rick Humphrey, Billy Fin____?, Chuck Winston, Ted Close, Nick Potter, WEH, Walt Humphrey, Harry Wilner___?, Ebly G | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1991 | 1 | W E Hutton II et al--Class portrait of Hill School "Class of 1926" on occasion of 65th reunion. Dated 1991. (13x18cm). b/w. Accompanied by note from James R. Reifsnyder, Ass't Director. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1991 | 1 | WE Hutton II et al--Class portrait of Hill School "Class of 1926" on occasion of 65th reunion. Dated 1991. (9x12cm). b/w. Accompanied by note from James R. Reifsnyder, Ass't Director. | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II et al--unidentified class portrait of "Class of 1935." Undated. (12x18cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 1 | WE Hutton II, Fred Hamilton and Amory Houghton in suits with drink in hand. Written on back: "WEH, Fred Hamilton, Amory Houghton @ Hamilton Wedding, Denver." Undated. (12x18cm). Color | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1992 | 1 | WE Hutton II with cane and two unidentified tuxuedoed men. Written on back: "Botanical Gargen Ball. June '92" (12x18cm). b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Undated Photo | 4 | Sara J. Hutton. Written on back: " SJH @ 90th birthday party, Carmango? Club, Cincinnati, Ohio." (13x17cm). Undated. b/w | Box Binder 12 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photo-1998 | 1 | Mr. and Mrs. WE Hutton II (w/eyepatch). Written on back: "Mr and Mrs William E Hutton, 1998, visiting former home 'Lauber (Lorber) Hall' or 'Hutton House' @ CW Post." (20x28cm). Color | Box Binder 12 |
Category | Item | Number/Quantity | Description | Location |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1959 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. Nissequogue River Club, Smithtown NY. 1959. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1960 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1960. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1961 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1961. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1961 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in hunting attire holding rifle. 1961. (13x18cm). In Color. Accompanied by note from Mr. Hoyt Ammidon, Chairman of US Trust Co., describing photo. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1961 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in hunting attire aiming rifle. 1961. (13x18cm). In Color. Accompanied by note from Mr. Hoyt Ammidon, Chairman of US Trust Co., describing photo. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1962 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1962. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Haust Shoot Photo-1962 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of large group of women (spouses) in hunting attire. 1962. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1963 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1963. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list and guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1963 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in hunting attire with dog and holding rifle. 1963. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1963 | 1 | "Haust Shoot." Photo of hired help arranging fallen prey-birds?, in field. 1963. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1964 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1964. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list and guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1965 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1965. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list and guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1966 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1966. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list and guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1966 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1966. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1966 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II and two unidentified men in hunting attire. 1966. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1967 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1967. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by name identifying list and guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1967 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of large group of women (spouses) in hunting attire with dogs. 1967. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1967 | 1 | Haust Shoot. Photo of hired help posing with lined up fallen prey-birds?, in front of barn. 1967. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1967 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II and two unidentified men at dining table in dress clothes. Written on back: "10th Haust Shoot. Dec. 1967. Greer Wilcox, Ed Rotan, WEH." 1967. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1968 | 1 | Haust Shoot- indoor photo-apres shoot-of WE Hutton IIin large group of men and women, in dress clothes, with drinks in hand. 1968. (13x18cm). Color. With accompanying name identifying list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1968 | 1 | "Haust Shoot"-photo of large tree in front of body of water. 1968. (9x13cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1969 | 2 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1969. (13x18cm). Color. Accompanied by guest list. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1970 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1970. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | "Haust Shoot" Photo-1971 | 1 | Haust Shoot-photo of WE Hutton II in large group of men in hunting attire. 1971. (13x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 13 |
Category | Item | Number/Quantity | Description | Location |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified wedding party portrait including unidentified bride, groom et al. (20x24cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified white-haired man in suit and tie, at desk, with papers in hand. (17x23cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified young girl in sailor suit and high black boots-approx 8 years old, sitting on outdoor bench. (8x13cm). b/w. STUCK TO BACK of this photo is one of two women and a man sitting on stone wall. Also unidentified. Same size. b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified young girl in shorts on tricycle-approx. 4-5 years old. On patio of large home. (8x13cm). b/w. STUCK TO BACK of this photo are two more photos: one of an unidentified Victoriam woman seated on grass with very large hat. (5x6cm). b/w; Second photo of a large moose. (5x7cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified young girl on elephant-approx. 3 years old. Photo has been cut up. (5x10cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified young girl in sailor suit sitting on upholstered dining chair on patio of large home. (8x13cm). b/w. STUCK ON BACK of this photo is one taken from a boat of shoreline of seaside town/ village. Unidentified. Same size. b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified portrait of young girl (approx. 13 years old) with long hair, head ribbon and lace pinafore-style dress. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified large group of young men at attention in military-style uniforms (policemen hats and long coats). (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated (circa 1940s) | 1 | Unidentified young couple seated outdoors on long stairway-he in military uniform, she in spring dress and spectator pumps. Circa 1940s. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated (circa 1940s) | 1 | Unidentified smartly dressed couple exiting ornate brick building with another woman in background. Circa 1940s. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Silhouette of Volkswagen type car with headlights facing camera. Unidentified. (8x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified-Buff-colored folder with photo on front of young couple, he in suit, she in floral dress and hat, boarding small plane. Pilot looks on in bachground. Post card sized. (9x15cm). Sepia-toned. | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 35 | Unidentified- total of 35 filmstrips of garden wedding. (2x12cm each). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified well-dressed couple with straw hats standing under palm tree. (5x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | WE Hutton II and unidentified men in suits.Written on back: "Bill and ?" Undated. (6x8cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | WE Hutton II and unidentified men in suits. Undated. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Stone fountain with winged cupid in center. Written on back: "Fountain, Grandin Road, Cnti." Undated. (6x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Daffodil field. Written on back: "Grandin Rd. Cnti, Ohio." Undated. (6x11cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 56 | Total of 56 photos taken at the same time-depicting a large mansion and its elaborately landscaped surroundings. (Grandin Road, Cincinnati, OH?). Undated. (9x12cm-each). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified older woman in victorian style dress and large straw hat at garden party. (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified older woman in victorian style dress and large straw hat at garden party posing beside trellis. (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Large columned home with three unidentified people-shot at a distance. (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 2 | Unidentified motel-style building (Nantucket?). (9x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified older grey-haired woman holding large bouquet of flowers standing in garden. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified older grey-haired woman seated at flower-covered table, fanning herslef with paper fan ( in oriental restaurant?). (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified middle-aged man in fishing attire with pipe. (12x17cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Post card of identified young man and woman drinking from same oversized fake beer glass. Printed on front: "Munchen Hofbrauhaus." (9x14cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified teenaged boys' hockey team. (13x18cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-1965 | 1 | Photo of statue of Dom Perignon. Printed on back: 1965 (12x18cm). Color. | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Professional Photo of Winston Churchill by Yousuf Karsh (distributed by World War II Veterans Committee). Printed on back: Biographical information. Undated. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Drawing-undated | 1 | Caricature Drawing of William E Hutton II by Hirshfeld. Reprint. (14x20cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Drawing-undated | 1 | Caricature Drawing of J.M. Hutton. Labeled "J.M. Hutton - Broker." Signed "McNeill." Undated. b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | African tribe. (20x25cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified photo of disturbing-looking man emerging from underwater-possibly drowning (?) (12x18cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | unidentified Photo-undated | 1 | Photo of unidentified woman's bare breasts. (10x12cm). b/w | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photos-1980 | 12 | Series of photos of Mr and Mrs. WE Hutton II's home including two exterior shots and several interior rooms highlighting furniture, china and artwork. Printed on back: March 1980. (20x25cm each). All in Color. | Box Binder 14 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Photos-1993 | 24 | Series of photos of Mr and Mrs WE Hutton II's art collection. One with William E Hutton standing alongside painting. Many in triplicate. Printed on back: April 1993. (10x15cm each). Color. | Box Binder 14 |
Category | Item | Number/Quantity | Description | Location |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | 1 | Portait of seated young boy, WE Hutton II posing outdoors, holding knee, in shorts suit with sailor collar. Written on back: "W.E.H. Keys Crescent, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1915." (22x30cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | 1 | Large portrait of group of formally-attired young men. Written on front: "Fly Club Feb. Dinner 1931." (27x34cm) b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-1937 | 1 | William E. Hutton II -a professional portrait. Written on back: "WEH 2nd. Oct 1937." (21x26cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | 1 | Joan Chapin Hutton -as bride on wedding day. Circa 1938. (26x32cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | 1 | Large group portrait of formally-attired men and women. Printed on front: "Harvard Class of 1930-35th Reunion. Swampscott, Mass. June 14, 1965." (23x32cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | Series of large photos taken at party/formal reception in palatial space in Rome. One of Inez Hutton, one of WE Hutton II and Inez Hutton, three of unidentified groups. Printed on back in Italian: "Foto Bellochio." (Roman address and phone number.) Undated. (20x25cm) in large white mats. In color. | Box 11 | |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Oversized Photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified "girlie" photo of 3 nude women. Undated. (29x33cm) b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed photo-undated | 1 | Unidentified young woman in straw boater hat holding newborn baby in bonnet. Oval gold-matted frame. Undated. (15x19cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed photo-undated | 1 | Mr and Mrs Roy Chapin Sr and Miss Joan Chapin in formal attire for special occasion (Debutante Ball?). Antiqued gold/white frame. Undated (25x30cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed photo-undated | 1 | Joan Chapin Hutton-holding cirgarette, sitting under umbrella. Turquoise and gold leather frame. Undated. (11x13cm). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed photo-circa 1950 | 1 | Young girl (Inez Hutton?) in playclothes on patio. Handmade, embossed silver frame. (9x13cm). Undated (circa 1950). b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Unbound Photo Album-undated | 1 | 20 page bound photo album, missing cover, containing a variety of 40 vacation-style photos including cactii, a hacienda, southwestern village, horses and cowboys, and young women posing. All photos: (7x11cm). Undated. b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed Photo-1960 | 1 | The Hill School- Class of 1960. Includes Thomas Hutton. (28x36cm). In black frame. b/w | Box 11 |
William E. Hutton/ Chapin Family Photographs | Framed Photo-1972 | 1 | Group golf portrait including WE Hutton II. With description taped to the back which lists the names of the people in the picture and reads "International Match/Canadian Seniors' - United States Seniors'/October 1972/Country Club of North Carolina/Pinehurst, N.C." Included with this is the yellow auction label with the following text, "Canadian Seniors' Golf Picture including W.E. Hutton." In wooden frame. (22Cm X 27cm). In color. | Box 11 |