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The Chicago Manual of Style Guide: Conference Papers, Interviews, & Personal Communications

This guide will help you format your paper according to the CMoS 17th (2017) edition.

Conference Papers, Proceedings, and Dissertations


Conference Papers
  • A conference paper published within proceedings may be cited as a chapter in a book.
  • A conference paper published within a journal may be cited as a journal article.
(Marr 2011)
Reference List
Marr, Matthew. 2011. "Stigma, Culture, and Social Ties in the Process of Exiting Homelessness, Tokyo

and Los Angeles." Conference Papers -- American Sociological Association 843.

(Campney 2010, 34)
Reference List
Campney, Brent MacDonald Stevenson. 2007. "'and this in Free Kansas': Racist Violence, Black and

White Resistance, Geographical Particularity, and the 'Free State' Narrative in Kansas, 1865 to 1914." PhD diss., Emory University. ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, (3279862).

Campney, Brent MacDonald Stevenson. 2007. "'and this in Free Kansas': Racist Violence, Black and

White Resistance, Geographical Particularity, and the 'Free State' Narrative in Kansas, 1865 to 1914." PhD diss. Emory University.

Conference Papers
  • A conference paper published within proceedings can be cited as a chapter in a book.
  • A conference paper published within a journal can be cited as a journal article.
42. Matthew Marr, "Stigma, Culture, and Social Ties in the Process of Exiting Homelessness, Tokyo and Los Angeles," Conference Papers -- American Sociological Association (2011 Annual Meeting): 843.
Marr, Matthew. "Stigma, Culture, and Social Ties in the Process of Exiting Homelessness, Tokyo and Los

Angeles." Conference Papers -- American Sociological Association (2011 Annual Meeting): 843.

33. Brent MacDonald Stevenson Campney, "'and this in Free Kansas': Racist Violence, Black and White Resistance, Geographical Particularity, and the 'Free State' Narrative in Kansas, 1865 to 1914," (PhD diss., Emory University, 2007),
Campney, Brent MacDonald Stevenson. "'and this in Free Kansas': Racist Violence, Black and

White Resistance, Geographical Particularity, and the 'Free State' Narrative in Kansas, 1865 to 1914." PhD diss. Emory University, 2007.

Interviews and Personal Communications

Unpublished interviews and personal communications (conversations, emails, letters, etc.) are generally cited in a footnote only; they are rarely included in the Bibliography. 
1. Interviewee/Email Sender First Name/Initial Surname, interview with/email to First Name Surname, Date of Interview.
1. Nicolas Flamel (alchemist), interview with author, August 9, 2011.
2. Tony Stark (owner, Stark Enterprises), email message to author, October 14, 2017.
3. Interview with elementary school teacher, September 5, 2016. 
Subsequent Note: 
Generally the same as the full note. Can list Interviewee/Email Sender by Surname only.
Typically no bibliography entry required.