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The Chicago Manual of Style Guide: Scholarly Journal Articles

This guide will help you format your paper according to the CMoS 17th (2017) edition.

Scholarly Articles


Citing a Scholarly Journal Article using the Author-Date format
  • Title of article in quotes
  • Italicize periodical title
  • Issue number omitted if volume consecutively paginated
Single Author
Author-Date Used in Text (Tell 2004)
Author-Date Used in Text with page reference (Tell 2004, 35-38)
Reference List
Tell, David. 2004. "Burke's Encounter with Ransom: Rhetoric and Epistemology in 'Four Master

Tropes.'" Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34 (4): 33-54.

Two Authors
  • List in order of appearance on title page
  • Use commas to separate authors
  • Use and before last author (do not use ampersand &)
(Logan and Johnstone 2010, 612)
Reference List
Logan, Caroline, and Lorraine Johnstone. 2010. "Personality Disorder and Violence: Making the Link

through Risk Formulation." Journal of Personality Disorders 24: 610-633.

Three Authors
(Streeter, Dugmore, and Vésteinsson 2012, 3664-3669)
Reference List
Streeter, Richard, Andrew J. Dugmore, and Orri Vésteinsson. 2012. "Plague and landscape resilience

in premodern Iceland." Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America 109: 3664-3669.

Four or More Authors
Include all authors in Reference List
(Yi et al. 2013, 102)
Reference List
Yi, Xinfa, Weiping Hu, Herbert Scheithauer, and Weihua Niu. 2013. "Cultural and Bilingual Influences

on Artistic Creativity Performances: Comparison of German and Chinese Students." Creativity Research Journal 25: 97-108.

Citing a Scholarly Journal Article using the Note and Bibliography format
  • Full Name in Note in First Name/Last Name Format
  • Name inverted in Bibliography
  • Title of article in quotes
  • Italicize periodical title
  • Issue number omitted if volume consecutively paginated
  • Commas used in Note, periods used in Bibliography to separate elements of citation
  • Consecutively number notes used in text
Single Author
12. David Tell, "Burke's Encounter with Ransom: Rhetoric and Epistemology in 'Four Master Tropes,'" Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34, no. 4 (2004): 33-54.
Tell, David. "Burke's Encounter with Ransom: Rhetoric and Epistemology in 'Four Master Tropes.'"

Rhetoric Society Quarterly 34, no. 4 (2004): 33-54.

Two Authors
23. Caroline Logan, and Lorraine Johnstone, "Personality Disorder and Violence: Making the Link through Risk Formulation," Journal of Personality Disorders, 24 (2010): 610-633.
Logan, Caroline, and Lorraine Johnstone. "Personality Disorder and Violence: Making the Link through

Risk Formulation." Journal of Personality Disorders 24 (2010): 610-633.

Access Dates

Chicago style does NOT require the access date in citations of formally published online sources.

However, if your discipline (or professor) prefers that this information is included, please include it prior to the DOI/URL. 

Separate it from the rest of the citation using commas for Notes and periods in the Bibliography entry.