Academic and research library jobs within as well as outside the greater New York metropolitan area.
Advanced Information Management
A placement agency specializing in library and information jobs located in California. Their site has a job posting list but they also allow you to register for jobs not posted which they are handling exclusively.
Includes listing of jobs in library and information science and technology, as well as career resources.
Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Job/Residency/Internship Listings
Job, residency, and internship opportunities submitted by academic and research libraries and related institutions.
American Society for Information Science & Technology - Job Search
Search by job title or keyword. You can upload your resume.
The Chronicle of Higher Education Career Network
Collection of jobs in higher education or related fields for faculty, administrative, and executive positions.
Positions related to technology-based information resources, with a focus on higher education.
Climbtheladder Library/Education Career Profiles
In-depth guides to every type of job that analyzes requirements, salary and job outlook, important skills and trends.
BLS provides summary data about typical duties performed by the occupation, the work environment, the median pay, and other useful information.
Medical Library Organization - Career Development
MLA offers career services for health sciences information professionals, students attending library school programs, and those interested in learning more about a career as a medical librarian.
Job search page for Metropolitan New York Library Council.
New York State Library - Library Development
Library related job openings in and around New York State from announcements posted to NYLINE.
Society of American Archivists Online Career Center
Lists national and international jobs related to the archival profession.
The SLA Career Center is the place to apply for jobs, post your résumé, and enjoy career enhancement resources produced by experts in the information and job placement industries.