Materials on reserve consist primarily of books and articles that have been requested by faculty for the use of their students. Most of this material is held at the Circulation/Reserve Desk in the main lobby. All reserve material is for reference use only and may not be taken out. Students must present their ID card to use Reserve Books. Articles are placed on electronic reserve (ERes) so that students may access them over the internet.
Enter the first few letters of the course title, course number, or instructor's name.
In addition to hardcopy books that are held at the Circulation/Reserve Desk, your professor has placed readings for your class on Electronic Reserve (ERes). These will be indicated in the system with the words, *ELECTRONIC COPY AVAILABLE*, in the format column.
Finding Your Reading
Once you have entered your course page, you will need to locate the reading you need. Documents may be sorted either by title, author, call number, or format by clicking the button.
Logging On
In order to access your online course materials, you may need to enter a password for your course. You can get the password from your professor or from the Circulation desk in the library. After entering your password, you will have to accept the copyright statement given in order to see the document. If you do not understand the statement, or would like more information on copyright, please contact the Circulation desk.
Viewing, Saving, And Printing
There are several types of online documents that can be posted on ERes. The most common types will be .pdf files (which can be viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader), Microsoft Word files (.doc), and Microsoft Excel (.xls) files. Students will need to have access to the corresponding "viewer". These viewers are available in all the computer labs on campus. However, students who own computers on or off campus may need to install the appropriate viewer or plugin for your course/reserve materials. If you do not have the appropriate program on your computer, free viewers and plugins are available for download through ERes.
Technical Requirements
ERes now uses "session variables" to remember information associated with your activity during an ERes session. This information is temporary and disappears either when you log out of ERes, or after a specified time-out period has elapsed. ERes does not write permanent cookies to your machine.
Printing Problems with Adobe Reader
If your document is printing out in reverse or mirror image then try the following:
Getting Help
If you are having trouble using ERes, you can obtain help by calling the Circulation desk during library hours.
Faculty wishing to place a book on reserve should fill out a Book Request Form at least one month prior to when the items will be needed. Items not already in the library's collection must be either purchased or interloaned from other LIU campuses and, therefore, may take longer than one month to reach the Reserve Desk. Although the Reserve Desk accepts personal books and other materials, the library cannot be held responsible for their loss or damage.
Individual faculty are responsible for obtaining permission from publishers for materials that do not comply with Fair Use. Items with labels such as Instructor’s Edition, Desk Copy, Examination Edition, Publisher’s Review Copy will be placed on reserve only after the individual faculty member obtains the publisher’s permission. Please download this form to send to the publisher:
The reserve status of an item automatically terminates at the end of a semester, unless otherwise indicated. Please remember that the library must comply with copyright law
ERes is an easy to use Electronic Reserve system. Using ERes, faculty can offer their students access to reserve materials online. The readings are password-accessible to students on or off-campus. If you have questions please contact the library.
All faculty and staff using this system must read the Copyright, Fair Use, and ERes information below. Faculty who wish to have library materials placed on ERes can download these forms and submit them to the Circulation desk in the library.
Individual faculty are responsible for obtaining permission from publishers for materials that do not comply with Fair Use. Form letters for permission from publishers can be downloaded below.
Course materials that can be placed on electronic reserve without restrictions include materials you created for your class and materials in the public domain (see below). It is recommended that you password your course page(s) so that only your students have access. All course pages that contain copyrighted material MUST be password protected.
Copyrighted Works
A work is considered copyrighted if it is original and is in a fixed medium. Most published material, not in the public domain, is copyrighted. A work does not need to be registered with the U. S. Copyright Office in order to be copyrighted. It is automatically copyrighted if it meets the originality and fixed medium requirements. Under this definition, even unpublished works, material found on web pages, and students' papers can meet the originality requirement. Student papers are also protected by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act and cannot be placed on electronic reserve without permission.
Fair Use
U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17 of U.S. Code) grants exclusive rights to the owners of copyrighted work to determine if and how their works are reproduced and used. However, limitations to these exclusive rights as they pertain to the educational use of materials are provided in the Fair Use doctrine. Fair Use allows for the reproduction of copyrighted work without permission but only if the following criteria are considered:
In light of these four criteria, it is important to keep in mind:
Additional information concerning Fair Use can be found in the U.S. Copyright Office Publication: Circular 21: Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians
Public Domain
Works in the public domain are free to use without limitations. All works published before 1923 are considered in the public domain. Works produced by government employees are generally in the public domain, although there can be exceptions.
Obtaining Permission: When and How
If the materials you are placing on electronic reserve do not fall within Fair Use, you must obtain permission from the publisher. You can obtain form letters from the library or the links above. It is recommended that requests for permission from the publisher be done well in advance of placing materials on electronic reserves. Publishers are slow to respond and several requests may be necessary.
It is the responsibility of each instructor to obtain permission for any materials placed on electronic reserve that do not meet Fair Use criteria and to make arrangements for the payment of any fees imposed by the publisher.
Telephone: (516) 299-2303
Fax: (516) 299-2127
Hours: | |
Mon-Thurs | 9:00-10:00 |
Friday | 9:00-5:00 |
Saturday | 9:00-5:00 |
Sunday | 12noon-5:00 |