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Library Instruction: For Instructors

This guide is designed to inform faculty and students about the library instruction program at LIU Post.

How to Schedule Instruction

Please use the form below to schedule library instruction.

Course Related Instruction

The Reference Department offers library instruction that can help your students to:  

  • Identify scholarly resources for your assignments and course.  
  • Find academic and research articles for their assignments through the use of online databases.
  • Access the vast resources available to them through our library and other libraries
  • Avoid plagiarism by understanding the laws, regulations and institutional policies related to the use of information and effectively using library resources for your specific assignments.

Library instruction that is geared toward a particular course and especially a particular assignment or research paper is the most effective type of library instruction. This specialized instruction is given for classes focusing on a particular research assignment or a specific subject area. Instruction can include how to use reference materials, how to search the online library catalog (LIUCAT), how to use any of the campus-wide databases on a basic level or using advanced search strategies, how to locate resources through the Internet, and/or how to evaluate Internet web sites.

Please Note:

The Instructional Media Center (IMC) offers library instruction to selected education classes. These lectures can be tailored to meet specific class assignments and are especially helpful in describing the books, periodicals, and automated sources necessary to complete research assignments. Please contact the IMC Coordinator at (516) 299-2895.

Ways to Enhance Your Library Instruction Experience

If possible, please provide the library faculty member with the following information:

  • Course syllabus
  • Term paper or any other major assignments
  • Specific areas you'd like to be covered during the instruction session (if any)
  • Areas you do not want covered (if any)

We also encourage the professor to be engaged in the instruction session. We find that the more interactive you are, the more the students will get out of the lesson.