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School of Professional Accountancy: Articles

Resources for the study of accountancy and taxation.

Periodical Sources

The following are excellent resources for locating articles on companies, industries, countries, business-related topics and news. They can be accessed from off-campus computers by using your LIU Username and Password.

Database Searching Tips

There is no standardized format for a database’s appearance or user interface. However, most databases offer similar search functionality.

  • Keyword searching is default on many databases.
  • Use important nouns as search words.
  • Try using synonyms of your search words (e.g., college, university, "higher education").
  • Avoid using common words: "a", "an","the","to","by", "of", etc.
  • Use double quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.
    Example: “embryonic stem cell”

Find Journals

Enter the name of a journal to find a list of databases that include full-text from a journal and/or those found in our LIU Libraries Periodicals Collections. Alternatively, enter a subject area, or scan the "Browse by Discipline" list, to identify publications on a particular topic area.

Journal Search Tips

Use the links in the "Find Journals" box above to discover whether or not a journal exists in our collection.

  • Very useful when you have a citation for a specific article, because you can go directly to the journal that contains it.
  • Search defaults to Title Contains. Use this if you only know one or two words in the journal title.
  • Use Title Begins With if you know the exact start of the journal title.
  • If you wish to have a copy made of an article that we own here, use the Digital Delivery Request Form.
  • If LIU does not subscribe to the full-text of an article, you can still request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).