Devine, Patricia G., and Steven J. Sherman. "Intuitive Versus Rational
Judgment and the Role of Stereotyping in the Human Condition:
Kirk or Spock?" Psychological Inquiry 3.2 (1992): 153-59. Print.
[From a Website]
Hodges, F. M. "The Promised Planet: Alliances and Struggles of the
Gerontocracy in American Television Science Fiction of the 1960s."
Aging Male 6.3 (2003): 175-82. Web. 18 Feb. 2010.
[From a Database]
Roberts, Robin. "Performing Science Fiction: Television, Theater, and
Gender in Star Trek: The Experience." Extrapolation 42.4 (2001):
340-56. Literature Resource Center. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.
[See examples under "Journal Article" to add the information for the website and database versions of a printed article]
Di Rado, Alicia. "Trekking through College: Classes Explore Modern
Society Using the World of Star Trek." Los Angeles Times 15 Mar.
1995: A3+. Print.
[Specialized article: Movie review - the review information can be replaced with Editorial, Letter, etc.]
Dargis, Manohla. "Kids in Space." Rev. of Star Trek, dir. J. J. Abrams.
New York Times 8 May 2009, sec. C: 1+. Print.
[Material available only on the website and not in the print version]
Lyall, Sarah. "To Boldly Go Where Shakespeare Calls." New York
Times. New York Times, 27 Jan. 2008. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.
["New York Times" is the name of the website and the name of the publisher; see notes]
[See examples under "Journal Article" to add the information for the website and database versions of a printed article]
[See examples under "Newspaper Article" for specialized articles and web-only material]
Mershon, Donald H. "Star Trek on the Brain: Alien Minds, Human
Minds." American Scientist Nov.-Dec. 1998: 585. Print.