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Shakespeare Forever: Shakespeare and Globalization: Legacies & Linkages in History


Shakespeare and Globalization: Legacies & Linkages in History

Lecture/Discussion by Shahid Siddiqi, Professor, Marketing & International Business Dept., College of Management

Literature is born in a context; so the creative mind that produces it. This is no less true for Shakespeare with his insightful observation of the human nature. What then was the environment in which the originality of Shakespeare’s tragedies and comedies were sketched and etched in, for them to become so indelible? This presentation attempts to explore the global context and consequences of Shakespeare's works through the persona of his characters. Two of these are Othello and Shylock. The presentation offers a dramatic reversal of the author and the context. The focus is the environment. The context is Shakespeare. The former stimulates. The latter creates.  In this sense, Shakespeare is the background to the exploration of the globalization phenomenon.


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